I was being treated for asthma until my new to me cardiologist got hold of me and ran test, cath and echo. I was then diagnosed with severe aortic valve . It had high density of calcification.
I was told to take it easy , do not exert myself.
Surgery was scheduled within a few weeks and my surgeon afterwards told me my valve ranked in the top 5 worst he has ever saw and he has replaced a lot of them.
Again, my cardiologist rated my valve as severe.
I was at the point before surgery that a flight of stairs or any type incline would get me winded, if walking a flat surface, maybe 50 to 75 yards before I needed rest.
My surgeon said I was also a candidate for sudden death syndrome which can be related to the aortic valve, told me with out the surgery I might have made it 5 months, it was that serious.
This was his diagnosis after he had me opened up.
To me if you say you are severe, then to me it is time to take it easier on your self, just my opinion. I only have me own experience to go off of and for so long I was being treated for the wrong thing.
Take care and follow the docs advice.
Oh, and I just turned 56 today, gotta love the extension on life I have been given