Help please, need some advice!

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My surgeon and cardiologist have also told me that I need antibiotic cover for all invasive procedures including dentistry. They are opposed to the new guidelines (I'm in the UK) and feel that they were imposed without proper consultation.
My surgeon and cardiologist have also told me that I need antibiotic cover for all invasive procedures including dentistry. They are opposed to the new guidelines (I'm in the UK) and feel that they were imposed without proper consultation.

Yes, this is exactly what they said to me and my surgeon said he has seen far too many infected valves after dental work to follow the guidelines.
Im feelin much better now thanks Lyn :D
Tooth is still painful, as the stitch is half till in and half hanging out, so its puling a bit, but as far as all the chest pain, mild fever, SOB and tiredness goes im much better :D
Hope you and Justin are well?
love Sarah xxx
Im feelin much better now thanks Lyn :D
Tooth is still painful, as the stitch is half till in and half hanging out, so its puling a bit, but as far as all the chest pain, mild fever, SOB and tiredness goes im much better :D
Hope you and Justin are well?
love Sarah xxx

Hopefully the pain stops soon what are you taking for it?
We're doing good thanks. Actually Justin will be 24 next week and then the 22nd will be 24 years since his first heart surgery. He get tired more than most his age, but since he is working and playing hockey roller) we cant complain :0
Hopefully the pain stops soon what are you taking for it?
We're doing good thanks. Actually Justin will be 24 next week and then the 22nd will be 24 years since his first heart surgery. He get tired more than most his age, but since he is working and playing hockey roller) we cant complain :0

Codeine and paracetamol, will be pleased when it drops out lol,
Ahhh glad he's doing well :) wow thats more than me lol, Well don Justin :)
Love Sarah xxx
Sometimes if u have to have a tooth cut out they will admit u to hospital and put u on a heparin infusion first to drop your inr and keep clots at bay
I was treated at papworth hospital in Cambridge and they have some of the worlds best surgeons their and everyone I speak to tell me I should have antibiotics when having work done at the dentist when iv/you have had infective endocarditis

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