Scar still prominent!!

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Feb 13, 2006
It has been nearly four years since I had my surgery to replace my heart valve. My question is, in this four years the scar that i have is still very prominent, and very bumpy, is this normal, and is this how it will stay forever?, I was under the impression that eventually the scar, wouldn't be as bumpy, and protrude out of the chest? Thanks,
Time heals all they say. I guess everybody heals differently. For me it`s been only three months but I still can`t wear a shirt without my scare swelling and turning dark red.
I personally think it has something to do with the skill/precision of the person sewing you up! My operation scar (2 years out) is hardly noticeable, just a thin white line. My surgeon is the top man in our region.
But a few weeks after my op I had to have fluid surgically drained from the pericardial sac and was opened up again - the scar from that joins up underneath the original scar and is a thick bumpy line, not red though. The surgeon that did the percicardial window was not the same one that did my op. He was a lot younger/less experienced.
Just my humble opinion. There could be lots of reasons for your scar being like this.

Your scar could be keloid... if so you might want to see a plastic surgeon if it bothers you too much.... My scar has all but faded away...everyone is different....
Strangely, my scar was very thin after the surgery; I wanted to improve it and started using some expensive ointment (not sure if I can mention brand names:D), the scar is getting worse, widening, and not even!. It is disappointing, but I do not care much...I am happy to feel better.:)
yea 9 months after op mine very bumpy you can even feel it when got jumpers etc on lol,but it doesnt bother me,and when talking at a party always comes in handy when someone shows of there cut finger and there massive scar, just lift my top and say thats a
I'm approaching 3 years and my scar went awry about 9 months out. Got red and bumpy and sore and ropey. Very tender, etc.. I am quite certain that it is about personal skin types and nothing at all about who your surgeon was. My surgeon was also trained in plastic surgery, gave me a beautiful little 4.5 inch cut that was healing beautifully and then just went kaput. The sternum, back shoulder and some other areas where there is alot of movement are prone to keloid or hypertrophy.

Some people recommend plastic surgery. They cut out the scar and try again. My surgeon's opinion was that it will just hypertrophy all over again.

I ended up going to my acupuncturist and after 4 sessions, the area she was working on began to show marked improvement. Just getting the blood circulating properly to let the scar ammend itself. I need to go back and work on the lower half of the scar. It's so expensive, and not in the cards right now. But quite honestly, I think some massage, some accupuncture and time were what finally helped me out of the ghastly bright red, sore and tender ropey situation.

We've discussed this a lot, so you could always do a search here on scar, hypertrophy, keloid, etc.. and come up with some other ideas. Different things work for different people, it seems. For me, I got really tired of its being so sore. It still is, very tender, but not so that I wince anymore. It will probably be perfect in 15 years when it's time for the next surgery!! :p

Good luck! You're in the same boat with a whole lot of us. I don't know what the percentage is, here, but you certainly are not alone.

:) Marguerite
You could be right Marguerite.

I did say that there could be lots of reasons why Steve 119's scar is still prominent - but in my own case I definitely believe that it was the different surgeons expertise.
Anyway I'm not that worried because the lower scar is not visible - I'll just live with it - it's not sore or anything.
I hope yours continues to improve. There is a product that some people find has amazing results - it's called Bio-Oil. Do you have it in the States? I'm sure you probably do. Here's a link to their website anyway:

It has been nearly four years since I had my surgery to replace my heart valve. My question is, in this four years the scar that i have is still very prominent, and very bumpy, is this normal, and is this how it will stay forever?, I was under the impression that eventually the scar, wouldn't be as bumpy, and protrude out of the chest? Thanks,

You're not alone. Sounds like mine. Some are prone to healing like this. My surgeon Dr. David is quite a surgical expert so I know it wasn't his skill. I've had other scars that healed similarly so he told me before I even had surgery that I would like have a keloid scar. I've been to specialists and the potential cures are difficult and results inconsistent. So I've decided to live with it.
My scar is 12 weeks and a day old and is keloiding on the lower 3 inches. I have a 4 inch scar on my knee from the 80s that did the same thing, so I was expecting it. On that one, my surgeon injected cortesone and it flattened out. I'll probably do the same with this one. I've had that recommended by my GP and by a well known dermatologist, who suggested I wait another month.
I think this has lots to do with skin type, stitching skills and whether or not you are bothered ?
I think maybe it's more important for the ladies, their self confidence and wanting to look great. But they or we really shouldn't worry cos georgeous people are gorgeous with or without scars !
For me, I'm just looking forward to being strong and well, and if that means a 9" Mars bar up my chest then so be it ! And like Neil says, it'll be great at parties !
Oh yeah.... Bees honey ! Lots of people, my Mum included swear by it for getting rid of scars and much cheaper that other products. It works a treat, just rub it onto the area and cover it up... Natures magic !
Sounds to me like you are a keloid person. My scar from my coarc is still very prominent. Here's the kicker, That operation was 36 years ago. According to every doctor I have talked to and it has been alot of them it's a gene thing. At one point my mom took me to an expert and according to him people of northern European decent are more prone to this condition. The way it was explained to me was the body doesn't know when to stop producing scar tissue. Im not an expet but I have alot of experience with this condition. It eventually will colapse and become flesh colored. Also it won't agravate any more. My coarc scar is still prominent enough that when my little neices and nephews see it I tell them I was bit by a shark when I was young. I had a guy at work believe that for about a year. My surgeon gave me a oitment that is supposed to lessen the effects of keloid. I can't use it until after 6 weeks post surgery so I still have a few weeks until I can start to use it. I hope it will work because the itching and growth of the scar is borderline unbearable.
....There is a product that some people find has amazing results - it's called Bio-Oil. Do you have it in the States? I'm sure you probably do. Here's a link to their website anyway:


I bought the bio-oil today from CVS pharmacy...I hope it will help. Funny that each inch of my scar is inch (bottom) thick and swollen, above it is OK, the middle inch is a very thin and hardly visible line(middle), second inch from top keloid, first inch (top) flat:confused::confused: If it depends on skin type, how come it is so different ... before I thought that probably it was more than one surgeon who closed me up or glued the skin together?!:confused:...they took turns:eek::eek:
Four Years On

Four Years On

I was cut open 11/04 and for the first 12 months there was a noticeable line done the incision. I was conscience of going to the pool swimming and scaring the kiddies with the scar. These days four years on with a hairy chest I have to look hard even to see the scar. If it wasn't for the scar I feel better than I have since my mid 20's, 2 decades ago. ;)
you might ask your cardio about it. sounds like you have some keloids. mine is white and flat, even the four in my leg. But if one looks, they are certainly visible. there is one up into my groin that is wide and funny looking, but not bumpy. I would not like to have to wear that one for the world to see so am glad it's hidden all the time.