Good news but...

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Just came back from the cardio's office with MRI results. It turns out that last year's CT scan was apparently a mismeasurement or a typo or something - the MRI I had last week measured the aortic root as 4.0 x 4.1 cm. So nothing to do for the moment, and will have another MRI in 6 months to make sure it is still stable.

Of course this is great news but I am pretty shell-shocked by it and am actually having a little trouble handling it, since I now just feel like I am crazy anyway.

Thanks to all for your support. Just away for the weekend out to the boonies, hopefully I'll be in a better headspace when I get back!

Hugs to all,

Your going to the boonies. You mean coming to Toon Town?

I too was shell-shocked after my recent echo - showing things that weren't there before.
But what can you do? I don't want to sound rude, carry on as you were and enjoy your weekend.
Actually am going to SK this weekend - up to Turtle Lake.

I will try to enjoy my weekend thoroughly. I'm just having difficulty processing this. Where and what went wrong? I feel like I've been duped! And I totally feel like I should be happier about it. And I will be, once I stop feeling like it's all been in my head for the past 6 months.

Thanks :)

Hey Melissa,
Yes that is great news, but of course hard to wrap your head around and digest. For months you have been led to believe the aneurism was greater in size than it is and 'close' to the magic number to operate. This was impacting your decision making i.e. surgery first, pregnancy etc.

Hopefully you will get a chance to enjoy your weekend and tuck this information away.
Thinking of you,

Do not waste precious time thinking of what or why something went wrong. It just steals the joy of the moment. I now live the moment...not yesterday nor wait for tomorrow which is not mine. It is NOW that is important and make the best of it.

Enjoy your youth and be happy. :)
I hope that everything remains stable for you for a long time!!

So enjoy your weekend at Turtle Lake. Put eveything behind you for now & just concentrate on having a wonderful time! :)
I know this all seems very brain racking right now but I hope that you can enjoy your weekend and put it aside for a bit
Just try to enjoy your weekend get away. I think we all get shocked with the whole ordeal. Sounds like you just need to take a day at a time and enjoy your good report. Have fun take pics so we can enjoy the lake too. :)
Crystal :)
Good news! bad news! confusion! I know you've been going crazy leading up to today. How could they have gotten it wrong? We accord medical science so much respect, but technology only goes so far. We trust healthcare people with our lives, but these folks are less than perfect and they often get things wrong. When "wrong" happens our trust takes a hit. When our heart health odyssey goes on and on the question "why?" keeps surfacing. Why can't things finally turn out right and life get back to normal? There really isn't a great answer except to realize we only wake up to one day at a time. We can't live our tomorrows today. We try to plan for our future but life doesn't cooperate.

In six months you will have another MRI. More waiting. The craziness will probably come back. Tomorrow will take care of itself. In light of these MRI results all the stress and crazy energy you expended leading up to this was for naught. It's fantastic to be informed, but obsession doesn't really give us any more control over our circumstances. It does burn up time and energy and steal from the present moment.

I hope you have a good weekend enjoying the beauty and wonder of nature with people you love. Each "today" is your special day.
You know we shld not think healthcare folks are gods and they are always right, isnt that the reason we go for second opinion?

So, enjoy while your nos are in limits, and be rest assured that it'll be taken care of whenever it needs to be.

last but not the least plz... plz... plz keep yourself safe and visit the doc even at the slightest indications....

take care
Melissa ,sorry for how you are feeling,i hate that feeling lol been there
enough times .......BUT you know what ENJOY Turtle lake(beautiful) relaxation
and scenery and weather supposed to be awesome(finally) take care,travel

zipper2 (DEB)
Hi everyone,

Thanks all for your nice messages. I did have a great weekend and tried to wrap my head around the fact that I got good news, and that I should be grateful...which I am. I think Seth hit the nail pretty much on the head about how I'm feeling about the whole thing.

I have a treadmill test this Thursday as well, since I was having those crazy heart-racing symptoms and occasional chest pain, and that can't be all in my head...I'll also be talking to a Heart Health Social Worker at the hospital there.

I really appreciate everyone's support and understanding...I just felt like the most ungrateful beast after I thought about what I had written before I left for the weekend. But I knew you would all understand.

For now, I will work on just feeling better and feeling happy and healthy, and helping others here do the same.

Big hugs to all!


(Ross, your cheque's in the mail.)
That is disturbing to say the least...good but disturbing because you had one number in your head and then you are given another smaller number. Live your life and wait for the next test I guess.

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