I've got my life back!

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Active member
Jun 28, 2011
Eureka Springs , Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains
Last Thursday my wife and I embarked on a five day trip to a friends wedding in Green Bay.

This is the first trip since my AVR. I had worked up to about 1/2 mile of walking a day prior to this trip and I was/am feeling very good.

We left last Thursday and decided that we would go to Minneapolis to the Minnesota State Fair on Friday. What a great time! We were there for twelve hours and I walked for five of that that twelve hours. I was pooped when we got done but very happy! No, I didn't eat the stuff on a stick. I stuck to as good a diet as I could that day.

Next we drove to Green Bay for a Sunday wedding and reception. I danced with my wife for the first time in 2 years without gasping for oxygen. It was simply wonderful!

After the wedding we left for the "House on the Rock" in Spring Green Wisconsin. If you haven't been there you don't know what you are missing. It is truly unique.

While at the "house" I walked for another four hours straight to see everything we could before aiming my truck in the general direction of home. We decided that would overnightin Cedar Rapids, Iowa. On Tuesday we trekked on home.

Wow, what a weekend! I discovered that having this operation not only saved my life, it gave my life back to me!

Thanks to everyone who supported me, answered my questions and encouraged me when I was having a rough go.
What a great post, Charlie.

REALLY happy to read how happily you are now lving your life. Keep up the good work. :)
Charlie - Welcome to the New Life Club! I think that many of us don't realize until after surgery just how impacted we were before. I will admit to being in that situation myself, even though I thought I was asymptomatic prior to surgery.

I'm glad to read of your great weekend. Keep up the good work!
Charlie - Great news. Thanks for sharing, it gives us in the waiting room a boost to read such upbeat reports from those 'on the other side'.
