Happy Birthday Freddie and Walter

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Thank you for remembering. On the 15th it will be 8 years since I had my aortic valve replaced with an St Jude mechanical here in Lincoln. I just finished my annual cardiologist checkup two weeks ago at the Nebraska Heart Institute and everything is still working properly.

Like others I am very interested in where this Obama health care bill is going, or not going. Lots of unknowns and lots of questions about it.

Trust you are doing well and enjoy this day with me, I think the wife and I will go to the movies and see Julie & Julia.

Wow - it's a big day!!! Happy Birthday to both of you. Wishing you the happiest of days today.
Hey Freddie and Walter....Happy Birthday
Make it a good one. Eat cake!!

I's right here Mary.
Thank-you all for the Birthday Greetings.
Had a nice and simple day today. My son took me out for lunch :eek:.....yep, he even paid for it, that was a shocker. Then the two of us spent the day snooping around town for items that he may need for his trip to the Winter Olympics in February.

The day started off warm and sunny, now its pouring rain :( does this mean my happy day is over :( ?

Thanks again everyone.
Happy birthday to you both with many more to come. Keep us posted on that movie Walter I know I like reviews.