Loss of appetite a symptom?

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anne casey

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2011
Our 18 year son is on the border of severe for BAV stenosis. He was just cleared to play baseball now his senior year, but with restrictions of no heavy weight lifting and no cardio. Workouts....so he basically gets to play only a little. Dr. Says to wait for symptoms. On and off for several months now, he makes the comments that he just doesn't have the appetite like he used to, and compared to his 13 yr. old brother, or other boys his age, he doesn't. Could this related to his condition? He also had a double header baseball game a week ago in 40 degree weather (I know Crazy!) he played a few innings in the outfield and pinch ran. The next day he styed home in bed till4 pm sleeping....he said in the morning he had stomached ache, then at noon a headache...then he said he was just so tired. I'm thinking being in the cold weather for so long made his heart work harder, just to keep his body temp up? Is this possible? I don't think he's lost any weight, certain ally hasn't gained any. No water retention in his legs, no trouble breathing. @ once a month he gets dizzy from getting up from the couch fast. (I get that too from time to time) but maybe putting these all together means more? Anyone else experience the loss of appetite?
Hi Anne.

When having some heart condition, there is a (natural) tendency to adjudicate almost any symptom to it. But, as far as i know, loss of apetite is unrelated to heart valve problems.
This may be a bit far-fetched, but there have been studies that showed a link between having a heart condition and depression. Loss of appetite and energy are also possible symptoms of depression. Has he been tested? Doc's have a simple questionnaire that may give them an idea if that is the case.
I was told of some things that happen AFTER heart valve replacement such as loss of appetite, insomnia, night sweats ect.... but not without surgery maybe the most important thing is he has enough protein for sure.
Hi Anne,

I can't say I have ever had a loss of appetite, but after prolonged exertion I do have the need to stay down for quite a while the next day. Not every time, but more often as of late.
I will feel fine and good during the activity, then later that day or the next morning I feel WASTED. I describe the feeling almost as though my "heart is tired". It feels like a muscle that you have worn out from over use like legs or arms or any other. Not the soreness like with lactic acid after a workout, just an exhaustion. My doctor's don't can't relate it to anything in particular and don't even relate it to my heart necessarily, but I feel it is just as you have described, a symptom of having to work harder.

This is a new symptom for me over the last several months, so I am trying to moderate my physical activity to avoid it. The problem is that when you have no symptoms during the activity, it can sometimes be hard to tell yourself to scale back. I would imagine that for an 18 year old it is even more difficult. I know when I was 18 I refused to acknowledge my condition, almost to a fault.
Thanks for all your responses! I felt to that it wouldn't be a symptom, yet it seems odd it's gone on this long.

NOW....he's home in bed sick again today. last week the same thing happened after a game too. (Dad and I are taking turns checking on him today.) but it also seems odd that he had a game last night, we didn't go, but he said he played outfield for 3 innings only and never had a ball hit to him. He did not bat or pinch run. So you know he wasn't very active, other than jogging in and off the field. When he got home he was fine, but soon, crashed on the couch and was exhausted. This morning he thought he'd have to throw up, but hasn't. Could his valve be slowing down his whole digestive system? I work at his high school, and yesterday, before the game he came into my office and made the comment that it seems every other day, what ever he does seems like such an effort. And that his legs seem tired. He's not running a temp., no fluid build up that I can tell, no chest pains. How do you know if it's a infection in the valve? Could this be the problem? (He did have a nastily knee scrape last week,) "mom intuition" has been telling me something is wrong for a week now...and prom is this sat! And graduation is 3 weeks away! I'm gona see how he is at noon...maybe call the dr. Advice and prayers please! Thx.
Lost of appetite and malaise/lethargy are symptoms of bacterial endocarditis, and people with bicuspid valves are susceptible to endocarditis. I know this because I had it. The primary symptom though is fever. If he ever gets a fever, don't assume it's the flu, don't wait 3-4 days to see if it goes away, take him to the doctor and they may want to do prompt blood cultures to check for bacterial endocarditis.
A simple blood test will show if his white blood cell count is elevated, which will indicate infection. Blood cultures will show if he has a bacterial infection (bacteria in blood). When I had subacute endocarditis, I just had malaise and loss of appetite and a recurring fever. I would go to work, wouldn't eat much, would crash on the couch when I got home. Fever and night sweats would come and go. Up to 102, down to 98. The afternoon I went to the doctor my temperature was about 98.6, but sure enough the blood cultures showed I had it.
Anne - While I was getting closer to my valve replacement (the last couple of years or so), I did notice that after meals, I was unable to exercise much at all. I had to time my workouts so that they fell before meals, so that my digestive system wasn't calling for heavy blood supply at the same time that my muscles also needed it. Never had a doctor formally acknowledge the connection, but it seemed to "go away" shortly after my valve was replaced. They don't consider this a symptom, but it is real for some of us.
I talked with his cardiologist. He feels it's a virus and highly unlikely to be an infection. Any sign of a temperature or any other changes, and we will take him to Dr. tho.
Our son felt good today, and back to school. He said he's been noticing a metal taste in his mouth lately. He's got a slight cough with phlegm, so maybe it's allergies? They say allergies will be bad this spring. It will be interesting how he feels the day after his next game....if he is totally exhausted again or not.
Hi Anne,

I agree with VegasBav regardingn the symptoms on endocarditis, loss of appetite and lethargy are some of the symptoms but with high fever though. I'm glad he seems good now but in case he gets high fever do not take antibiotics before testing his blood.

