cardiac catherizatin

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May 4, 2014
Montgomeryville, Pa.
hi! I just scheduled my aortic valve replacement surgery. it's in two weeks. i was born with a bicuspid aortic valve. At this time the valve area is .6 and gradient is 140. doctors were pretty amazed that my only symptom is some shortness of breath.
I am scheduled for a cardiac cath on Tuesday. I forgot to ask about retuning to work. are you able to go to work the next day, as long as they don't keep me over night?
I want to say this is an awesome site. I feel like I have learned so much already just by reading everything.

I worried a lot before my cath and found I wasted far too much energy. It was simple for me, painless and though I was told to rest that afternoon and not drive because of lingering sedation, I was permitted to go about all my usual activities the next morning. I had no pain, no after effects and was told the results of it immediately.

I certainly hope you have the same positive experience.
Actually, that is the key...... having a very experienced interventional cardiologist doing the cath.

Best wishes.
Thanks so much. I had one before, but I was 36 weeks pregnant and my blood pressure crashed during it. My doctor assured me that it was due to the pregnancy. Still makes me a little nervous, but I know I am in good hands.
I am just ready to get this all behind me and be on the road to recovery.
I had one done a few weeks before my valve replacement, for me the IV's were the worse part because my veins don't always cooperate. It was neat to see the dr. working on my veins, I was glad to know all my other arteries and veins around the heart were clear and looked good. My bicuspid valve was pretty calcified, the dr. took a good amount of time working on it. I was fine the next day just being careful with my wrist where they put the catheter in. Good luck.
My cath was 11 days ago. They went through the arm instead of my groin. Went home 2 1/2 hours later. I was told not to lift more than 10 lbs for three days. After that I could do whatever I wanted.

I was extremely nervous as the procedure began, but once they got going it was pretty interesting to watch. No pain until three days later when my forearm started to ache a little, not bad. I do have a bruise worth being proud of though. I even photographed it!

My surgery is scheduled for the 12th. Eight days away! I am not freaking out about it. Have this site and the people here to thank for that.
My first one a year ago (in a non-specialty hospital) was miserable - I remember EVERYTHING, and ended up staying overnight in the hospital. I missed two full days of work, and had another day of "light duty." It was pretty awful.

My second one was in a heart hospital. I remember nothing after the tech saying, "I'm gonna give you a strong margarita now..." I went back to work the next day with a bruise the size of a silver dollar. I drove my bus, I lifted my boxes, and I peed a lot. :)
They went through the arm instead of my groin. Went home 2 1/2 hours later. I was told not to lift more than 10 lbs for three days. After that I could do whatever I wanted.

I have had three through the groin and one through the arm. The arm is much easier. I too went home the same day. With the groin, you may stay overnight, since they want to make sure it closes. That is one area you don't want to "blow open".
hi! I just scheduled my aortic valve replacement surgery. it's in two weeks. i was born with a bicuspid aortic valve. At this time the valve area is .6 and gradient is 140. doctors were pretty amazed that my only symptom is some shortness of breath.
I am scheduled for a cardiac cath on Tuesday. I forgot to ask about retuning to work. are you able to go to work the next day, as long as they don't keep me over night?
I want to say this is an awesome site. I feel like I have learned so much already just by reading everything.


Hi, I am new here too, also have surgery scheduled soon (May 20), and also only had a recent episode of shortness of breath as a symptom. I just had a heart cath last week. It went well, they went through my wrist. I was in and out in about 3 hours.
I planned ahead on returning to work the next day since I wasn't sure how the sedation would be, but I wasn't the least bit groggy from it, truth be told.

You should be fine to go to work the next day. Good luck to you.
I had my heart cath last week Tuesday via the groin.
I had no total sedation, just a local pain killer.
After the heart cath an angio seal was used. Is this also a common method in the USA?
I had to lay down for 1 hour (to make sure the angio seal did his work) and the second hour I was allowed to walk around. My blood pressure was measured 4 or 5 times and the final check was if no bleeding occurred in my groin. All was okay and I was allowed to go home.
The next day I rode a few miles on my bicycle and on Thursday I was back to work again.
No pain at all.
Lynn, I also have had more than one and in both cases, there was no problem going back to work the next day. On both occasions, they used a protein plug so I only had to wait an hour or so in recovery before I went home. During the first one, I was pretty heavily sedated although not unconscious. During the second, I was given a sedative but the surgeon who performed it told me he wanted to be able to ask for my assistance....mostly by holding my breath. We talked some during the procedure and he was able to describe for me what I was seeing on the monitor. For me, the second experience was by far the better one. With less sedation, I was able to leave for home more quickly and I felt better because I had received fewer drugs.

I've had 5 caths in my life, remember 4 of them (1st one was at 18 months). Four were by groin and one in the arm (my 2nd one). The last two that I've had were before my 2 surgeries. The first one was done outpatient and my Cardio did all of his scheduled caths on Fridays. I probably could have worked the next day as I had a desk job, but I was a bit tender down there and was glad to be able to "couch surf" over the weekend. They used a collagen plug to close the incision and I was released in 3 hours. I slept the first 2 hours, had lunch, walked around a bit and then went home. It was basically a non issue once I actually got there and settled down. My second one they did impatient the day before surgery and that was a breeze as well. I didn't think I would like being admitted a day early and having the cath, but for me it turned out being less stressful than the anxiety of preparing for 2 separate events.
hi, so I had the cath done yesterday. it got pushed back from morning to afternoon as they had several emergencies. the procedure itself was okay, hurt some in the beginning.
however several hours later as it was close to discharge time, the nurse pushed down on the area as she adjusted the bed and a big hematoma formed and my bp dropped. so, I got admitted and came home today. it was not fun.
at this time, it is very sore. so instead of just missing one day of work, I am now out at least three days. :-(

So very sorry to hear that. My heart cath last August was awful ; it was a lot more of a deal than I was prepared for. Hope you get better fast.
Hi Soccermom,

Sorry to hear you had a bad time of it. I have had 5 to date, and being a red head, (were bleeders you know) have usually found them to be ok, if you don't count a nurse pressing on your groin for an hour (no. 4) or just before discharge (no. 5) starting to bleed again.

Fortunately for me they have never resulted in an over night stay.

Wishing you a speedy recover, God speed.

Hi Soccermom,

Sorry to hear that it didn't go as smooth as you had hoped. Just take it easy the next few days, and heed any lifting restrictions they gave you. Best of luck.


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