Had a wonderful time with the Chimp and his Mrs.

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Great picture you guys!! Sounds like you had alot of fun and food. :)
I'll take some good pancakes and syrup anytime. Did you pick any apples or pumpkins? You could make us all some apple pie!! :D
Thanks for the photo Bina. German pancakes look like a liter version. Would that be a mistake to assume? Also, I grew up eating potato pancakes and loved them; my mother just called them "potato cakes."

Freddie, I'm sending a quick prayer to hopefully divert the snow from coming your way. Maybe someone in California or Texas would like some!

Yes, yes, yes. Please send rain to S. California. It is soooooo dry and all we have are fire after fire after fire.

Those were some great pictures and you guys are making me so hungry with the pancake talk.
Being from Louisiana, I was raised on Steen's pure cane syrup. My neighbor moved to Canada several years ago and brought me a can of maple syrup when she came to visit. I'd had it before, of course, when I lived in Kitchener, but it had been a while. I have to admit that both are good, but Aunt Jemima is more convenient!

bet it was home growed??? all was grown on our and neighbors' farms, then at time of harvest all neighbors got together, ground the juice out of the stalk, cooked it in a huge 'bowl' sort of thing; fire stoked underneath the 'bowl'. I, too, grew up on cane syrup but we put it on mother's humongous biscuits. not sure we knew about pancakes, but hoecake we knew about. that's a very thick pancake. so good w/ham, grits, eggs. ever make taffy with cane syrup? umm umm

uh oh didn't mean to hijack........ just talking aside to Lisa.
Looks like you all had a great time. After our short visit last year, I would like to get back to Gatlinburg sometime. Let me know if you make this an annual thing, Wise.

We just got back from our trip out to VA. Love the drive through the mountains, especially east of Charleston on 64.
So great to see those pictures of you guys! And such a beautiful place to get together for laughs, good cheer & pancakes!!!! :)

All those pics of pancakes & talk of syrup & stuff.......I feel like fixing myself some for supper tonight! :)
So great to see those pictures of you guys! And such a beautiful place to get together for laughs, good cheer & pancakes!!!! :)

All those pics of pancakes & talk of syrup & stuff.......I feel like fixing myself some for supper tonight! :)

Did you? Did you?
Thanks for sharing the terrific photos! Looks like you all had a great time, including your beautiful dog! Now I know what Chimpman looks like too!
From Pairodocs-Laura

From Pairodocs-Laura

Here is the Potato version.
My late Mom used to make sure that the Potato was blended much finer.
Served with apple sauce on the side. VERY healthy.

My mom, too. And sometimes we would have just plain sugar sprinkled on top, if there was no applesauce. My dad *shudder* would put ketchup (or katsup, depending on where you're from) on his potato pancakes, stating " Well, they're just fried potatoes, right?" I'm not hijacking this thread, honestly. I grew up with the best pancake maker in The US and Europe, and despite the fact that we can't eat them in our home often (Chris can't eat wheat), I still enjoy a good pancake.

I'm glad a good time was had by all.

Garden is "toast" in Idaho,
From Pairodocs-Laura

From Pairodocs-Laura

German pancakes -- sometimes also called Dutch babies (smaller ones). They're made from a very thin batter that's poured into an ovenproof skillet and baked. They're very large and thin.

Actually, this part is what I grew up with, but according to my German great-grandmother, the Dutch babies are the thin ones served with honey and lemon and the German pancakes were the ones with the apples and sugar (and butter) baked on top and were a thicker, more substantial pancake. That could also be a "Midwesternism". Apple Haus in Long Grove does it that way, and in Chicago many restaurants do it that way.

That's all on that subject.

Still Nippy in Idaho,
Freddie, do you mean real maple syrup or real snow? I'll take some of both. It was such a hot, hot summer here (even for us) and now it looks like the whole of Southern Ca. is going up in flames. Then it did get cold enough to snow, but no luck except it was helpful to the firefighters to have the cooler and little damper weather.

So, if you can get it here, we'll take it. Then all the hillsides can wash away because they have no vegetation to hold the dirt in place.

So having just found this thread - the news on the Throwdown this week is becoming much clearer to me now.... How Wise managed to lose is beyond me and sounds like Cooker got his just desserts! Looks like a lot of fun for sure and now I am hungry too...
