soccerdad on the other side

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Active member
Nov 3, 2009
Trussville, AL - USA
Hello all - had minimally invasive AVR on Tuesday the 29th performed here in Birmingham at UAB Hospital by Dr. McGiffin. I don't really have anything to compare it to, but 3 days post op I would say recovery has gone well with the exception of going into a-fib this morning. After a dose of IV meds, all is well and I am making my laps around the cardiac wing. Chest tubes coming out were the hardest part of the whole experience. Only thing left is the line in my neck and the OnQ lines in my chest. St. Jude valve is a little louder than I had anticipated, but I guess I will get used to it. My wife says she can't hear it. The upside is we ended up in a suite because the cardiac wing was full when I came out of ICU! Thanks everyone for all of their prayers and good wishes.

P.S. - I am dictating this to my wife as she types! Happy New Year to everyone!

Kurt aka soccerdad
Great News! Welcome to the club.

Keep walking and see if you can find out where the nurses hide the ice cream. If you eat enough of it they will kick you out and send you home.

Best of luck. I'll bet you go home by this weekend.
At home eat, sleep, and walk, rest-repeat.

The upside is we ended up in a suite because the cardiac wing was full when I came out of ICU! Thanks everyone for all of their prayers and good wishes.

P.S. - I am dictating this to my wife as she types! Happy New Year to everyone!

Kurt aka soccerdad

So you got a comp upgrade to "first class"? :) Cool! Don't guess they also upgraded food service too? You know, steaks instead of burgers, brunch instead of breakfast?

Good to hear that your surgery went well. A-fib is not uncommon post-op. Just uncomfortable.
I'm curious about what type of "minimally invasive" surgery Dr. McGiffin performed on you. (mini-sternotomy, thoracotomy through the ribs, or ???)

IF UAB tries to Bill You (or your insurance company) for the upgrade, tell them "NO WAY" - You did not request the upgrade, you were put there "because the inn was full", i.e. NO Beds were available on the Heart Surgery Floor.

'AL C'
I'm curious about what type of "minimally invasive" surgery Dr. McGiffin performed on you. (mini-sternotomy, thoracotomy through the ribs, or ???)

IF UAB tries to Bill You (or your insurance company) for the upgrade, tell them "NO WAY" - You did not request the upgrade, you were put there "because the inn was full", i.e. NO Beds were available on the Heart Surgery Floor.

'AL C'

Al has a very good point to check on.

Both Baylor and Presbyterian hospitals told us that when insurance covers only semi-private and no semi-private is available, the patient is not billed for the difference. Neither John nor I were billed for the difference.

Would not be any difference with a patient having to be housed in a suite because no other room was available. Charges are more in ICU rooms than regular rooms, and some patients remain in the ICU because no regular rooms are available. Perhaps some patients are hospitalized longer than anticipated, or perhaps an emergency case came in, and that's why the hospital's census is higher than originally anticipated.
Great news Kurt! I am so glad things have gone well for ya. Don't worry about the A-Fib. It seems to be the norm. I went in once and haven't been back in.

It's great that you are on this side!!! You are going to feel better and better!!

5th Day Post-Op

5th Day Post-Op

Better and better every day. Got a lot of mucus and pflem that I'm working thru wihich is making harder on me today. More pain pillls, but walked a ton today. Made about 12 or 13 laps around the floor today. Heart rate was down from 109 to 53 due to beta-blockers and some "A" drug. Had an Xray and they put me in some stockings and an airpump for my legs. Pulled about 7 lbs. off, so I think we're going in the right direction. Doc wants to get an echo tomorrow. if so and the INR is in shape, then they might let me get out of here. Again, thank to everyone that helped me to gain the limited knowledge in a short amount of time for an event such as this. Great help, great knowlege base, great folks.

aka (Soccerdad)
AVR-St. Jude
UAB (Dr. McGiffin)