Clairitin - Zinc - Tylenol

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
So I went to see the doctor earlier today (Friday) due to a sore throat, runny nose and sinus pain. Although it wasn't my usual doctor, the dim-wit I saw said she couldn't see anything when she looked at my throat, but my left ear was a little red indicating it was a start of a viral infection and that antibiotics would not be in order.
She did give me a prescription for ammoxcilian (sp) but not to get it filled right away since this was only my second day of having these symptoms and to wait till maybe Sunday to get it filled if things didn't settle down.

My throat is really sore right now and I'm just taking Tylenol, which kinda helps. I read that zinc can be taken with a mechanical valve, is this true? What I have is zinc & vitamin c lozenges which really makes things taste funny, so can I suck on these, correct?
Its also safe for me to take Clairitin right? - So, I was wondering, can I take all three (Clairitin, Zinc & Tylenol) for my symptoms? Or would I be over doing it?

Oh, and yes, I did have a flu shot last month.
Any help/suggestions would greatly be appreciated right about now - Thanks.
Thanks Zipper, your right - rather be safe than sorry.

This morning my throat feels like a hot knife is piercing threw it on the left side just under the jaw bone.

Does anyone know what kind of lozenges is safe for me to use?
Thanks Bina, now if I can only find any of them lozenges around the house :(
Going to get that prescription filled as soon as I can somebody out of bed.

You may want to try this old traditional home treatment which may help with your sore throat until you can buy the lozenges:
Mix some salt (I never use measurements) with warm water and gargle as often as you can.
Also, try warm lemonade (if you have lemons): boil the water together with the lemon juice and lemon rind, and sugar if you want and drink it warm.

I hope yo feel better soon:)
I've got the same kind of crud, Freddie. Are people going to talk? :D:p

I find nothing much helps except time, but as far as fruity little drops, I find that Halls Defense (Sugar-Free -- or you can get them with sugar), with 100 percent the daily value of Vit C -- help me to some extent. At night I also take Cold-Tylenol.

Hope you feel better soon (and me, too). :)
Hope you feel better soon Freddie. One thing that I've used for a sore throat is olive leaf extract, but I don't know if it is something you can take being on warfarin. Olive leaf is a natural antibiotic, if I understand correctly. Sounds like you're getting the advice you need though. Best wishes!