heart rate and blood pressure

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2009
Atlanta, GA
I am fighting a fever and a virus right now with my aneurysm. I am taking 25 mg of Toporol and I can not get my heart rate to stay below 100 and my blood pressure is around 140/72. Can I double up on my toporol to increase the effect? This is my first time taking it and it really has not done much - I am still wide awake and not drowsy like it is supposed to make you feel.
I wouldn't play with the dosage without checking with your doctor even'though you are on a pretty low dose of Metoprolol. I am on 150mg/day but am moving the dosage down, hopefully to none, under doctor supervision. I can't say I have found myself drowsy on the med - a little dizzy and lightheaded on occaision only. Don't play around with the dose without checking.
I second Cameron's advice to Consult with your Doctor First.

That said, 25mg is a pretty low dose.
It worked for me several years ago until I needed to change to another med for a different issue.

One Cardiologist told me that 100mg of Toprol is the "Minimum Theraputic Dose".
A *different* Cardio worked with me to find the optimum dose for ME.

If you are concerned tonight, you could place a telephone call to whoever is "on call" for your Cardio tonight.
I've called two different hospitals and two different surgeon teams, nobody is on call. :(

My heart rate has dropped to 90 and my blood pressure was 107/68 a few minutes ago. The strange thing with this fever is I don't feel sick.
Has your HR just gone up since your fever? Justin' has a low HR but always goes up when he gets a fever

ps I agree I wouldn't take extra meds without talking to your doctor
I've called two different hospitals and two different surgeon teams, nobody is on call. :(

My heart rate has dropped to 90 and my blood pressure was 107/68 a few minutes ago. The strange thing with this fever is I don't feel sick.

Call your cardio or GP or whoever prescribed the med for you...there is always an answering service that will forward your concern to your doctor or the doctor on call within that office will call you back with recommendation. I would not recommend you change the dose on your own...fever normally elevates heart rate. And BP changes from one minute to another...do not worry about it until you consistently get a high reading.

Keep us posted.
I'm on Toprol XL 50mg and it never makes me drowsy, but it's not something to fool with day-to-day. It can take several days to a few weeks to kick in and adjust your HR and BP. As for a 140/72 BP, that's not that bad especially if you have a fever. And 90-100 HR is not something to panic over. When I had my endocarditis (you probably don't have that!) I think my HR stayed over 90 for a couple weeks even lying down. If you symptoms don't get any worse you can probably just wait until the morning and check with your doctors.
Yeah, I haven't messed with changing the dose. I have just been relaxing, sleeping and just not doing much at all. My heart rate now is around 80, which is normal, and I took a full tylenol about an hour ago (I never take a full one, but the wife wants to wake me up throughout the night to make sure that I have it). With the aneurysm I am trying to be extra diligent with maintaining my heart rate and blood pressure.

Oh, and after I had my TEE today, the doctor there said it was now a 5.1 or 5.2 centimeters, versus the 5.6 centimeters the ct scan reported a few weeks ago, not to mention it was further away from the arch. I don't know how accurate those tests are though, but I have tried so hard to keep from getting sick since I was told I was going to need surgery. I am very thankful that things have settled down this evening.