Nancy Jane ready to go. 2-9

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Nancy jane

Hi all one big thanks to every one. Just had pre op day at mo Bap in st Louis. All went well and as was told. Cath went great - & to echo everyone' - NO BIG DEAL.

Unless they find u need a by pass too. Yup. But how lucky to find out now. Just one - and I m fine with it. Dr says my goal of presentations for April 14 is certainly do able. So I'm a happy camper. Getting fixed - AND. Able todo what I love. Can't beat that

Thx for all your prayers. Dave and I go in together - same day - time not place so double prayers are good. No fair praying for one & not the others. Ha ha

So next post we will be in post surgery. Ck it out but I've us a few days.

Hugs to ll. nancy. 2-9 FINALLY.
All best wishes.....

Hope your surgeries go well and you have speedy, bump free recovery.
Wishing ya both a speedy recovery and looking forward to hearing about your experiences. I too had a coronary by pass , so a little longer on the pump.
My prayers are with ya both!!
Can't wait to hear how that electric chair is working out :)

Hope all goes great and fast for you. Post up as soon as you can, can't wait to hear how everything went.