Hope he feels better after the next game.

You obviously love your son and i guess you are an excellent mother.
That said, i am under the impression that you are exccessively observing him. I dont know his personality, but i would not be surprised if he gets angry because of receiving excessive attention (regarding his health). He is young, he is monitored and checked regulary, his heart condition is perfectly fixable and will be fixed when necessary. He will be ok. Try not to overthink about this.
Our 18 year son is on the border of severe for BAV stenosis. He was just cleared to play baseball now his senior year, but with restrictions of no heavy weight lifting and no cardio. Workouts....so he basically gets to play only a little. Dr. Says to wait for symptoms. On and off for several months now, he makes the comments that he just doesn't have the appetite like he used to, and compared to his 13 yr. old brother, or other boys his age, he doesn't. Could this related to his condition? He also had a double header baseball game a week ago in 40 degree weather (I know Crazy!) he played a few innings in the outfield and pinch ran.
The next day he stayed home in bed till4 pm sleeping....he said in the morning he had stomached ache, then at noon a headache...then he said he was just so tired.

From my own experience: I always tried to find a cause for my symptoms, any cause except the real cause. As human, I was simply in denial and disregarded the real fact about the need for surgery.

I always pushed myself despite the fatigue I always felt! Fatigue was my only symptom and if my cardio listened better to me or perceived I might be a smart patient when I complained about increased fatigue to the extent I could not walk, I would have had my surgery at least two or three years earlier. At least, my left atrium was not enlarged then to the extent that it is not shrinking after surgery!

Your son slept till 4 p.m., yet he felt he was "so tired"! what more symptoms is his cardio waiting for? When I saw a surgeon and asked which symptoms I should look for, he said: "when you feel tired and/or short of breath while resting doing nothing"!

I have not read other posts whether you mention anything about echo results and figures, though this was not helpful in my case neither.

My cardio thought the figures were still OK.
He was WRONG. My symptoms were worse than the figures and I should have had my surgery, I repeat, at least two years earlier.

I always pushed myself. So, My cardio was deceived how I looked and how I walked into his office, how I presented myself when I discussed my issues! Based on my appearance he decided to ignore my complaints about fatigue! He advised me to push myself harder to walk and exercise more often, which I did though I couldn't and the result was my valves started tearing out on me. My surgeon was shocked how I was up on my feet until the surgery!!

BTW, I fired him later and I wish I had done that two years earlier. I didn't because he was supposedly a top-notch cardio!

All I'm saying is seek another opinion and get all the results of echocardiogram.
I'm not trying to scare you, but fatigue for an 18 years old after 4 hrs of resting maybe a heart valve deterioration symptom.*

Just my 2-cents! Keep us posted.
Glad he is better. With a bicuspid valve, he's at a higher risk of endocarditis than most people, and after he has his valve replaced, he will still be at a risk of endocarditis. You may want to read up on it anyway and make sure he understands that if he ever gets sick with fever he should get it checked out. There's a low annual chance that he'll get it, but if he's only 18 now and he has that low chance every year, then I'd say there's a decent chance he may get it at some point in his life, and prompt treatment is important.
Our 18 year son is on the border of severe for BAV stenosis. He was just cleared to play baseball now his senior year, but with restrictions of no heavy weight lifting and no cardio. Workouts....so he basically gets to play only a little. Dr. Says to wait for symptoms. On and off for several months now, he makes the comments that he just doesn't have the appetite like he used to, and compared to his 13 yr. old brother, or other boys his age, he doesn't. Could this related to his condition? He also had a double header baseball game a week ago in 40 degree weather (I know Crazy!) he played a few innings in the outfield and pinch ran. The next day he styed home in bed till4 pm sleeping....he said in the morning he had stomached ache, then at noon a headache...then he said he was just so tired. I'm thinking being in the cold weather for so long made his heart work harder, just to keep his body temp up? Is this possible? I don't think he's lost any weight, certain ally hasn't gained any. No water retention in his legs, no trouble breathing. @ once a month he gets dizzy from getting up from the couch fast. (I get that too from time to time) but maybe putting these all together means more? Anyone else experience the loss of appetite?

I understand all your concerns and u r too worried for you boy, this is how my parents felt I'm 24 just had my AVR, this is my 3rd OHS, i had severe regrutation and stenosis with no symptoms until i had delivered my baby and after in few months the symptoms little bit get better, but one surgeon advised me to go through the surgery now than letter because he told me : 1- what's the use of me waiting ? 2- there will no any development in science any time soon so it's better to get it done before the heart muscle effect as well then the healing process would be slower and the trouble would be double, i took his advice and went through surgery 4 month after delivering my baby cuz honestly i thought this is best for my baby as well as he is young and doesn't realize what's going on which would make it easier on me and him ..
you son young and young people recover faster and going through the surgery now would give you a peace of mind cause everyday and every little thing happens to him you lin it to his heart condition because you don't know what's the real cause , and i don't blame you even me when i had palpitations the dr.s couldn't tell if it's just because of the post pregnancy or if it was because of my valve … you will gain a lot and loose nothing with the surgery done , but not having the surgery done could have some risks
and at the end the choice is yours wish you best of everything <3

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