New @VRorg, surgery scheduled 18th May

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Apr 27, 2011
Germany, Frankfurt

I just joined this forum but started reading here a few months ago. I`m a 36yo. male with MVP and MR grade III, but completely asymptomatic. As my heart started a slow but constantly enlargement from last year on, I decided with the doctors to go for a mitral valve repair (if not possible biological replacement). My surgery is scheduled for the 18th of May at the Hamburg University Heart Center ( and I still feel comfortable.

I want to say Thank You! for all the interesting informations and experiences one can find here in this forum!

Best wishes,
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Best wishes going forward, Marc.
Please stay with us and relate your experience with valve repair or possible replacement. Your input helps everyone who looks to for help and information.
Welcome aboard Marc...

It's great to have you in the waiting room where you are in the company of great, supportive people. There are literally hundreds of people on this forum that have gone before you on this journey, so know that you are not alone.

Please keep us updated on your progress and make sure to check out some of the important "Sticky" threads that are tied to the Pre-Surgery and Post-Surgery forum areas such as: What to take to the hospital and Pre-Surgery Consultation - list of questions. Also, take a peek in at the thread "After Surgery, what are things that suprised you". I found these to be extremely helpful in knowing what to expect going forward.

I'll be going in 9 days ahead of you on May 9th. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery! Welcome to Class of 2011...

:smile2:Welcome Mark. When it is is time. At age 30 I was like you...completely asymtomatic(I thought). A few days ago, I met with a new(very experienced) cardio and after looking over my very old hospital surgery record, he commented..."you were critical and got the right valve at the right time". After many successful "post op" years, I agree with him. I wish you an easy surgery and quick recovery:thumbup:.
Marc, you are very fortunate to have found this site before surgery, and you are very fortunate to live in such an
advanced country. My last visit to Hamburg was in 1984 but my heart problems have prevented me from going back.
I look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Marc, welcome. I lived in Germany for 7 live in a very advanced country and your surgery will go just fine.

Hey Mark, my wife grew up in Germany and moved to Canada with her parents when she was 15.

I went for a massage a week before my surgery and the receptionist had a brother that was a heart surgeon. He works in Germany now, can't remember what hospital it was in. She said she watched him perform surgery once, looked over his shoulder, she had to be careful not to fall or trip on cables

Hope your surgery goes well and there are no major road bumps!! Welcome to this portal and I know how glad I was to find it before my surgery.
Thank you all for the warm welcome! Like Bina I also think, that we all here should be thankful to live in such advanced countries so we can at least live with our bigger or smaller valve problems. I´m still reading around the forum and will keep you updated as far as possible about my way.

Best wishes,
Marc, welcome to the forum! Like you I am a new member and I am due to have my surgery the day before you, on May 17th, here in England.

Best of luck to you and I hope all goes smoothly. I shall look forward to hearing how you get on. :rolleyes2:
Hi Friends!

My surgeon got ill so I have to wait a little bit longer for my surgery and I am back home now. I will keep you informed.

Best wishes!
Oh wow! Bummer on the scheduling, but welcome to The Other Side.

Glad you're able to post - says something good for your recovery to be sane so quickly. Keep us posted, we'll be here for you.
I'm sorry your surgery got postponed. I know how much that stinks when you are all ready and have everything set up as far as work, home etc and just ready to get it over with and get on with starting your recovery and find out at the last min your surgery will be postponed, We've had a couple of Justin's surgeries bumped for various reasons (he also had to bump others because he needed ER surgeries which stinks too) I really believe things happen for a reason and you will have the surgery when you are supposed to if that makes sense.
The good thing is your surgeon cares enough about his patients not to operate unless he is feeling 100%, so you know he'll be at the top of his game when you do have your surgery. I hope they are able to get you a new date quickly, Please let us know when it is.
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