how does one recover

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I'm so happy you're out of the house and somewhere safe. I'd say concentrate on just getting yourself better, but I know your mind will be on the situation you left behind as well. It's still better to be outside looking in and getting yourself healed.

I counted my blessings as I read your story... I just escaped my second husband a couple years ago, and could see the situation you're describing as being my reality if I had stayed and gone through my surgery. Please don't think there is anything wrong with you.... Narcissistic behaviour such as what your husband is displaying has nothing to do with anything about you... you are a fine, caring, beautiful and loving woman... hold onto that, heal yourself, and with your newer and stronger heart, do what's right for you.

But most importantly, heal yourself and get through this very difficult time with as much help as you can find.

My thoughts are with you...

Please don't think there is anything wrong with you.... Narcissistic behaviour such as what your husband is displaying has nothing to do with anything about you... you are a fine, caring, beautiful and loving woman... hold onto that, heal yourself, and with your newer and stronger heart, do what's right for you.

But most importantly, heal yourself and get through this very difficult time with as much help as you can find.

My thoughts are with you...


Jen, those are absolutely beautiful words coming from such a youngster as yourself. You're very wise beyond your years.. Hang tight Laura..!
I couldn't help but shed tears after reading your posts Laura because it took me back some 34 years ago when I had my 1st OHS & the man I worshiped decided he had made a mistake by getting married & asked me for a divorce right after we got back from Houston!

All I can say is that no man in the world is worthy enough to cause you so such pain & make you feel so insignificant at the most vulerable time of your life. I pray that you are able to work things out together not only for your sake but for the sake of your children. And if what you have cannot be saved, then so be it --- you've got to move on & take care of you so that you can be there for your kids!

Best wishes to you!
Laura, so glad you were able to go to your mothers. This has been a terrible thing
for you to have to go though on top of recovery and healing from surgery. You will
continue to be in my prayers. Laura B.
Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I'm so glad that you are out of the house and away from your husband and kids. This is the best thing for you. This is such a serious surgery, a life & death thing. Does he not realize this? You need all the rest and help you can get. I wished you lived closer I would be there in a "heart beat." Is there any women in your church that could help?

Hugs & prayers are coming your way.

I do pray that you are safe & with your mom who truly loves you & wants nothing but the best for you.

When I read Glenda's post above, a sentence that she wrote struck me, & I'll quote: (I hope Glenda doesn't mind):This is such a serious surgery, a life & death thing. Does he not realize this?

I remember my dear mother's words to my ex-husband when she confronted him after he basically abandoned me after my surgery: she said, "my daughter had OHS because she needed to have her heart fixed but you should have had a heart transplant because you were born without one!"

I know that you couldn't be in better & safer hands than in your mom's & I'm sure her heart is aching for you to be with her to take care of you!

My thoughts are with you......
I am getting so sick of this crap. I am almost 4 weeks post op and he thinks I should be back to normal. He hasn't lifted a finger to clean the house since my surgery. He hasn't done one piece of laundry. I find myself picking up after everyone. I am just fed up and ready go to live somewhere else where I can recover properly.

My household was going to be full around the time of my surgery, and my wife filed for divorce the day of my surgery. Can you imagine what it would have been like to be home recovering. I chose to go to Texas for my surgery (3/31) and stayed with my mom for 3 weeks. Now that I'm back in Chicago, I can drive, but it's still difficult to open doors, etc. My wife ignores me (we are still in the same house), but only my 10-year old daughters help.

I'm sorry you have to deal with such insensitivity after having surgery, but hope things improve and you have a speedy recovery.

I hope things work out for you. So glad you are at your mom's. I do not think I could ever forgive my husband if he had treated me that way. He and our kids and friends were all five star!! I was so sick and had so many severe post op issues, was in ICU 2 weeks,hospital on/off for 6 weeks. I had surgery out of state my mom and my husband rotated 12 hour shifts one was always at my bedside 24 hours of the day for WEEKS !! Do not want to go into all the stuff. Point is my husband,mom,dad,sister,friends were all helping. I can not imagine how you must feel. Hard to believe he could change so dramatically. I will pray for you . My mom always used to will know who your true friends are when you are either real sick or need money. Being very ill several times in my life I know who my true friends are.I would not rush to go back he sounds like a real jerk. Put your energy into getting well. You do not need all of this stuff now.

He needs to read (I'll assume he reads, although by his actions, assumptions might be shortsighted on my part) this entire string of posts ... it details you talking from the heart, and the contributors are obviously appalled - & rightly so.

Maybe he'll realize the entire discussion string is about HIM and his compassion-free being. I'm guessing this has been the case with your family life prior to your surgery, and we all know how things tend to breed through the kids by association. So what do you get? A post-op environoment that hurts physically, emotionally and rationally. Not good compliments to the healing process.

Sounds to me like you all need a wakeup call ... and if HEART SURGERY doesn't wake ya' all up, I'm not sure what will.

YOU can decide to wake up ...

Is that an alarm clock I hear?

Good luck, get out and be safe.
Being that he is normally caring and loving, all I can think of is that he'd been drinking or doing something else and/or stress snapped him. It's easy for all of us to condemn his actions, rightfully so, but we must also realize that we were not there to experience it first hand. We have no idea what was going on in his head. We need to look at this objectively and try not to prejudge.
He needs to read (I'll assume he reads, although by his actions, assumptions might be shortsighted on my part) this entire string of posts ... it details you talking from the heart, and the contributors are obviously appalled - & rightly so.

