Laid off

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2009
Well the axe swung this week and it finally hit me.

COBRA is half my unemployment. $500 per month. My unemployment was small because I missed 3 months of work last year getting a new valve....
Anyone find a better self insure deal out there?
I am at the point where the money does not mean that much to me if the poop hits the fan. My heart stuff is mostly covered by the On-X survey and I am currently strong like bull. I am have considering just staying uninsured for six months until the open enrollment at my wife's work comes about as I go back to massage school at 40.
i'm insured by blue cross of michigan for 220/month under the "Individual Care Blue" or "My Blue" plan, which covers 70% of basically everything that's normal and customary and it does not deny people for pre-existing conditions. The only drawback (other than it only covering 70%) is it doesn't cover more than 2 office visits a year... This plan is open to individuals only.

I also have my wife's insurance that covers alot more. I just roll with both since being proactive with my health is a big part of my life.
James, sorry to hear about the layoff. Back in my IT contracting days I worked with a guy who had an indivual policy for health insurance that only kicked in after about a 5000 or 10,000 deductable. He wasn't afriad of the little things and typically paid cash for checkups but he felt the need for coverage should something major happen. I remember the insurance being quite affortable. Something like that might be worth checking into.
I don't know if the COBRA Premium Subsidy from the stim bill, is still going on where the gov pays about 1/2 of the cobra cost, if so is the 500 what it would cost you with the government picking up some of the cost or the total amount?

Have you tried to get on your wife's insurance even tho it isn't open enrollment? I think being laid off is one of the 'events" that can make a difference in being able to get on a spouse insurance, when it isn't open enrollemt time. I don't know if its a law or anything but I would look into it right away. From different things I've read you might just have a 30 day window
also things are changing so fast with health insurance, I don't know if this article is up to date or outdated already, but a few things I've read say basically the same thing

Spouse or Partner Health Insurance
Getting health insurance through your spouse’s (or domestic partner’s) employer may be your most cost-effective option. Many employer health insurance plans allow their employees to add family members who have been laid off – your spouse can add you to her/his plan. If your job provided the health insurance for the entire family, your spouse can initiate coverage for the family.

Most health insurance plans provided by large companies have “special enrollment” provisions that allow the immediate addition of a family member without having to wait for the annual enrollment period. If you are able to use your spouse’s health insurance, make sure to apply within 30 days of being laid off—some health insurance plans may not automatically accept you for immediate coverage or may limit coverage for a preexisting medical condition if you wait for more than 30 days.

Like I said I don't know it that is still how it works or if all companies are the same, but I would definately look into it.
that was from an article called
"Laid Off? How to Keep or Find Affordable Health Coverage When Laid Off"
By Michael Bihari, MD, Guide
Updated April 06, 2010
so if that (spouse) isn't an option the article has a few other suggestions
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i'm insured by blue cross of michigan for 220/month under the "Individual Care Blue" or "My Blue" plan, which covers 70% of basically everything that's normal and customary and it does not deny people for pre-existing conditions. The only drawback (other than it only covering 70%) is it doesn't cover more than 2 office visits a year... This plan is open to individuals only.

I also have my wife's insurance that covers alot more. I just roll with both since being proactive with my health is a big part of my life.

by the way, my annual deductible is 2,500 and my lifetime max is 5 million for the Individual Care Blue
The COBRA subsidy ended some time ago. While there are several qualifying events for COBRA other than losing your job, I've never heard of other qualifying events to get on an employer plan excepts for the birth or adoption of a child.
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Since getting married is one of the events that allows you to be added anytime during the year, you could consider a weekend in Vegas for a quickie divorce/marriage. Just a silly thought.
Gosh, I'm sorry you got laid off. It is great that you have a plan! Massage school sounds like a great idea!

We ran out of Cobra several months ago and because of my valve have gone with the Oregon Medical Insurance Pool. Very costly, but run by Blue Cross, so it's what we're doing for now. Did you look at Washington's pool?

Good luck and stay positive. There are so many people in this situation right now -- at least we have lots of company!

Being from Australia I can’t offer any suggestions regarding insurance with a new insurer.
My only suggestion is regarding funding of your COBRA payments.
Given that you are on the Proact Study, have you looked into getting the beneficiary of this study to pay your COBRA payments?
You are helping them with what may turn into a commercial advantage.
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I feel sure loss of job is one of the life events that would allow you and/or your wife to be added to her health plan.Good luck to you.
My wifes insurance wants me to COBRA until her next open enrollment.
I guess I will look for a job at Starbucks that will provide insurance but, pay less than unemployment.....
All I know is that I am happy the new CEO could hire two of his cronies last week at over $500k each. I was worried about his friends ability to stay on as members of the club.
This is the same guy that was surprised our insurance would cover my heart surgery.......(facepalm)
James, I believe you HAVE to have coverage until you get on your wife's plan. If you do not, then they can refuse to cover your pre-existing condition for a certain time period.
If you keep the COBRA coverage, then the Wife's insurance HAS to cover your pre-existing condition.
Keep the COBRA!!!!!
James, I believe you HAVE to have coverage until you get on your wife's plan. If you do not, then they can refuse to cover your pre-existing condition for a certain time period.
If you keep the COBRA coverage, then the Wife's insurance HAS to cover your pre-existing condition.
Keep the COBRA!!!!!

James, I do believe this is correct.

Sorry to hear you have been laid off. Good luck and take care please.
That is correct. At the time you add on to your wife's coverage, then drop your COBRA, have the Company that is providing your COBRA coverage provide you with a Certificate of Credible Insurance Coverage. Your wifes insurance carrier will ask for that ehen you submit any kind of claim that may have a pre-existing condition.

This is my solution. At $352 per month it is less than the COBRA plan by almost $200 and similar coverage. I do have to wait 6 months. Seeing that I am healthy as an ox and get free prescriptions from On-X I am willing to take that risk. I will just have to pay out of pocket if I get injured. This is still almost 25% of my monthly unemployment pay.
This is like reversing the clock 20 years and sending me back to college broke again. I just did not have a mortgage and car payment back then. The flip side I was 40 lbs lighter and had a lot of hair.
There ends up being a bright side or bonus to most bad situations...when my husband got -early retired- in 2006
(a few months after my OHS), he quit smoking to save the $250 each month. He has not smoked again. YAY !!
best wishes to you, James.
There ends up being a bright side or bonus to most bad situations...

Yep, indeed.

James ... very sorry you were laid off. GOOD LUCK as you move forward....

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