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    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread Regarding afib.
      Early on INR often fluctuates dramatrically, it is important to react to it however, 4.5 is probably fine but you wouldn't want to go...
    • danielwoz
      Doctors heard it (in a time of unrelated medical stress) when I was 18... Had my BAV replaced when I was 42 after reasonably significant...
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread Regarding afib.
      I agree with the general sentiment here, many people live with constant AFib episodes, assuming no other significant symptoms its...
    • danielwoz
      I think it's also that the Murmur might not always be there. Under my stressful situations (stomach ulsur in ER) when I was 20 a doctor...
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread On-X low INR target.
      Based on other hostile replies I see you write regulary on this forum, I wish this was true.
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread On-X low INR target.
      I don't understand this comment, I was suggesting quite the opposite, it's quite possible to get a result of 2.3 and actually be at 1.8...
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread On-X low INR target.
      Let me expand. The results showed one standard deviation test variance was 0.33 INR and two standard deviations (commonly referred to in...
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread On-X low INR target.
      These numbers in the results are really misleading for users understanding the reality of their use. The SD was 0.33 INR and SD2 seems...
    • danielwoz
      danielwoz replied to the thread On-X low INR target.
      This lines up with the median result in the research. Reference: :-)
    • danielwoz
      A sponge on a stick Removable / hand held shower head A pill planner box Things you probably want regularly (around your house or...
    • danielwoz
      Thanks so much for replying. Its critical to my work (software engineer), but I was too scared to ask health care professionals yet...
    • danielwoz
      When were you able to resume taking it after the surgery?
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