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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2009
Vancouver, Canada
I would like to thank Freddie for my welcome email and tip on how to get started.
I found this site last night and am so impressed on the sharing of information and support you give one another. I no longer feel like the only person in the world going through this, and my nerves are already some what calmed :)
My husband thanks you for that.
A little back ground about myself: I've know for about 22 years that I have a bicusip arotic valve, I would get check ups every 2 years to see the progression. Then last March they found out I have an aortic aneurysm (5.5) Once they found this I knew I would be having surgery sooner than later. Then when I had my check up in November they found my valve has suddenly gotten worse. Within two weeks of my check up I met with a surgeon and have my surgery date of Jan 23. They are going to replace the valve and fix the aneurysm at the same time.
It feels like this has happened so quickly, my thoughts are always racing, hard time sleeping. Of course like I'm sure all of you were and are I'm very nervous about the out come, hospital stay, rehabilation.(pain)
Currently I'm trying to stay away from anyone who is sick(hard at this time of year) I'm fighting chest congestion, and hope it is cleared up before next wed, which is my hospital visit for pre op. My general doctor is afraid they may postpone it. Nervous about having it done but at the same time want it over with.
howdy and welcome!
You don't need to be sick right now....stay away from ppl, have everyone in your family wash hands every time they come indoors from public places.
Drink enough fluids, take Vitamin C and get lots of rest. I'm bossy, eh? ;)
Hi and Welcome. If you have questions, concerns, ask away and someone is always around to help. Another thing my doc told me is, if you think you are getting a cold to take zinc (1/2) as well as vitamin C. Wishing you the best of luck.
Welcome Aboard Buffy ! We have several Canadian members (and Aussies, and Brits, and New Zealanders).

Since you have BAV and an Aortic Aneurism, you may want to read through the Bicuspid Aortic Valve and Connective Tissue Disorder Forum which has LOTS of good information on those (related) conditions.

Be sure to ask your Surgeon how much experience he has doing surgery of the Aorta (which is a bit above basic Valve Replacement surgery).

Hope that chest congestion clears up.
You don't want to go into surgery with an active infection, even viral.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
I've know for about 22 years that I have a bicusip arotic valve, I would get check ups every 2 years

my check up in November they found my valve has suddenly gotten worse.

Within two weeks of my check up I met with a surgeon and have my surgery date of Jan 23.
It feels like this has happened so quickly

Welcome Buffy,I just want to say this is pretty much how it happened with me.
I had my valvereplacement after knowing I had probs for 17 years.
Then it got worse...and I was scheduled for surgey 12 days later.
Its like you know it may happen someday,but you hope that day never
arrives,and then it does -quickly.
You will feel so relieved to have it over with...after having it at the back
of your mind for so many years,I know I did:)
Wish you the best-Dina
Welcome and I will be one year post op on Jan 22 so I know how you must be feeling right now.

I got through it and so will you.

Good luck and be sure to ask any questions you may have someone will be around to help. We have lots of knowledable members (not me)

I'm glad you found us before surgery and I put you on the calendar for Jan. 23rd so we can see you through this. Best wishes to you.

Good luck and be sure to ask any questions you may have someone will be around to help. We have lots of knowledable members (not me)


Don't listen to her..knowledge is gained more thru experience
than formal education anyway.And you have people here with
either one,the other or both:)
Hi Buffy, I just had a new pulmonary valve put in - 4 weeks ago yesterday - and the whole thing was far less traumatic than I thought it would be (and trust me, I'm a super wuss!!). I'm still a bit stiff and uncomfortable, but it's nothing too bad, and they keep you pretty well medicated during the first couple of weeks so you really don't feel too much pain (unless you do something stupid like inhale a mouthful of water instead of swallowing - trust me - avoid that at all costs!!! ;) ).

To be honest, aside from the weight restrictions which make life a bit of a challenge, I haven't really found the recovery much worse than when I dislocated my knee and was on crutches for a month (which was also very awkward and my armpits felt like they were on fire). Already I am getting back to some of my more normal activities.

Meanwhile, I hope your chest clears up quickly for you so you don't have to suffer any delays.

Wishing you the best,

A : )
Hi Buffy, and welcome!

You've come to a good place -- lots of friendly folks with experiences to share.

I also had a 5.5 aneurysm along with a very leaky valve, and they managed to fix up an old codger like me. I am sure you will do well.

Look forward to hearing more from you. All best wishes....
Buffy, Glad to have you aboard! Freddie is a great ambassador for VR.com. Sounds like you are playing it smart. I hope the congestion clears up quickly, and you can have surgery as scheduled. Looking forward to hearing you are "over the mountain". Brian

So Glad Freddie could help find us all,she guided you to

the right place....believe me never gets boring here,and

always at your beck and call for any help or questions.

look forward to having you:)

zipper2 (DEB)
((((((((((((Buffy)))))))))))) I was in same boat exactly two years ago, had my surgery in April of '07. :cool: Mid-40s, rockin' along now, doing my cardio stuff at the gym. You will feel SO much better!!

Pain wise - it hurts. But...somehow you get by each moment and you move to the next and suddenly you are like weeks out of it and understanding that you just got your life back! :D That's an awesome feeling.

I just found this board a couple of weeks ago. Wow, could I have used it before the whole thing. Just didn't google the right stuff at the time.

Stay steady, lots of courage for the unthinkable but here we are , all these folks who've been there and want to tell you that it will all be ooooookay!!!

All my best.
Welcome to the forum and all the best with surgery and recovery.
Welcome to the site! You sound in pretty goods spirits. I hope your possible cold turns out to be a non-issue--mine did. My surgery was about a year before your date. This year I'll be on a hiking trip on the 23rd.
A little advice: Don't be hesitant to ask your doctors for sleeping pills before surgery. You need to be rested, and you will likely want them after you get home. And don't worry about the pain. You may have none. I only took pain medication one day in the hospital because that's all I needed. The theory is that pain control is helpful to your recovery, so be prepared to ask for pain medicine at any point after surgery. In some hospitals, it's on patient demand, not automatic.
Sorry to be so preachy--this was supposed to be a WELCOME!!!