Official Marching orders (surgery date)

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Robb Wilder Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2010
Fort lauderdale Florida
I have preop on July 9th. I am to report to the hospital on July 14th. The surgeon wanted to do it next week but after talking to him he agreed to keep my original date of the 14th. I told him by keeping the 14th I will be stress free from work. I have some reports and payroll to do on the 12th. I want to those done and out of the way so I dont have to worry about it.

I guess reality is setting in but im keeping my sense of humor. I think.
There is a lot to be said about going into surgery with a peace of mind set! I'm glad your surgeon is willing to work out the schedule so you can get the payroll and reports done; I imagine the folks who will get their paychecks will feel better also. My cardio at the Cleveland Clinic was very put out with me because I refused to undergo OHS until my son walked down the isle to meet his bride. We had waited til he was 47 to see a wedding take place and I was not going to miss that event, no way, no how!!!!! It all worked out just fine.

Actually a lot find it more stressful waiting around for all the preop tests to be done, at least it is at the clinic because they have such a lot of folks being put through the ropes at the same time. The surgery day is more stressful for the family; you're out in laalaa land unaware of what's going on!

Best wishes for a successful outcome!
Thanks!! Thats exactly what I say .. The hardest part will be my family waiting.. Ill be asleep. My hard part is just recovering but what a great reward once im recovered having energy and being able to do the things I used to do. Looking forward to wearing my son out at Disney World instead of me being ready to go before lunch.
Great attitude Robb! That'll help a ton! You sound pretty similar to me at that point. I was more worried about how friends/family were going to get through the actual surgery ('cause I knew I'd be asleep). Keep up the great attitude and humor and you'll do great! And you're also doing a great thing by visualizing out-lasting your kids at Disneyworld. Seeing yourself do something like that in the future is a great way to get through this mentally too. And there's no doubt you'll be feeling great (compared to how you're feeling now) a few weeks/months after surgery. I'm at 8 wks post-op and already feel better than before surgery.
Best of luck and I know with that attitude you will do wonderful!!! There is a very strong mind body connection and a good attitude can do wonders for a great recovery. Will have you in my thoughts and prayers........Michael
Thanks for the support! I am trying to keep milestones for myself so I have something to look forward to while im recovering. LIke in the hospital, when I dont want to get up but getting up , getting moving and walking so I can get all the tubes out of me and so my son can come see me by the 3rd or 4th day. My sons birthday is August 9th (he turns 3). We had Disney Reservations for the 6th. I want to make sure im well enough to atleast be able to go into the park with the help of a wheelchair for a few hours then meet my wifes family in the campground for a birthday celebration for him. So that will make me keep going. Ive got work access at home now so that will help keep me from getting bored and getting in over my head on things I can do. There is only so much Farmville and Mafia Wars one can do. I just need milestones to look forward to and ill be okay. Driving myself after that will be the next milestone. I just keep setting goals and dates and keep moving forward.

Like a line from one of my sons favorite movies... "just keep swimming, Just keep swimming...."
Good luck Robb! Yes, humor certainly helps in difficult times. Will be thinking of you. Good luck!
Robb, a sense of humor is never out of place. I think a real mark of sanity is never taking one's self too seriously; if you look for humor you will find it. The morning of my AVR, I was feeling a little tense until the two ladies came in to clip the fur on my chest. You could tell they had done this many many times. When I started chatting with them they proved to be terribly funny and had hilarious stories to tell. It helped to start that day with laughs. Best wishes, Robb.

Thanks for the support! I am trying to keep milestones for myself so I have something to look forward to while im recovering. LIke in the hospital, when I dont want to get up but getting up , getting moving and walking so I can get all the tubes out of me and so my son can come see me by the 3rd or 4th day. My sons birthday is August 9th (he turns 3). We had Disney Reservations for the 6th. I want to make sure im well enough to atleast be able to go into the park with the help of a wheelchair for a few hours then meet my wifes family in the campground for a birthday celebration for him. So that will make me keep going. Ive got work access at home now so that will help keep me from getting bored and getting in over my head on things I can do. There is only so much Farmville and Mafia Wars one can do. I just need milestones to look forward to and ill be okay. Driving myself after that will be the next milestone. I just keep setting goals and dates and keep moving forward.

Like a line from one of my sons favorite movies... "just keep swimming, Just keep swimming...."

I think it is really good to have a goal like that of something you REALLY want to do, is a great motivator to get in your walks, do your breathing excercises ect. I know it really helped Justin, after his last surgeries, because he was determined to be able to go to Cooperstown to see Cal Ripken inducted in the HOF. (he went)
Since it will only be about 3 weeks post op, I'm curious are you just going for the day, or a couple days at the camp ground? I know Disney with kids can wipe out the normal parent, so I'm glad you are planning on needing a wheel chair.

All the best with your July 9th and 14th sceduled daytes, good for you for maintaining a positive attitude and do keep your sense of'll get you through some little bumps in the road.

We'll be routing for you to have a smooth event

the best

Thanks!! Thats exactly what I say .. The hardest part will be my family waiting.. Ill be asleep. My hard part is just recovering but what a great reward once im recovered having energy and being able to do the things I used to do. Looking forward to wearing my son out at Disney World instead of me being ready to go before lunch.

omg - my exact quote - I want to take my kids there!!! and not have to go nap myself! lol

keep you eyes on this prize as you go into these next hard days. !

Good Goal!

Good Goal!

Thanks!! Thats exactly what I say .. The hardest part will be my family waiting.. Ill be asleep. My hard part is just recovering but what a great reward once im recovered having energy and being able to do the things I used to do. Looking forward to wearing my son out at Disney World instead of me being ready to go before lunch.

omg - my exact quote - I want to take my kids there!!! and not have to go nap myself! lol

keep you eyes on this prize as you go into these next hard days. !
