No Reserve?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
Northern VT
Hey guys,
Just getting back from my GP's office. . . again, I've been sick the entire month of March with a cold/bronchitis. I've been on 2 courses of antibiotics and 2 courses of prednisone (as well as tessalon pearles, codeine cough syrup, and other random over the counter cough/cold stuff), and she just started me on a 3rd course of prednisone. She also told me (pretty adamantly) that she wants me to be off from work for another week. She said that I have very little reserve, so when I get sick, I get really sick, and it takes a while to bounce back. I just have a hard time allowing myself to be out of work this long, and allowing myself to take the break I need, especially when when I am resting I feel halfway decent. I probably went back to work too early, GRRR. I get SO frustrated with this. She had a heart to heart with me about being compassionate with myself and me needing to allow myself to rest, she leveled with me and told me she has had a hard time in the past her self with dealing with this too, which helped (she's also got some chronic health issues herself). I also had a good talk with my boss, and she's ok with things, she just wants me to rest and get better, I just cant help but being self conscious/nervous about being out for so long for "just a cold/bronchitis" and being home feeling half way decent/wanting to go back, but not. (my parents gave me their work ethic through and through). . . GRRR, I just remember, being at work half way isnt helpful to anyone, esp my patients

anyways, does anyone have any experience with the "no reserve" thing?

Thanks in advance
I am almost 50, my mother passed (49) away when I was 14 from complications during OHS. Saw my brother ignore his symptoms until he needed a new heart, he died getting off an airplane on the pedway at the age of 45. His funeral and my fathers eyes are forever burned into my memory!
You have accomplished so much in 24 years, take the time for YOU!
Live Love Laugh<3

I had "just a cold/bronchitis" that turned into "just endocarditis". I went through the same treatment regimen that you are going through but I tried to keep working. Finally I got so sick I had to miss days, but by then it was too late. Take care of yourself. If your boss is cool with it get the rest that you need to get over this thing.
Morgan, I've never had much of a strength reserve either. When other people get a cold for 5 days, I get
it for 10 days. Apparently my immune system is somewhat sluggish. Such is life.
Only YOU know how YOU feel and what YOU need. Get some rest and recuperate.
Hopefully you are still eating well...and I also take 500 mg of Vitamin C every day forever.
Rest and recuperate well, Morgan. I have "no reserve" when it comes to energy!! When I overdo things, it takes me a long time to re-charge my energy.

A daily Vitamin C intake helps a lot.

Wish you feel better soon :smile2:
AntiBiotics can kill of the 'good bacteria' in you digestive system which allows Yeast to grow.
This can TOTALLY Wipe You Out for a couple of weeks AFTER you finish taking the anitbiotics.

Were you taking any Pro-Biotics while taking the anti-biotics?
This can help to minimize or even prevent being wiped out by antibiotics.
Many use OTC Acidophilis tablets. Yogart with Live Cultures is another good source of pro-biotics.
I don't know how your cold started, but mine started with high fever (101-102) for a few days that wiped out my energy. I am still coughing a lot after 2 weeks and have very very low energy. I feel like my recovery is slow because I never give my body the rest it needs..with work and a kid. So, if you are feeling wiped out.. take the time for your body to recover. The cough does take a lot out of you.

BryanB, how did your bronchitis end up in endocarditis? Was it undiagnosed endocarditis all along?
Thanks guys for the support, it means alot, I've done alot of laying low, and I think I am starting to feel better, the prednisone works wonders when you really need it, and I've been using pain meds as needed for the rib/chest pain as well as tessalon pearles, I have been starting to use less of the as needed meds and getting away with it. . . so, hopefully thats a good sign
I hope I've learned my lesson this time, next time I'm gonna take my time off from work up front, and hopefully I wont be a month out needing to take time off!!!

anyways, 4 more days off, I'm going to take advantage of this and chill out, I'm also having my appt in boston at BACH in 2 weeks for my MRI/stress test/ekg/etc so, we'll see how that goes, looking forward to the trip, pretty nervous about the appt, the MRI and having the "kids" talk, but it will reassure me that nothing with this bronchitis is heart related hopefully too
I'll keep in touch!
Thanks again