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May 13, 2012
Salem, NH
I had surgery May 30th at Brigham and Women's Hospital, everything went great, had a new mechanical aortic valve put in and my ascending aortic aneurysm repaired. I remember saying good-bye to my husband and then waking up in ICU puking my guts out!! Other than the puking part, it wasn't bad at all. I pretty much had zero pain. I've been nauseous ever since. They released me today. Can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight. I am shocked at the lack of pain, my chest really only hurts if I cough or sneeze. I truly think the waiting was the hardest part.

Thanks for all the good advice and good wishes, they made a huge difference.
Glad to hear that your doing so well and back home. remember no lifting or pushing. It can be hard to remember when you try to get out of bed or up from sitting.
Super!!!!! Keep a pillow handy at all times for those coughs and sneezes. Glad things are going well!!
Glad to hear you are back home. We are here for any bumps you may encounter on your road to recovery, even if you just need a good place to vent.
Welcome to the other side Kristen, or is it the same side still? Sounds like things are going well. Once you get home move around as much as you physically can and you will be getting better by the day.
Sounds like you're right on track for a "standard" recovery. None of us have the same path, but there is a range of experiences that seems to be expected. Hang in there, follow orders and take care of yourself. Glad you're back.

Really glad to hear that you're doing so well!!! I too remember puking (twice) when I woke up right after surgery (and then immediately apologizing for doing so)!!!!

Please take it easy as you heal, I swear I hated sneezing for weeks afterwards but sometimes it just couldn't be helped!

I agree, waiting is the hardest part. Now it's time to rest and heal!!!

Oh, make sure someone is there to help you do stuff for a while (I tried to clean my bathroom a couple weeks after surgery, got sore, husband felt sorry for me.....)

Seriously, take it easy.

Walk lots, lift little. Rest and be patient. All of the pre-op worry was unnecessary, wasn't it? Turns out that when the surgeons say that valve replacement has become routine, they are correct. Good you came through easily. I am at 12 weeks. I still have slight discomfort when I sneeze, but that is the only problem I have and that is minor.