Going to the cardiologist for the first time..

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Robb Wilder

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2010
Fort lauderdale Florida
Well this paticular ones office anyways. He is the same one that did my heart cath but by switching hospitals the initial cardiologist was out the door. I went straight to a surgeon at this hospital but now I need an admitting doctor for the hospital. I do not currently have a primary so I have to go give the Cardiologist his $40 so he can admit me. If my surgeon wasnt out of town he would have operated on me the next day after my cath. THe surgeon wanted to operate this week but I wanted to get some stuff done at work. Ive pretty much gotten that taken care of.

So tomorrow starts round 2 of my doctor visits and we see what comes of it tomorrow. Im for sure hes going to tell me to stop working. That is fine by me because I am feeling weaker and weaker and my heart is starting to pound harder and harder. I am so ready for this surgery so I too CAN DRINK THE KOOL AID and get to the other side.

Thanks for listening errr... reading my rant.
Let us know how it goes with the cardiologist. While it's annoying to have to go just to get admitted, you will need his overseeing your recovery after surgery so good to have something of a relationship.

Best wishes.
Sounds like you are more than ready to git it done and hope for your sake you cam take a little time of work beforehand to get your ducks in a row.
JKM7 is absolutely right in that the surgeon will likely be more difficult to reach post surgery and the cardiologist will be able to do more follow up with you.
Hang in there Robb
Blessings to you! Let us know how your appt goes tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you!
Ok got some numbers. My Aortic Valve is at .69 and my Aorta is at 6. Cardiologist said if I wasnt scheduled for surgery next wednesday he would wheel me over to the hospital right now. I like this guy and I like my surgeon. I am completely at peace with my choices now. Asked him how long on average for breathing tube he told me two days. Aaack. My one thing I am not "looking forward too"
Noooo, perhaps there was some misunderstanding but most here will agree that two days for the breathing tube is far from the 'average'. The time varies and definitely some folks do have complications which require longer time on the tube but the vast majority of us have it removed FAR sooner than that.
Both my OHS, tube was removed within 3-4 hours post op, maybe even sooner.

Don't fret about it. Many of us hardly remember it, Robb.
Happy to hear you like your doctors. That makes things much easier.
I simply cannot believe they would routinely keep people on the vent for 2 days!! They usually take it out within 6 hours!!!
Robb, I am happy to hear you've found a Cardio that you can talk to although, I quite agree that he gave you an ultra conservative estimate for how long you will be using the ventillator. I was in the ICU for two days but off the ventilator 4 hours after surgery. It just depends upon when your body can sustain breathing on it's own. He is right about the drugs. During the least pleasant part in the ICU you will have enough drugs that you are likely not to be very alert. By the time your mind is clearing, you will be past that unless you have complications. Take care, Robb, the Kool Aid is really pretty good.

I asked him straight up. How long do I have to have the breathing tube in. He said two days. I gave him a look and he said dont worry youll be knocked out and drugged up. I guess well see next wednesday

This was the cardiologist saying this, not the surgeon, right? Your cardio won't have anything to do with your care right after surgery...you need to ask your surgeon. I bet his answer is different. I did have to keep mine in a little longer than most...my surgery was at 7 am and I think they took the tube out around 3 am the following morning.

Don't let it freak you out...he is right about you being drugged and not really caring! Good luck.
Just to add my experience to the mix....My surgery was 4 hours and I had the breathing tube out in 3 hours after I was brought to CICU. My family has funny stories about me trying to move my hands and point to the tube. I remember trying to point to it to tell them to take it out. But I do not remember it being that stressful and I am sure I was asleep thorough most of those 3 hours. I did have many concerns about this prior to surgery but looking back on it, it was a very small event. I hope you have the same experience Robin
This was the cardiologist saying this, not the surgeon, right? Your cardio won't have anything to do with your care right after surgery...you need to ask your surgeon. I bet his answer is different. I did have to keep mine in a little longer than most...my surgery was at 7 am and I think they took the tube out around 3 am the following morning.

Don't let it freak you out...he is right about you being drugged and not really caring! Good luck.

I think Kim has a very good point. I would ask the surgeon and heck something like this, I would put a call in and find out what HE says instead of worrying about 2 days on the vent (do you have any major medical/lung problems, that would make you more difficult to wean off the vent?) Justin's surgeon and anestheias both told us before Justin's last few surgeries they TRY to have you off the vent before you even get to CICU, Justin always takes a little longer, but even then (since he has been an adult/teen) he is off in a couple hours post op not days. Heck look at the post op forums, the large majority of people are sitting up and starting to walk around the day after surgery, some even are posting here the next day. So unless there is a complication or they expect complications for something we don't know about, I can't imagine why your cardiologist would say it is normal to be on the vent 2 days.
Maybe he was giving me worst case scenario. I go for preop on Friday I will ask then. Maybe he figures Id get on it wednesday and sometime thursday be off of it? Well see. I am peace now with the whole thing. Just gotta keep my 6. Aorta in tact till then.
Robb, They took one look at me and thought "this old lady can handle it without a lot of medication" and the big male nurse said, "Barb. as soon as you can lift your head off the pillow I'll pull that vent out". How cute! There was a big elephant sitting on my head and there was no way I could get my head off that pillow. A few minutes later another nurse came over and told him someone had called off and they would be short-handed on the next shift so the next thing I knew that vent came out and I was on my way to the next floor!

The secret is---DON'T FIGHT IT, LET THE VENT DO THE WORK. It's really not that bad but having said that, it isn't anything I want to do again!

You'll do fine!
Very few can break my record for days on the vent. I had it in, both times, for over 30 days. After 10 days, they trach you. I've been trached twice. I really don't think you'll have it any longer then a few hours unless something goes wrong.
Ross, I will glady let you have the record. Really!!! Its all yours. Cookies and All :}

Thanks everyone for the support. Wednesday cant come quick enough so I can drink the Kool aid and get to the other side. Really tired of this hard beating heart that way it is. Im ready for click click .. click click ..