diazepam is it any good

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thanks for all your input, i thought as things went on i would come to terms with this. but if anything it seems to be getting harder each day. I do have some good days where everything seems in perspective but then someone says something and my mind takes me places i dont want to be. so will be trying these out sparingly and see if they help !

It's probably best to NOT talk to people who have Not had OHS about the surgery.

They don't have a CLUE to the reality and would be more like to share *their* fears than provide any useful or calming information.

Try to focus on the Positive and think about what you do with your life After you get 'Fixed'. In other words, think Long Term. You ARE going to make it!

'AL Capshaw'
It's probably best to NOT talk to people who have Not had OHS about the surgery.

They don't have a CLUE to the reality and would be more like to share *their* fears than provide any useful or calming information.

'AL Capshaw'

This is so true. Friends and relatives mean well, but unless they've actually gone through it, they should just shut up. They really do NOT have a clue what one goes through.

My sister-in-law got all over me about how I was after surgery, telling me someone should have slapped me silly and that there was no need to act the way I did. I could have shot her had I had a gun.
Ross, I understand what you mean with the "well meaning" friends and relatives.....most of them don't have a clue what we went through emotionally. But I was lucky that a neighbour and another friend would just show up and drop off food and leave again. They didn't bug me, or interfere, they just made sure I was eating well.
thanks again for all the advice your right about family and friends the look on there faces says it all ! even the asthma nurse when i told her had the look of oh my god your in trouble !
thanks again for all the advice your right about family and friends the look on there faces says it all ! even the asthma nurse when i told her had the look of oh my god your in trouble !

As soon as someone hears "heart and surgery" in the same sentence, they think your going to die. It really cracks me up at how very little they know, but yet, they have all the answers to all your questions. If only they had some inkling what they were talking about.......

The worst surgery my sister in law ever had was rotor cuff, same day surgery. She tried to liken it to heart surgery. PFFFFFFFFFFFT. This chick is so educatedly stupid that it's troubling. As you can tell, I have very little love for her.
I've tried everything under the sun and Valium/Diazepam works the best so far. I only take it before bed. I've actually been able to get some real sleep after 7 years of insomnia.

Another thing you might try is Unisom. Not the Benedryl pill, but the Doxylamine succinate pills. They make both and they put them out side by side, so make sure which one your picking up. It's over the counter and works pretty well, but can leave you feeling sleepy/hungover.

Does Unisom have benedryl like substance in it? I am one of those that benedryl has the reverse effect on me and makes me hyper and my heart rate go up. I take 5mg Ambien,,but after 2 weeks it has no effect so I need an Ambien vacation for a couple of nights and am trying to find a fill in.
Does Unisom have benedryl like substance in it? I am one of those that benedryl has the reverse effect on me and makes me hyper and my heart rate go up. I take 5mg Ambien,,but after 2 weeks it has no effect so I need an Ambien vacation for a couple of nights and am trying to find a fill in.

Unisom has two different sleep aids, side by side. One is Diphenhydramine or Benedryl, the other is the Doxylamine succinate. The later is what works for me sometimes.

Ambien, Lunesta, none of those even phased me. Xanax works for about 4 hours, but the Valium seems to keep me in a sleep mode for at least 6 hours.
yep...thats the right stuff Ross...doxylamine succinate 25mg is available OTC...

If there are any sleepless Aussies suffering its sold as Restavit here...$10-$12at the Chemist.
Ambien, Lunesta, none of those even phased me. Xanax works for about 4 hours, but the Valium seems to keep me in a sleep mode for at least 6 hours.

Valium has a half life of 20 to 100 hours. I think the average is around 40-50 :) Most other benzos have half the half life.

Did you know one of the drugs Heath Ledger was on when he died was Doxylamine?
I knew about Heath and the Doxylamine...but then I live in his home-town so it was all big news here...

Heath unfortunately mixed the Doxylamine with an antidepressant which is a big no-no, and then aalcohol and I can't remember what else...possibly a recreational drug...

There is also a mention of Valium on the Doxylamine list,the effect when mixing those 2 is increased sleepiness...but please check with your own doctor and pharmacist before combining Doxylamine with anything.
Well, this has been a very interesting and informative discussion of drugs, but have we managed to get our friend, here, pointed in a good direction for some relief for his anxiety?

I like that massage was mentioned. It works beautifully for some. It did not for me. I was having PVC's (benign arythmmias) and it increased them triple-fold and made me miserable for weeks. The increased blood flow just wreaked havoc on me. It does not seem to do that for most of you. :confused:

I guess I'd like to know if you are actually having panic attacks, or are you just plain terrified all the time. Both are totally understandable by the way!

My thoughts revolve around trying to find another support group besides us, perhaps. Real people you can actually meet with who have gone through the heart surgery successfully. I know that I met up with one of our members here for lunch a few times and it was so incredibly uplifting. He "went first" and was a source of true help for me. Maybe you can check with your cardiologist for such a group, or person. Or perhaps you can peruse our member list and get together with someone from here.

As time goes by, I think you will relax and let your brain and emotions sort things out. You will get used to it. But for now, wishing you some relief from your anxieties. :)
