Cooker’s ThrowDown Friday III ... 2-26-2010

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
OK losers ... don't think you got a reprieve just because we lost this weeks ThrowDown:D ... I still expect you to suit up and show up ... The Ex-Ref has threatened to rate all my threads and posts as terrible so if you want to help extinguish this mutiny fight back with the top rating ... she's just jealous because I have more hair than she does:p

Starting Weight: ...233
Last Week: ...............192
This week: ................192
Total Loss: ..................41
OK losers ... don't think you got a reprieve just because we lost this weeks ThrowDown:D ... I still expect you to suit up and show up ... The Ex-Ref has threatened to rate all my threads and posts as terrible so if you want to help extinguish this mutiny fight back with the top rating ... she's just jealous because I have more hair than she does:p

Starting Weight: ...233
Last Week: ...............192
This week: ................192
Total Loss: ..................41

Will you just listen to the Chimp's language!!!:eek: He sounds like a prison warden!:eek::eek: Or a Marine Corps drill sergeant!:eek::eek:
And he's trash talking my good friend, the Ref?:(
I'm in retaliatory mode . . . . I'm rating this thread as "terrible". Unless I weigh in a little bit and find I've lost weight . . . . then I will give it a thumbs up.;):D
Well, I moved the scale around on the floor, hoping it would be nicer to me if I had it level. It SAYS i lost about 1/2 pound. It durned well better. I've had NO CHOCOLATE all week!
Hi everybody - looking a little different around here lately. :eek: I think I lost my Avatar too.... but Hank said he was still working on the aesthetics. I tried to get it back by saying ' no avatar' and then was goign to reset to have an avatar but can't seem to undo that selection. Oh well - give things time to settle in a bit.

This work week has been 'HEDoubleHockeysticks' (a tribute to the Olympics) and so I have not had any time to goof off and actually get paid for it! So don't you be admonishing me now Mr. Chimp because I have been suited up - just not ready to go! This is the first time I've logged in to the throwdown this week, so may have missed some people's posts that are now lost forever in cyberspace. I do see our resident Superhero's post though! Yippeee! Keep it up SB. And Laurie - you got rewarded for your chocolate deprivation. Good going!

I have had a crazy week weight wise too. I've netted a a loss of 1.4 lbs - but let me tell you how I got there. Since last Friday morning, I gained a total of 6.8 lbs and then lost 8.2 lbs. Is that wild or what? I know some of it is water, but that couldn't possibly be all of it. That is the metabolic tune-up phase I'm going through with Curves Complete weight management plan. I consumed 2000 calories (and more cause I didn't keep track like I was supposed to.) from Wed. thru Sunday and then went back to 1200 calories on Monday. I am convinced again that this plan works - gotta keep the body guessing as to how much food you are going to be giving it!

Now, if I could count the weight I've lost for the second time since Jan 1 - I'd have contributed about 15 lbs to the St. Paddy's challenge. Since that would be cheating (wouldn't it?) I've really only contributed 3.6.
Weigh in Jan 1 at 197.6 - Weigh in today 194.

There is still time to catch up with SB though! But probably not this week. I'm back on one more cycle of metabolic tune up (the program says to do it for at least 2 weeks). So it's 2000 calories till I gain some weight (really only up to 5 lbs - I went a little over the line last week) then back to 1200. It is a race to the finish though with St. Paddy's only 19 days away!

Below are my official's now an even 30 lbs total since mid August!! My cardio was very pleased with me this week - went in for my 4 mo checkup. Minimal progress of AS, so it's 6 months before we do it again I also seem to have now developed low frequency PVC and PAC - so been reading up on that. Those thumps and bumps are sort of unsettling, but I'm told nothing to worry about. He took me off metoprolol too as my heart rate was actually too low - dizzy spells and almost fainitng while driving - not good. Good news/bad news on the AS progression. I don't want to rush it, but I want to get it over with and behind me so bad. I try not to think about it, but it is always lurking there..... At least I"ll be in good shape when the time comes! :D

Starting weight: 224
Last Week: 195.4
This week 194
Loss: 1.4
Total loss: 30

OK - I've bent everyone's ear enough for one day... sorry:eek:

See ya later losers!:cool:
Hello all, I cracked reading all of the above. So, I hope I lost 4 oz by laughing!

