learning to hate china

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
this is really getting old. china seems to have a new mao up its collective
pigu. yep, the internet censors are out in force. all blogs are blocked,
youtube is blocked, email is blocked, forums are blocked, college websites
are blocked, most circumventors are blocked. there are only a few left that
still work....it's only a matter of time. hard to find new ones since they're
blocking the search engines too. last i heard, there were upwards of
40,000 volunteer censors, mostly college students, surfing the net looking
for potentially subversive material to blacklist. and it be a loooong list.
so they're either blocking completely, or redirecting, or hijacking or whatever.
in short, surfing the net is no longer a pleasant experience. no, it sucks.
adding to the annoyance factor is that all these isp blocks are really
slowing down the download rate for what's left. strange, they for some
reason allow porn through. go figger. anyway, i'm so happy to be leaving
this maoforsaken pesthole. jeeze, tell me again why you're still 'developing'
after 5000 years of gloooooooooooooooooooooorious history. savages.
so if i don't log on for some time, i'm stuck behind the great firewall.
woohoo! six weeks and counting!!
The funniest part of all of this is, this site is being attacked continuously by the Chinese! At any given time, we have about 10 to 12 Chinese spammers trying to do their jobs.
I think it's time to visit some other countries. Obviously, you need a change. :)

change be in the wind. that or the smell of open sewers. you're right,
need a change, moving on in six weeks. once i get my visas and unload
my stuff, i'll be cycling to thighland. ah, land of thighs. superthighs me!
They are reporting over here it is because of the twentieth anniversary of something to do with a "Square". Can't even Google the name!!!!!

At least they haven't blocked





Hello, hello. Anyone there???
China switches off Twitter ahead of Tiananmen Square anniversary
Posted: June 02, 2009, 9:50 AM by Shane Dingman
World, Technology, Twitter

Access to several hugely popular social media websites has been cut off across mainland China Tuesday morning, a major crackdown on the digital channels of expression many are associating with the twentieth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown, now only two days away.

Reuters reports indignant users filled chatrooms with protest, after access to Twitter was denied shortly after 5:00 pm (0900 GMT) on Tuesday.

"The whole Twitter community in China has been exploding with it," said Beijing-based technology commentator Kaiser Kuo.
I'm so comforted that this is the country that holds half of our debt.
The funniest part of all of this is, this site is being attacked continuously by the Chinese! At any given time, we have about 10 to 12 Chinese spammers trying to do their jobs.
A decade ago there used to be a website called Mark's melanoma hotlist*. The website had lots of resources for melanoma patients and their loved ones and caregivers. There were also patient stories at Mark's.

In the spring of 2001, around the time of the military plane incident off the Chinese coast, Mark's website was hacked by people from China. The website was never restored. I don't know for sure, but I think Mark succumbed to malignant melanoma around 2002 or 2003.

Among the travels the wife and I have made in our 20 years of marriage, was a visit to Hong Kong and Macau in 1999. That was after the British turnover.

*- I've been a malignant melanoma survivor since December 1993.
They hacked into a major online international site which is a place you can set up a memory page for your deceased loved ones. It has thousands and thousands of members from all over and all kinds of lovely memory pages. I have one for Joe there.

It caused a horrible disruption on that site, redirected you to a Chinese site, loaded with viruses and it had terrible problems for a long while. I contacted the manager of the site, and he told me the only way they could get rid of all the problems was to redo the entire site.

They did this, but it took a long time, and was a major hassle. I am sure they lost a bundle.

Very nasty stuff.
Not Just China

Not Just China

Australia is also investigating automated internet filtering, under the rouse of stopping child porn.
We don't have the army of students to do it manually.
Deep packet inspection is also proposed to deal with P2P.
However the words used are stopping illegal content.
Illegal content in Australia includes for instance anything to do with euthanasia, something that is legal in several western countries including the USA.
No one knows what is on the black list of internet sites as disclosing it is a criminal offence, punishable under federal law. :mad:


A number of other western countries have shown great interest in Australia's trial, unfortunately this is one piece of technology it would be best if Australia doesn't export. :mad:
ChouDoufu....sounds like your definitely ready for a change of scenery. Go to Thailand, flop on a beach, and enjoy yourself. Given your last 6 months you have certainly earned it. You have your physical health back and your heading off on a pretty cool adventure. You should consider a daily diary or blog of your own.
ChouDoufu....sounds like your definitely ready for a change of scenery. Go to Thailand, flop on a beach, and enjoy yourself. Given your last 6 months you have certainly earned it. You have your physical health back and your heading off on a pretty cool adventure. You should consider a daily diary or blog of your own.

please do. I would read it, I love reading your posts especially when you describe things so well like your squootie and how hard it is to find cheese and then making it ect
please do. I would read it, I love reading your posts especially when you describe things so well like your squootie and how hard it is to find cheese and then making it ect

And your toilet adventures:D:p (had to type this, Bina just woke up to breakfast again):D

AWESOME A DIARY BLOG.......CAN'T wait for the adventures you have.
You come back now you hear!!!!!
Wishing you all the best Chou in your travels when they take place.

zipper2 (DEB)
change be in the wind. that or the smell of open sewers. you're right,
need a change, moving on in six weeks. once i get my visas and unload
my stuff, i'll be cycling to thighland. ah, land of thighs. superthighs me!

Watch out for thighstick!
ChouDoufu....sounds like your definitely ready for a change of scenery. Go to Thailand, flop on a beach, and enjoy yourself. Given your last 6 months you have certainly earned it. You have your physical health back and your heading off on a pretty cool adventure. You should consider a daily diary or blog of your own.
Thailand can certainly be interesting. I read someone describing a wedding they attended there. The Thai born bride rode in on a elephant and sometime that day drag queens entertained the wedding guests.

I incorporated it into one of my online stories. Fiction imitates life.
ok, we're back. apparently the anniversary has passed, not that anyone here even
knew there was one.

so ross, how do i change my user name to THIGHMASTER?