Sauna after AVR?

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Jan 26, 2014
I'm 7 months past my surgery. Im going to ask my doctor this week - but was wondering if anyone has advice. I enjoy a sauna and was wondering if its safe after AVR tissue replacement surgery? Feeling good overall
I've spent an amount of time in Sauna in Finland after my AVR and there is no problem as far as I'm aware. I'm sure the Finns would bitch about it if they couldn't.

So, for sure your HR goes up, but that's all. There is no change to your core temperature and unlike exersize there is no "strain" on the valve created by the increase in blood pressure (when the muscles compress). Doing squats would put more stress on the valve.

So I see no reason why not ...
I would take the "if it feels good, do it" approach. As pellicle said, there isn't anything we know of that would directly cause any harm to your heart or the valve - especially this far along in the healing process. Try it - and if it feels bad, get out. That's about all I can think of.
Thanks guys. I put a call into my cardiologist and thru his assistant he recommended against it. No specifics given. I really like saunas and the gym i go to has one but I'm noticing some rapid heartbeats for hours afterward. Could be my imagination so I'm likely going to hold off until talking to Doc face to face
For what it is worth my HR goes up in a sauna too. Yes, even before the surgery. As far as I know it is a totally normal reaction. Your body is attempting to cool itself, and to get as much blood to the surface it an effort to extract what little cooling effect from your skin as it can it pumps like mad.

I am a little surprised your cardio seems to be ignorant of this. And also why they are concerned about high heart rate.

I can only surmise its because they have no idea what you mean by high. Try giving them some numbers. Try also asking for specific numbers too. For instance if 160bpm is fine in the sauna then just leave for a shower (or go roll in the snow)

It is not heart rate per she which is the problem, it is heart load under pumping, at load comes when muscles tension, as in doing work. I specifically worked through ESE questions with both my surgeon and my cardio. Both had the same idea.
