He passed with flying colors!

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Looks like I found my new cardio! I really really liked him and he REALLY knows his stuff when it comes to Coumadin. He was quoting me the studies that show home testing and self-dosing are the way to go. He said it would be foolish for him to question my abilities to home test and self-dose, when I've been so successful with it. I had been told by the office that he'd be fine with me home testing if I agreed to do the first few tests in the office. He didn't even mention it. Didn't need to look at my records I kept. We talked about the issues I was having with the BC pills raising my INR and what I'd been doing and he just said he wouldn't be doing anything different. He told me not to sweat anything up to 5, and then just make a small change if it gets there. He said "You know, years ago, the range for every MVR was 2 - 5. Then they felt the need to narrow it to 2.5 - 3.5." I asked him if he'd like me to fax him my results every now and then just to have in my records. He said that would help in case something came up.

He also said I don't need to see him every 6 months like my previous cardio. He told me that looking at my records he thought that was a bit over protective and that yearly would be fine for now. It was also obvious that even though they'd just received my 4 inches worth or records yesterday that he had taken the time to look through them. He spoke of my EPS that I had done 17 years ago. He mentioned all the anti-arrhythmics I had taken prior to my surgery.

My appointment was on time, he didn't make me feel like he was rushed, he was very easy to talk to and he's 5 minutes from my house! I think he's a keeper!
You are so lucky to finally get a Cardio or Surgeon that "Really" Listens and cares? As you say it is like winning Lotto !
Going in for first check up since my OP 3 years ago, my valve is fine but I am in permanent A/Fib and I am very very sceptical about Cardio's and Surgeons.
The last time I spoke to my Cardio (Dec 08) he said "Its good that I am in perm A/fib " and that I would adjust with it ?
Well this is true to a degree as I am on Warfarin with my INR in good shape but there is no way that I would take any more drugs other than Atenolol (2x 50mg daily) my BP is good but I'll bet it will be up when I go in on Thursday?
I am still annoyed that the Maze Procedure was a Failure and the cost was horrendous but it did not faze the Cardio or Surgeon.

Thats my Vent for the day .............Kevin
Somebody asked me if I had had any other follow up's ,
Yes, they did a few things after my Failed Maze like ,two cardioversions which only lasted for a short time and then I used to go in and out of A/fib with many blackouts lasting about 5 seconds.
I would ring my Cardio over a period of about 18 months and he said that I would be better to be in Permanent A/Fib ? He tried me on things liks Sotolol / Digoxin which I hated as they made me worse so in the finish I just started taking Atenolol 50 mg twice daily .
My pulse does not ever get too high even after excersise(And I do a lot of that?)it max's out at about 110 but soon comes down to aboout 80bpm, but I have not got the strenght like I used to have when I was in NSR.
My GP Who is a close friend has assured me that nobody dies of A/Fib providing you are taking your Warfarin so I just carry on .
Just checked my BP...140/80...pulse 78 so I suppose thats ok?
I really think that A/Fib has got EP's /Cardio's/ Surgeons and GP's Stumped !

the cardio that i had at cleveland clinic is moving back to ireland and the docs in his department are taking over his patients. hopefully when i go back in 6 months i will like the one i get otherwise i will be looking for a new one.
Sounds like you reeled in a rewarding cardio for yourself,this is half the
battle a listener not a leaver out the door fast.;)