Keep your fingers crossed for me, friends, and knock on wood!!:D as I normally jinx myself after a few weeks of good losses.

Starting weight: 180 lbs
Last week's wt.: 176.5 lbs
This week's wt.: 175.0 lbs
Total wt. loss: 5 lbs.

I keept moving the scale left and right, and around the bathroom to make sure it is working well as I could not believe it. It stayed steady.

My next short term goal is another 5 lbs by end of March.
Well I finally got in. Is this a secret society Throwdown now? Just joking.

Why this was the only thread I couldn't access is beyond me. But, the bad news is that I have to weigh in now. : (
I waited until today to weigh in, but should have posted Thursday's weight. I was two pounds less then. I don't know how to explain it. I've watched what I ate and I've got a few days of exercise in.

Last week's weight: 155.5
This week's weight: 157.5
Gain of two
Duffey, I had one of those I can't explain it weeks also. We'll get it going next week!

I gained .8 this week and Cindy lost 1, so we almost collectively maintained.

As you can see, I got back into the thread. I'm posting this while I can and while Kentucky is getting whomped by Tennessee. I need a diversion.
Are you having problems accessing threads too? I'm getting in this thread hit and miss.

I intended to quote Superbob's last post. This was a question to him. I think I'm going to wait a while longer before I try again. Not loving this new site, but it'll work itself out eventually.
I intended to quote Superbob's last post. This was a question to him. I think I'm going to wait a while longer before I try again. Not loving this new site, but it'll work itself out eventually.

When I clicked on this thread last time, I was immediately directed to IE's page that says, "can not display this webpage." So you're not the only one having problems, Wise. I am too.
In the course of life's events, not being able to navigate the site is probably less than a minor blip on the radar, but I understand where you're coming from. It will work itself out, and I bet, if I had lost two pounds this week, instead of gaining two pounds, I'd be a much happier camper!

Congrats to Cindy, and you'll have your smidgen of a gain off by next week, I'm sure.
Very Interesting

Very Interesting

Well I finally got back in. My normal browser is Google Chrome and that doesn't seem to work too well just yet on this new version of vr. Although I could get into the 'unacceptable thread' started by Wise using Chrome. Now I'm on Internet Explorer 8 and got into the throwdown thread just fine. I tested again with Chrome and can't get it, tried again with IE8 and can. Wise and SB, you might want to make sure you are using a current version of IE explorer and see if that helps.

I'm a software tester by trade. It is very difficult to do comprehesive testing on all the varying versions of web browsers, and operating systems, etc. that are out there. Everybody's PC is configured differently. Just got to be patient while they work out the kinks.

Don't let it send you digging into the bottom of a pint of cookies & cream ice cream!!!!
Eva - you are doing great! 5 Lbs! Doesn't it feel good?. Surely that motivates you to keep going. Thenthere is the other side like Duffey & Wise - who didn't deserve what they got and there is no explanation. All I know is that as frustrating as it is y'all have to stick with it. You will be rewarded double fold if you do. If you say what the heck and drown your sorrows in food - then all bets are off. Please hang in!
Eva - you are doing great! 5 Lbs! Doesn't it feel good?. Surely that motivates you to keep going. Thenthere is the other side like Duffey & Wise - who didn't deserve what they got and there is no explanation. All I know is that as frustrating as it is y'all have to stick with it. You will be rewarded double fold if you do. If you say what the heck and drown your sorrows in food - then all bets are off. Please hang in!

Oddly enough, I have been a teetotaler of all bad food today, which included my favorite team playing dead and losing to a bunch of volunteers. I have felt like I could eat nails all day. So, all-in-all, I have been moderately behaved.


Okay, I get it now. A slow learner I am, but frankly I hate the "Change or Die" sloganeering. Change to what? All change is good? Never question authority? That's not me.

Anyway, I have lost 7 pounds in the Great Saint Paddy's Day race. Regards to all.