Humming in Sleep

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Mar 9, 2012
Hi all. My 7 year old daughter had a mechanical aortic valve put in during the month of March. For the past couple of weeks she has been humming in her sleep. Could it be related?
It's probably not related to the valve, but to the things her subconcious is working through. Don't worry. :) Better humming that nightmares and sleepwalking.
I did a quick google search and it's not uncommon for people to hum or moan instead of snore in their sleep. Has she had a cold / stuffy nose in the last two weeks? One crazy thought that came to my mind is that she is subconsciously humming to the beat of her new valve. :smile2: I also think Tom has a valid theory as to why it is happening.
I wonder if the noise of her clicking valve is disturbing her and she is humming to block out the sound?

What do her doctors say about it?
This is interesting and the first we've heard anyone mention that here.
I hope OP returns to this thread.
I wonder if they have discovered the reason for the humming and if DD is still humming in her sleep?
I think it sounds rather sweet.

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