Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 5-23

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Superbob is SUPER so he only needs one mulligan. However, since I have been trying to lose just 15 mere pound since the beginning of this TD and have just rotated around my beginning weight the entire time - lose 4, gain 4 back, gain an additional 4 (because even though I'm exercising daily, my body apparently is pretty ticked off at healthy eating and has vowed to gain 2 pounds for every pound of bad food I eat), lose the added 4, lose an additional 2, gain 3, lose 2, gain 4 again,.... mulligans are but an enticement to not chuck it all in.

If I were not eating wisely, I think I'd be gaining a pound a day. But all eating wisely has gotten me is stalled around the weight I started this at, lo those many months ago.

Can you tell I'm bleepin' frustrated????? I can't have one bad day or I'm up 5 pounds! I was sincerely hoping my cardio would tell my my thyroid test was low. But no such luck, or she forgot to mention it.

I'm really ticked that 2 days of bad, but not horrible, eating has ballooned me back past my starting point. I think if I were to write down everything I've been eating and how I've been exercising and showed it to a doctor he/she would say "Okay - you have to be lying, because there's no way you shouldn't be dropping the weight."

I'm not stepping on the scale for at least a week. I'm going to try for 2. If it hasn't budged, I'm seriously thinking of calling my PCP.

Thanks for the rant!!!!

Karlynn....I suspect that you are much closer to your goal/correct weight than most...that makes it harder to lose and the fluctuations to be more noticeable and distressing....Nothing sucks worse than getting slapped in the face by the scales when you KNOW you are doing all the right things:mad:....keep at it....and find a soft object an KTS out of it.:D
Superbob is SUPER so he only needs one mulligan. However, since I have been trying to lose just 15 mere pound since the beginning of this TD and have just rotated around my beginning weight the entire time - lose 4, gain 4 back, gain an additional 4 (because even though I'm exercising daily, my body apparently is pretty ticked off at healthy eating and has vowed to gain 2 pounds for every pound of bad food I eat), lose the added 4, lose an additional 2, gain 3, lose 2, gain 4 again,.... mulligans are but an enticement to not chuck it all in.

If I were not eating wisely, I think I'd be gaining a pound a day. But all eating wisely has gotten me is stalled around the weight I started this at, lo those many months ago.

Can you tell I'm bleepin' frustrated????? I can't have one bad day or I'm up 5 pounds! I was sincerely hoping my cardio would tell my my thyroid test was low. But no such luck, or she forgot to mention it.

I'm really ticked that 2 days of bad, but not horrible, eating has ballooned me back past my starting point. I think if I were to write down everything I've been eating and how I've been exercising and showed it to a doctor he/she would say "Okay - you have to be lying, because there's no way you shouldn't be dropping the weight."

I'm not stepping on the scale for at least a week. I'm going to try for 2. If it hasn't budged, I'm seriously thinking of calling my PCP.

Thanks for the rant!!!!

Karlynn, not one smiley face in that whole post! :eek: Superbob is sorry if he touched a nerve -- you know the caped guy was kidding, I'm sure, uh, I hope. :)

Hey the Chimp has it right -- you are not losing a bunch of weight because you are at a good place -- fit and work out regularly. Still, I guess it is frustrating if unwanted weight goes on quickly after an occasional splurge (which we all need!)...So Superbob sympathizes. And so do I. (There you go, dual identities.) :D

My problem is not that weight goes on so easily anymore, but that after losing the initial 20, I have been stuck on a plateau for a maddening while (up 2, down 2, no change), and I know I need to lose a good bit more than that 20.

So enjoy your exercise, and those occasional outings to fav places. (Just watch those fudge brownies. :p
HEY, wait a minute.....muscle weighs more than fat!!
Karlynn (who is exercising), ditch that scale and take your body measurements every 2 weeks.

Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking!

Karlynn, take body measurements instead - bet you'll notice a difference.

Now....does anybody want a potbelly pig to work on? cause thats how I feel:(
HEY, wait a minute.....muscle weighs more than fat!!
Karlynn (who is exercising), ditch that scale and take your body measurements every 2 weeks.

Thats EXACTLY what I was thinking!

Karlynn, take body measurements instead - bet you'll notice a difference.

Now....does anybody want a potbelly pig to work on? cause thats how I feel:(

Are we being invaded by slender Canadians?????:eek::eek:;)
Oooops, I forgot my Canucks burn off a zillion calories trying not to freeze to death in winter!
Actually it is driving me nuts that I have my ribs showing and my elbows are bony and hurting.
Thin is no fun either, too bad any incoming calories only go to my stomach or butt!!
I'll have to let you know tomorrow...

I'll have to let you know tomorrow...

I weighed myself on my 3 scales...(yes I'm obsessive about weighing), on Friday and was down 4 or 5 lbs from last Monday's ww weigh-in. However, Monday being my normal ww day... and that being a holiday...I need to drive 30 miles to St. Cloud tomorrow morning and weigh in there. Maybe I'll meet my mother for lunch after I weigh in, at least it will be worth the trip then.

