It's time for me to go.

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2008
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Hi guys (and gals!). Well, it looks like I'll have to be leaving you all - and a little sooner than expected. I had a job interview yesterday and I start Monday(!), so between that, building a house, and maintaining my exercise routine, I'm afraid I'm not going to have time to log in for sometime.

In the meantime, I'm quite excited about starting work again after all this time (6 years!). I actually applied for a receptionist positon, but after chatting with me and looking through my CV, they decided my talents would be wasted there and offered me a job as an accounts administrator with some copywriting and marketing thrown in as well (since I've been doing some freelance copywriting).

The best thing is the hours are slightly more flexible since I don't have to be on the reception desk - I even have the option of logging on from home if I need to leave early, or don't wan't to work back late at the office... and the pay is better :D Now that we are in the middle of building a new house, it really couldn't have come at a better time.

So I guess it's time to fare thee all well and thank you so very, very much for your ongoing support and advice. I really don't know how I would have managed without it. I hope to pop back in down the track to see how everyone is doing, but it probably won't be for a while yet until I get myself settled into this new routine.

Wishing you all the very best.

Anna : )
Hi AbbaNabba,

So sorry to read that you will be leaving us, but am thrilled for you as you begin on a new journey. All the best to you and thanks for all your thoughtful posts. Many of them were helpful. You will be missed.

Hope you can pop in once in a while to update us on your news.

I will try not to bother you, but must acknowledge that you are one of the few 'pulmonary valvers' that I was able to consult with.

Best wishes!!
Hi there,

Wishing you all the best! Sounds like you've got a lot to look forward to!
Please, drop in once in a while , and let us all know how things are going.

Stay well, be happy!
I will try not to bother you, but must acknowledge that you are one of the few 'pulmonary valvers' that I was able to consult with.

Feel free to bother me anytime you like :D

Meanwhile - sorry for the triple thread posting!!! My server was acting up and I'm not sure how to delete the extras..... Ross... Hank... anyone?!!

(Truth is, I'm actually just a huge attention seeker... ;) :D )
I forgive you for the tripple posts...after all it is an exciting new journey you are embarking upon!...I wish you all the very best... do pop in sometimes to let us know how you are doing...
Wishing you much luck with your new job! We will miss you here of course but I know that once you get settled & in a routine, perhaps you can pop in now & then & let us know how everything is going.

In the meantime, good luck & stay well! :)


I will miss you and your ever so kind and clear posts.

You have been such a good influence here. Please know that you will not be forgotten.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy life...

Remember, the door is always open for you.

That is fantastic news for you, Anna. Lovely to hear how well things are going for you! Congratulations!

All my very best wishes to you for your success and happiness. You will be missed!

I am so happy for you, Anna,

Enjoy working again and good luck in every step you take.

You will be greatly missed...I always enjoyed your posts which were genuine and caring and full of good advice. Thanks to you for all the time you put in and for having shared some of your personal experiences in life which were very enlightening.

Best of luck and let us know how you are doing when you can.

(((Hugs))) :)
I will miss you here, but am glad you are going back to work and will be
busy with 'life'. Hopefully I may be working soon myself.
Good luck and don't forget to visit- Dina:)
Thats really good news, wishing you all the best, you will be missed on here.
Take Care and good luck with all you do.
Anna, I'm going to miss ya!:(Good luck and best wishes in your new endeavor.
Anna, you have many exciting things going on and I wish you best of luck on all of them! Hope to hear from you when you get a few minutes. CONGRATS!
Good luck to you in your new job. Also, I hope all goes as planned with the house & you and your family enjoy all the excitement of the process. Best wishes!
All very happy news Anna - best of times with them all.

We know you will find your way back here again as you did last time.

Keep on smiling.

Best of luck to you and I hope you come back from time to time. Your posts are always encouraging and heart felt. You will be missed !

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