Maybe he'll realize the entire discussion string is about HIM and his compassion-free being. I'm guessing this has been the case with your family life prior to your surgery, and we all know how things tend to breed through the kids by association. So what do you get? A post-op environoment that hurts physically, emotionally and rationally. Not good compliments to the healing process.

Sounds to me like you all need a wakeup call ... and if HEART SURGERY doesn't wake ya' all up, I'm not sure what will.

YOU can decide to wake up ...

Is that an alarm clock I hear?

Good luck, get out and be safe.

To my mind, suggesting that Laura's husband read these posts is DANGEROUS Advice.

It could be like throwing gasoline on a fire, escalating Emotional and Verbal Abuse to potentially Life Threatening Physical Abuse.

Just my NON-professional opinion.
I agree with Al and Ross. The hubby does not need to read this thread.
He snapped when he couldn't handle any more pressure.
Time apart can be a good indicator of what the future will hold. Best wishes.
better off without her

better off without her

my wife filed for divorce the day of my surgery. My wife ignores me (we are still in the same house), but only my 10-year old daughters help. Roderick

mate, all i can say is that you are better off without her; filing for divorce on the day you had open heart surgery sure is a class act. ( a real clever cookie would have waited to see if you lived! )

i will never forget the love of my 8 year old daughter when my ex wife dumped me without mercy because i was "a boring old man".

12 months later she desperately wanted me back, prepare yourself for that. (she had found out i was very happy with my new love) she said i broke up the marriage but my then 9 year old daughter looked up at her mum and said "no mum, you made daddy leave, i was there, i saw that. it was your fault"

i love that girl!

Being that he is normally caring and loving, all I can think of is that he'd been drinking or doing something else and/or stress snapped him. It's easy for all of us to condemn his actions, rightfully so, but we must also realize that we were not there to experience it first hand. We have no idea what was going on in his head. We need to look at this objectively and try not to prejudge.

Thank you Ross... we have done alot of talking about things in the last few days... there is alot of stress on both of us. I mean going through this right after the death of my father, his mother battling breast cancer right now and 5 kids... and then ad the stress of surgery. All of us are stressed. We talked alot about how I felt, my depression since the surgery, how he felt trying to take care of everyone and everything and still try and hold a job in today's world. He has apologized for his behavior and we are taking things day by day.

No marriage is perfect and I think we both had enough and said and did alot of things we didn't mean. I did come home for the sake of the kids and they have been alot more helpful and there has been alot more respect in the house between all of us.

Thank you all for your concerns, advise, well wishes, prayers, etc. Day by day is what the doctors tell me.... i guess they meant with everything.
We're all behind you Laura!

I'm glad to hear things have improved and that you have had some communication...really glad to hear that the atmosphere in the house has improved.

Take care of yourself please!
Thinking of you and your family,

I'm glad there is some communication,please take it slow,things can slip
back into their past rhythm very easily. Very happy you are with your kids,
and wishing you the best- Dina
I'm glad & relieved to read that you & your husband have some good communication going. I pray that it continues that way for everyone's sake!

Please take care of yourself!
My wife is also named Laura, but I'm the one with the surgery. I have noticed a common thread with knee-jerk divorces and Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformations. These spouses have suddenly been faced with their own mortality and don't like how it looks. A majority, by the grace of God or at least a healthy perspective on life and death, just stand by the spouse who has just "counted coup on the Pearly Gates." Others, when they see the huge scar on their beloved's chest see only death and are reminded full force of not only the spouse's mortality, but his/her own. A lot of people resent TRUTH of that magnitude thrust into their faces--and the scar that reminds them day after day of the invariant facts. Knowing I was technically dead for 61-63 minutes, affected Laura quite a bit, but in her case it made her much more motherly toward me. Even now she puts together my nightly and morning pills for me, despite the fact that aside from the aspirin, none are heart-related. She gets bursts of hot temper a bit more often not only toward me, but also the children more often, but she always comes around after a while and tries to make things right again.
Laura, your husband and kids just didn't react in a healthy way to your near brush with death. I guess your husband's version of 'grief' involves lots of anger. And since you happened to still be around, he misdirected it toward you. Kids are kids. In this iPod, X-Box, cell-phone, texting generation, even death seems to be just a "Twitter" event to be posted--it takes a while before reality can properly intrude such an overstimulated existence. I guess it got through--I'll pray that everyone involved will realize your current needs, and accommodate them appropriately. Your daughter's statements of "I hate you." are probably really strong statements of powerful emotions that she doesn't even know how to properly express. She loves you as much as ever, but hated what happened to you and can't separate the two things emotionally. Perhaps it's something she inherited from her Dad--maybe even genetic. With some good prayer and counseling, the family may be able to get through this grieving period.
My own family has taken this in different ways. My daughter is completely fine about it, and even asks to rub some baby oil on my scar sometimes. My son is much moodier since the surgery and a bit angrier, too. My parents and sister are all just glad I made it, and our relationships have pretty much returned to normal. I still don't have a job, and frankly, I rather would just farm and write science fiction instead of trying to get back into chemistry--with this economy it would just be an exercise in futility anyway. Yes, our brushes with death affect the people around us, and it just can't be helped. The only One we can always rely on is God, Who decided our lives on Earth have further purpose and provided the surgical techniques necessary to bring this about.
At least I was blessed to have kind compassionate immediate family. Yes, I also noticed the almost complete exodus of my friends out of my life as well. Good riddance--actually I miss them, and understand their response to my mortality. I'm starting to make new friends, and look forward to the new life ahead. Laura, that new life awaits you, too.