I get so frustrated every weekend, because it seems like I'm a few lbs down on Friday...and by Monday...I've undone everything good I did the rest of the week. I have been showing losses...but come on-.4 lbs?? Not what I'd call great progress. I know a loss is a loss, but I need a good one tomorrow if I'm going to feel encouraged at all about this whole weight loss thing. I've got a looooooooonnnnnggg way to go! I'll check in with y'all tomorrow:D

I get so frustrated every weekend, because it seems like I'm a few lbs down on Friday...and by Monday...I've undone everything good I did the rest of the week. I have been showing losses...but come on-.4 lbs?? Not what I'd call great progress. I know a loss is a loss, but I need a good one tomorrow if I'm going to feel encouraged at all about this whole weight loss thing. I've got a looooooooonnnnnggg way to go! I'll check in with y'all tomorrow:D

You are telling my story:D...I know how you feel...Just hang in there!!!!
I just got back from Houston, and just as I suspected, I was my usual piggy self. Although, I will admit I wasn't bad the WHOLE weekend... Friday on the drive down I stopped to get a large iced tea to help keep me awake (and may have also gotten 4 greasy tacos to go with it). But when I arrived at my sister's house my BIL had made me baked salmon and oven roasted potatoes. So that counteracts the tacos, right?! ;) Then on Saturday I had a flax seed pancake (my sister's favorite breakfast), Chinese buffet (sister's choice once again), and a LARGE dinner of grilled chicken, fried eggplant, tomatoes, cheese, and some sort of sauce along with the chips and salsa while waiting for the gigantic dinner to arrive! :eek: Sunday I had a turkey wrap (good), and then BIL grilled some of the thickest burgers I've ever eaten. I also had bean dip galore and a healthy scoop of potato salad. For desert, brownies and choc. cake....

I vow to get back on track this week. We now have a working dish washer so as I got back into town I stopped at the grocery store and picked up fresh fruits and veggies to cook up tonight. We'll have either pineapple fried rice (yummy), or crispy baked chicken with potatoes and asparagus. Here's hoping I can get back to eating healthy every day instead of the pig I have been the last two weeks!

Good job everyone else!
I vow to get back on track this week. ... Here's hoping I can get back to eating healthy every day instead of the pig I have been the last two weeks!

Oh, me, three! After getting back to last week's 127 yesterday morning, I succumbed to chips and dips in the afternoon, and cheese and lunchmeat, and....up 4 lbs overnight! Why can't I remember salt is evil when it is staring me in the face? :mad: That plus all the veggies with dip dropped my INR to 2 this morning. Oink Oink here, too.
I think I have to go back on weight loss plan, not maintenance plan for a couple of weeks.
The only way Superbob touches my nerves is too sooth them! :D

Gosh, the color of Superbob's face matches his cape -- he is blushing! :p:D

Actually, the caped one needs some smoothing himself at the moment. We had the family cookout -- very nice, and it was topped off with DW's blackberry cobbler, which my 9-year-old granddaughter loves. She had 2 1/2 helpings of it. Superbob was enjoying his one bowl when he suddenly realized something was missing -- half a tooth! An old repaired one had just crumbled. So first thing in the morning have to try to get an appointment with dentist ASAP.

I wasn't even aware of seeds, didn't have sense of biting into anything hard. But of course homemade blackberry cobbler is bound to have them. Not blaming DW -- it was deelish. Just one of those things -- but kinda discouraging -- latest thing to give me sense of just falling apart. :(

Superbob wishes he had superpowers to just restore a tooth without sitting in a dentist's chair. :eek: Was just there last week for six month's cleaning/checkup and got a good report.
I was gonna post about my laxck of progress but Karlynn has done it for me...I must be on exactly the same diet 'cos I too have had exactly the same results...really frustrating. On a good note.... least this has stopped me bingeing as I dont want to have to fess up to you guys in the morning., but I really really wanted to lose a few pounds/kilos.

Everyone is doing so well...I am so happy for you guys and also a little jealous.
I for one didn't need any Mulligan, didn't gain anything over the weekend. In fact I was down a fraction at Wt Watchers this week. Total so far 41.4 lbs
I'll just keep chipping away...

I'll just keep chipping away...

at this 100+ lbs of extra flab I had on my body, and some day I'll find the thin woman I know I can be under it all. I'm starting to see some progress:). Nothing major...but I swear I'm starting to make out the beginnings of a waist when I look in the mirror.:p

I lost exactly 2 lbs this week. Not GREAT mind you, but with the holiday weekend and all...I think I did pretty well. No Mullingan stew needed here this week.

I have exactly 5 weeks (from yesterday), before I hit that dreaded 5-0 number...and my goal is to have 30 lbs off by then. I'd better get cracking. I know I can do it if I put my mind (and my body:eek:) to it.
Way to go, Sumo and weekycat! I don't think I gained any over the week-end, but we will see!:eek:;)