They're torturing me!

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
Surgery scheduled for last friday, got a call at 9pm cancelling, moved to TODAY, monday the 26th. I'm in bed at UCLA, wearing lovely gown, Dr. comes in and says it's CANCELLED AGAIN!

Is God trying to tell me something? I am really beginning to wonder if this is all happening for a reason? Should I forget surgery?

confused, angry, sorry to vent...but I guess this is the place...
sorry for my poor wife and daughter, who are suffering with the waiting, too.:mad:

Okay, I've cooled off, sorry to rant. Supposedly going in tomorrow am. But...I am learning great tolerance, patience, etc.
temp69 said:
Surgery scheduled for last friday, got a call at 9pm cancelling, moved to TODAY, monday the 26th. I'm in bed at UCLA, wearing lovely gown, Dr. comes in and says it's CANCELLED AGAIN!

Is God trying to tell me something? I am really beginning to wonder if this is all happening for a reason? Should I forget surgery?

confused, angry, sorry to vent...but I guess this is the place...
sorry for my poor wife and daughter, who are suffering with the waiting, too.:mad:
Oh man, I know your ready to go nuts. All things happen for a reason and whatever that reason is, don't question it, just work with it. This will happen in it's own due time. I know that's not what you want to hear, but I do believe there are reasons for it.
Ya know, all this waiting & stress isn't good for a guy with a not-so-good heart! I'm really confused why they would do this. But your job now, your #1 priority is to let it roll off ya, as hard as that may be. I'd also be upset, esp. for inconveniencing my family. But it's life, and emergencies happen I guess. Are they gonna let you stay there, and try for tomorrow? Best of luck with this situation, Temp.
Gee I'm sorry. That is VERY frustrating. You're going to have to work hard not to let it stress you out. NO, I wouldn't cancel your surgery. I know you are just venting with that remark, but DO NOT even entertain it. Your aneurysm needs attention... I'm sure they won't keep putting you off.

Hang in there. Come back and vent all you want to us.....we're here for ya!!!

Good luck! Stay positive!!

That is torture.

That is torture.

I am so sorry to hear...never thought they could cancel once you are in the hospital attire. Your poor family. I am supposed to go on Wednesday, but we will see. Just never ever know. Your doc must be called in for every emergency??? I am an elective surgery patient, even though I feel like crappola!!! This board is scream, yell, vent. Get it all out;) Take care and remember we are all in this together temp!

Lisa, snoopy, and riley PAWS crossed that this never happens again!
Oh, Temp, I can't think of anything to say that could possibly help. How many times have you scrubbed yourself with hib? Any skin left???

I guess it's better than having a tired and cranky surgeon doing the surgery. I guess . . .

I guess you don't have any alternative to hanging in there.

So sorry for you.
I'm so sorry this is happening to anyone. It is very hard to cope with but the advise to try and roll with it the best you can is good.

I was inpatient, in Cardiac Intensive Care, for four days with my surgery scheduled for the fifth day. Even under those circumstances, on a heart pump, when they came to bring me down, my nurse told me to understand that I still could be brought back up and my surgery cancelled. It happens all the time.

VERY thankfully, they did my surgery that day as scheduled.

Good luck. We are all thinking of you and wishing you the very best.
Sorry, it was canceled today..let us hear .when it will happen. We are still here with you.:) Bonnie
Stay the Course

Stay the Course

Temp 69,

Well other than to say that stinks I have to agree with everyone else here stay the course! My wife is one of those people that says when we are late that maybe the Lord is sparing from being in an accident. I guess that is a good way to think about it. All we can do is our best, pray that is blessed and let God take care of the rest. Stay the course, full speed ahead!

Just keep breathing...

Just keep breathing...

...but what a bummer.

Just know that this is the absolute worst of it. So many of us agree that the waiting and anxiety prior to surgery is definitely the worst part of the experience. Especially if you get the extended postponement package...

Don't look back, just look forward. You will feel so much better when this is behind you. Trust very many of us have been there.

If you're still in the hospital, you might ask them for something to help you sleep tonight.

Hang in there dude...your time will come...

Be grateful you arent the person who "took" your surgery spot cos they are probably having an emergency operation.
Out of curiosity, did the Surgeon give you any reasons for the cancellations? Maybe the nurses know.

In any event, it is probably best that you were not put off to follow a LONG and Complicated emergency surgery later in the same day.

IF (or perhaps I should say WHEN) the hospital bills you for the extra days, tell them it wasn't YOUR fault and you want the charges dropped. Tell us how THAT goes over :D

'AL Capshaw'
Geez Temp,
I'd definitely vote you 'vr's most 'patient' patient. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. You're all dressed down and no place to go! What fun you must be having in the hospital. Sure hope it is a go tomorrow and that you have something to help you sleep tonight!
Hoping tomorrow is the big day! Hang in there!
Hope it is a "go" today temp and you can feel our presence there willing you on to a successful surgery. Maybe a long prep will foretell a short recovery. Best wishes to you and your family!
With all of the strength you have had to find after the disappointments, turn this around and enjoy each additional pre-surgery day with your wife and daughter! If today is the day, go in peacefully! We've got your back!
Sorry to hear - but they are really screwing with your mind. At one month out mine was delayed two days and I was pissed about that.

On the bright side, to them your operation is so routine they may not realize what you are going through. Is that a bright side? I don't know but I hope it helps.

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