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Sep 13, 2010
Traverse City, Michigan
Hello fellow post-heart valve surgery patients,
I am currently in the process of writing a book with my editor about heart valve replacements and I am looking for some people to fill out a questionnaire for some research for the book (your name is not a requirement). Its a very simple, clear cut survey with mostly true/false answers.

To make this book the best it possibly can be, I believe that the ones that actually have been through the process are the most important tool that can be used for the book. While going through this process I read a couple books and was only really enjoyed one, my wife on the other hand was very disappointed because she was looking for a book directly towards her (the one that would be the number one caregiver). What she found, was what she called a book written without the real emotion of a personal experience. That clicked with me, and I knew others felt the same way as well.

My editor agrees with me that getting your feedback and answers from a questionnaire will help make this book great. So please contact me if you are interested. Your time will help me create a great book that in return will help other patients facing what we have already been through.
You may want to consider doing a series of polls here in VR ....you can do up to 10 poll items if a yes or no

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Yeah, I remember someone else who did the book thing based upon information he got here... it didn't seem to go over very well. The surveys and questionaires as well as the fact that someone was making money off the folks here generated a lot of hostility... I'll pass on surveys and questionaires.

I understand many people feeling weird about filling out a survey or not wanting to do it because someone else might be making a profit off of it. But I also look at it from a viewpoint that its going to help people that are going through exactly what we already have. I know that I dont mind filling them out because I know the importance of surverys. For example, I got a survey about my stay in the hospital after my surgery. I could more than likely get a lot of the information by just reading peoples posts, but I dont feel thats the correct way to gather my information(and I dont want my information that way) nor would I have your permission to use that information. Thats why I was asking if anyone was interested.

I will give you a sample of the questions that I am looking for...

1. T/F Did you get a second opinion once your received your initial diagnosis?
2. T/F Did you travel for your surgery?
3. T/F Did you feel 100% ready for your surgery and prepared for what to expect during recovery?
I found Adam's book to be very helpful BUT it gives one person's experience which turned out to be very different than mine. I think the basic difference was that I had minimally invasive surgery while he had a full sternotomy. If you write a book I encourage you to address both types of experiences.

And I think it's a great idea to address issues related to caregivers. I know my husband would have appreciated that.

Good luck!
Not sure about this.....been there, done that....with Adam P.
It may be nice to clear this kind of thing with Hank first.?
Best wishes. :)

I agree with Bina. I know I amd quite a few other people were very annnoyed (to say the least) to find out the innocent polls and questins were not to help him , but so he could make money off our thoughts and research,

I also know once members KNEW that whatever they wrote would end up being part of a book or blog, many weren't as willing to be open and share. So it hurt VR and all the people who would be having surgery in my opinion, since members were cautious about what they shared.
I found Adam's book to be very helpful BUT it gives one person's experience which turned out to be very different than mine. I think the basic difference was that I had minimally invasive surgery while he had a full sternotomy. If you write a book I encourage you to address both types of experiences.

And I think it's a great idea to address issues related to caregivers. I know my husband would have appreciated that.

Good luck!

IF you are wrting a book, I would also make sure to get it checked so what you write is at least correct...unlike "waking up iwith a chest tube in my mouth" oh and be sure not to steal other peoples work and pass it off as your own.
1) I would feel more positive about responding if you were a long-time member, therefore establishing your intent to be helpful to other valve patients. Apparently this post is the same date as your join date.

2) As helpful and well-intentioned as all of us are, we are only a subset of valve patients, nationwide or worldwide. There is no way such a poll could be called "research". If you have the urge to write about your experience, just do it.

3) What is your experience or training in constructing surveys? Who is your editor, who is your publisher?
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1) I would feel more positive about responding if you were a long-time member, therefore establishing your intent to be helpful to other valve patients. Apparently this post is the same date as your join date.

2) As helpful and well-intentioned as all of us are, we are only a subset of valve patients, nationwide or worldwide. There is no way such a poll could be called "research". If you have the urge to write about your experience, just do it.

3) What is your experience or training in constructing surveys? Who is your editor, who is your publisher?

1.) Well my surgeon let me know about this website, I was unaware of it prior to my surgery which was actually last month. I wish I would have known about this site prior to, it would have helped me out a great deal.

2.) Writing just about my experience is the plan, as well as other information as well. I dont feel like writing just about my experience would be a good informational book.

3.) My editor is E.Morrison and my publisher is Hather Leigh Press
I want to Thank those of you that had great tips and thoughts for me on this book writing. I was unaware of the fact that my asking for help in this process would cause so many people to get upset or unwilling to help out. I honestly didnt mean to offend anyone, nor was I looking to make money off of your survey answers to gain something for myself. The whole idea from this book was so that others could gain something in return from the book. I was simply trying to get information from other patients that had been through valve replacement just as I had (Aug 2010).

Again, I clear that I have upset people, and that this is not an area in which people want to help out in. So I will see you through the threads as I am also in my recovery process.
I agree with Bina. I know I amd quite a few other people were very annnoyed (to say the least) to find out the innocent polls and questins were not to help him , but so he could make money off our thoughts and research,

I also know once members KNEW that whatever they wrote would end up being part of a book or blog, many weren't as willing to be open and share. So it hurt VR and all the people who would be having surgery in my opinion, since members were cautious about what they shared.

I completely understand Bina and Lynlw. I dont know how much you know about it, but actually publishing a book doesnt in fact make the author tons of money. The autors that write fiction and that are on the New York Times Best Sellers list are the ones that in fact make some money. Adam P. it looks to me published his book on his own thats why he is able to charge so much for his book because hes doing it all himself. I wasnt looking to use any names, any stories. The only specific question on the surgery is, What type of surgery did you have? The rest are T/F. But in a later thread I posted that I was sorry for offended others and that was not my intention at all. Its too bad that so many people were hurt in the process of Adam writing his book.
ValveReplacement.org's Official Stance on usign ths site to gather material is simple. We want as many people in the world to knoe as much as possible about vavereplacement surgery, If information can be gleened from this foum, then for that purpose it would be allowed. Once someone posts a message in theis forum, the laws of copywright get a bit cloudy. My understanding is that post remain the property of the poster, but that the poster grants permission for ValveReplacement.to utilize and/or distribue those posts in any we deem apropriate. We would NEVER give out anyones personal infomration or posts without their consent.

I would suggest that you garner whatever value you can as a basis for your own understanding and ideas which would then become your book material.