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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2007
Well, I know this will probably come as a shock to some, but JoJo is a smoker. Yes, I smoke. AND I decided Monday is my quit day. I have been smoking almost 20 years. My husband is down to 2 cigs a day and is ready for me to quit so we can have a smokefree life. I said after my dads OHS I would quit, and I cant go back on my word now. Plus getting the flu pushed me to quit EVEN more so. I am scared...I joined a support board. I am getting the patches tomorrow and picked Monday my day. Any quitters out there that can offer some advice? Its JoJos time...I know it is. Seeing my dad in ICU also scared me, I dont want that to be me or my hubby and quitting smoking will help in the long run. I am so embarassed to even tell you guys. BUT I am coming clean!
Yes,I was a smoker for about 20 years (off and on) also,and I'm so glad
you are quitting. We all know how dangerous it is to our health,but with
most of us we need a scare to give us a reality check. If that doesn't
work,remember that smoking is terrible for the skin,esp on women. A few
years ago I started to notice that women over 35/40 who smoked have
older looking skin with wrinkles around their mouths...scared me to try to
quitting 10 years ago,but I started again,stopped again,and now have
not smoked for almost 2 years.
I think what helps some at first is to chew gum,eat hard candies,etc.
I ate crushed ice throughout the day...drove my husband nuts when he was
home:) Another good thing for you is that you are quitting together,try to
make a committment with it together,get rid of all smoking paraphenalia
that is in the house,and try not to drink too much alcohol,atleast in the
early phase of quitting,alcohol can even make a non-smoker want a cigarette.
You are going to feel so much healthier in a couple weeks,and once you feel
the difference in your won't want to smoke anymore.
Good Luck,keep us posted-Dina:)
*Oh,and the patches DO help. But you may want to take it off before
going to sleep,as it can give weird dreams or keep you awake.
Good luck! I have never been a smoker, but work with a few....ALL have used Chantix to quit and it worked quite well...just wanted to let you know.
Thanks guys! Yea, I plan on not wearing the patch to bed. I am excited, anxious and nervous, it HAS to be done NOW...I am ready...I made a promise to my folks as well. I am doing it for me, but also for my loved ones. Its such an embarassing habit. My parents smoked when I was growing up. My dad hasnt smoked in 20 years - my mom 15 years. They did it, I can too!
I also was a smoker. I smoked from the time I was 14 until I was 35. I can tell you the day I quit March 19th 2005. My Mitral Valve gave me Pulmonary Hypertension and because of that, I was in the shower on the 19th and started to cough up blood. I WAS TERRIFIED. The first thing I thought of was cancer. I laid in bed crying my eyes out holding my wife and wondering why. Why did I do this to myself. So I went to the doctor and they ordered a CT scan. It showed spots all over my lungs. I was sent to a Pulmonologist and after he looked at it he told me he was sure the spots were nothing but my heart was enlarged. And now I'm here. So you already have your motivator, the mental picture of your dad in ICU. It works. Any time I feel like smoking, and sometimes I still do, I think of that morning in the shower. It really worked for me. Before that event I quit about 30 times. Oh and the spots, I was told would never go away that they were probably scar tissue. My last CT showed they were either shrinking or had disapered completely. I hope you do quit, my thoughts are with you.
Good luck!!! ... I quit and it was the HARDEST thing I ever gave up .... You can do it, patches, gum, ice, pizza, whatever works for you ... I would go back to them when I started to gain weight ... but you can always lose the weight if you gain, you can't live if your lungs quit on you .... I have very minor irreversible breathing issues ... so quit, quit, quit:D:D .... hey, and don't be ashamed or embarrassed .... I suspect there are quite a few closet smokers around .... again best of luck to you and your husband:)
I quit over 20 years ago. My advice is to quit completely. I tried a few times to quit "gradually"....have smoke here and there...and that didn't work. It was when I finally said "no more" and refused to have even one that I was finally able to quit. The first month or so was the hardest. After that, I've never looked back. Best wishes and good luck.
Good for you Jojo, I've been a smoker since the age of 14 and just quit 10 months ago, it feels great. After doing so I realised that smoking was more of a habit for me, I just got use to changing my way of living to break that bad habit. Keep it up it's a great decision you'll never regret doing so, you feel sooooo good after in every way. Best of luck. Oh and I forgot to mention I don't know if you've ever heard of this but I went for laser acupuncture to quit smoking which was great for me.
Good for you! I'm not a smoker, but my sister quit using an online community (board) for those that wanted to quit. It worked for her. Best wishes!!!


Good for you!!! :)I was a smoker too till the day my doctor said I needed OHS. You can do it! Remember this.....every time you want to have a cigarette:(, do something else to distract yourself and the urge will pass within a few minutes:D.....if it doesn't then think about the awful smell which isn't nice for such a pretty girl like you. Next step is if all else fails....think of your dad, your future, kids, husband, pets, etc. etc. You really can do this and believe me you will be soooooo happy and proud of yourself! Congrats to your husband too! You are both lucky to have a partner in quitting!;)

I quit nearly 11 years ago. I was a hardcore 1 pack to 1 1/2 pack a day Marlboro Red guy. I started at 15 or so and quit when I was just shy of my 33rd birthday. My Dads health also is what gave me that final nudge.

I had tried to quit several times before I finally was successful. When I finally did quit I used the patches and they worked great for me. I had none of the physical cravings at all, it was all in my brain. I know your not supposed to wear them to bed but I did anyway. Once I got through day 1 I didn't want to risk it. I also wore the 21mg patch for nearly 2 months and I think they say your supposed to wear them for 4 weeks and then step down to the 14s. So I was conservative but successful.

Two things I can tell you about quitting. If your serious and its coming from your heart that you absolutely want to stop, you will. And not only that, it will be simple because thats really what you desire. Second, don't think right now about quitting forever, think about quittiing till lunchtime. Then at lunch think about quitting till after dinner, and then about quitting until the next morning. Baby steps makes it not so daunting a task. But if you can get through that first day or two that progress will energize you and each day from then on will get much easier.

Good luck and stay strong, you won't regret it.
you guys are all amazing, thanks for the support! I joined a online community board to help me, like this one, so...that will help. I am getting my patches tomorrow and my husband is ready and I am ready. I am so tired of it.
Monday is my day. I will keep you all posted. I was so embarassed to tell you guys...especially my buddy Ross...So, thats the secret about me...and now its time to change!
I quit over 30 years ago. Just quit cold turkey. And I never went back. So once you quit never take another cigarette again. I still have dreams about smoking even after all that time. It's powerful and addicting stuff.
So glad to hear that you have made that first step to stop smoking! It can be husband smoked for more than 35 years & he quit cold turkey about 7 years ago. He chewed gum for the longest time and fought the urge to start up again for several years after but he stood his ground & has never picked it up again.

I know you can too! Just think of all the money you can use on other, healthier things, not to mention the number of years you'll add to your life by quitting!

Good luck to you! :)
I smoked for many years and quit several times for two years at a time.. Then.........I ended up in the hospital for emergency AVR. Spent 3 weeks in the hospital without smoking, I have not had a cigarette since. and don't miss them. I can't figure why, it has been so easy, but I am happy to say I am a non-smoker

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