Pain on left side

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
New York
A question - I'm 8 weeks post-op from AVR (mechanical valve). My left side of the breast (closest to the incision) is still a bit numb. I'm also having some pain in the left breast. I've been to my PCP and he said they might have cut a nerve during surgery. Has anyone else had this? I go to my cardio at the end of this month and will ask him as well. I go back to work tomorrow and a bit nervous about having these pains when at work.
Yvonne, whether male or female, these sorts of pain and numbness seem pretty widely shared. We discussed this subject at Cardiac Rehab a few weeks ago where everyone was comparing experiences just as we do here in VR. Our Nurse-physiologist said that pains in the muscles of the chest especially on the left side and beneath the left shoulder blade are common but should fade after two to six months. In this cardiac rehab program we are not allowed to do any upper body exercise until 12 weeks after surgery. Once one begins even modest upperbody exercise this discomfort disappears more rapidly as does the numbness. It is not just women who experience this but men as well. If the pains are really sharp rather than aches, however, I think it would be a good idea to draw your doctor's attention to it again.

Thanks for the info, Larry. Pains under the left shoulder blade sounds like some of the pains I get too. I haven't started any kind of upper body exercises. I'm waiting to see my cardiologist and get the okay from him. I'm almost at 6 months post-op and I'm still feel pains and numbness on my left side. At 3 months, I saw my cardiologist and he said this is normal and people heal at different speeds and some people take longer than others. I recently went for a gyn exam and she does my annual breast exam. I told her about it and she said it's possible they cut a nerve and that happens. I had my annual mammo and they did find a cyst, but I'm not even sure if it's on the left side. They weren't concerned about it and said to come back in 6 months for another mammo/sono.

I guess what I'm wondering is how do I know the numbness and pains I continue to feel on my left side are from the surgery? I thought the pains/numbness on the left side were getting better after a few months, but now it seems more again. Or maybe I'm just noticing it more. I don't want to appear like a hypochondriac.

I've also been getting a low INR reading for the past month and a half. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything.

Any ideas from anyone?
Is your INR in range, but on the low side, or is it low and out of range? If low and out of range, have any dosage adjustments been made?

I don't think it has anything to do with the pain. I remember this pain on the right side of my incision, above my breast, that ached for months and months. certainly more than 6 months. A thread discussed this particular pain just last week.
The INR is low and out of range. They keep increasing my Warfarin dosage and it keeps going lower. I'm going today for another blood test.

My pain on the left side is sort of above my breast, too. Not actually a pain more like an ache, I guess. It's kind of hard to describe.
Yvonne, regarding your INR, would u like to start a thread under the AntiCoagulation section,
so that more members can help you and see it?
There must be something interacting with your med or you just need a higher dose at this stage of recovery.
Many docs are nervous to increase doses which is silly.
Yvonne, regarding your INR, would u like to start a thread under the AntiCoagulation section,
so that more members can help you and see it?
There must be something interacting with your med or you just need a higher dose at this stage of recovery.
Many docs are nervous to increase doses which is silly.

Be sure to list meds you take in your post, Rx and/or OTC, etc.
That ache may be from the rib spreader/nerve cut, muscles cut, general healing going on. Lots of us have had aches that lasted a while. But if you are concerned, definitely call or see your doctor again!

As for the INR, the more info you give us, the better. Dosages, other meds, historical INR on what dosage, how much exercise you generally get, has your weight increased lately? water weight gain? I know a few pounds either way can monkey with my INR. Even constipation can be an issue!

Please do start a thread down in anticoagulation management. We'll get you straightened out, and in range!
Thanks for the help everyone...I just posted in the anticoagulation section about the INR.

As for the aches, I've noticed that it seems to be worse when I'm at work. At home, I don't seem to hurt as much. My job is an office job, so it's not like I'm doing anything strenuous, although it is a stressful job. Or maybe it's just a coincidence that it bothers me more at work.

I am starting to think it's muscles, nerves or just the healing.

I'm waiting to call my cardiologist when I get my latest INR results (should be tomorrow). I figure I should call with all my issues at once.