Black and Blues on Warfarin?

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
New York
I'm not quite sure where to post this, so I'm putting it here.

I had AVR in January and have been on warfarin (a St. Jude's valve was put in). Lately I've noticed I get alot of black and blue marks. I don't even remember hurting myself, but these marks are constantly popping up. I'm guessing it's the blood thinner doing this. Does anyone else experience this? Is it something to worry about?
Yvonne, I'm never without a back and blue mark on my arms or legs! When my husband was on it he got such bad bruises I was sure someone would suspect me of abusing him!! We just don't take the corners as well as we used to, either that or someone came in and moved the walls on us! Hubby's worst obstacle was the storm door coming in through the garage, always caught his arm on it. I've threatening to wrap him up in rolls of cotton batten. Don't worry about it; you'll be okay.
Im on a beta blocker and Benicar and I have had more black and blue marks since going on the betea blocker than I thought possible. I think mine are because of the beta blocker. Sometimes I bump myself and think "well here comes one" most times they just show up. I'm pretty sure the ones that "just show up" are caused be me bumpimg something and not remembering it.
Thanks for the responses. That's why I love this forum...I find people who are experiencing the same thing. I'm sure I must have bumped into something and just don't remember, but I was starting to get scared that I'm suddenly getting black and blue so quickly.
Who is managing your Coumadin / AntiCoagulation?
Is your INR within your recommended range?

I'm thinking some people are just more 'sensitive' to bruising than others,
but yes, being on anticoagulation can increase your sensitivity to bruising.
If your INR is too High, that can make you more sensitive to bruising.

FYI, the Anti-Coagulation Forum would probably be the best place to ask questions about Coumadin / anticoagulation management.

'AL Capshaw'
I noticed more bruising the first year post op, maybe because I was also taking daily 81mg Aspirin.
When I stopped the Aspirin the tendancy to bruise also abated nicely.
Keep that INR in range though. ;)
Lately I've noticed I get alot of black and blue marks. I don't even remember hurting myself, ?

If your INR is in range I would not worry unless you getting a lot of them, but I would mention it to my doc. It's just something we all have to put up with. I don't bruise easily but ever so often a bruise shows up and I know I must have bumped into something without realizing it.
My INR had been low for a couple of months (around 1.9). They increased my Warfarin and finally got it up to 3.3 (that was at the end of July). My range is supposed to be 2.5-3.5. I have to go back in 2 weeks for my next blood test. My PCP manages my Coumadin. He's on vacation for the next two weeks.

Bina - I forgot - I'm also on 81 mg of aspirin. I think next time I go to the PCP I will ask if I still need to be on that.

Are you taking any meds other than warfarin and 81mg aspirin? There are a few meds that have anticoagulant or anti-platelet effects.

My former cardio had me taking 81mg of aspirin. I noticed bruising while taking it, and so I stopped. He wasn't really pleased. My new cardio says I don't need to take aspirin.
I'm also taking 75 mg of Toporol.

I called the cardio last week about my continued discomfort on the left side of my chest (he thinks it could be muscular but may order an xray if it doesn't get better in a week or so), so I'm hesitant to call him again this week about the bruising. I would call my PCP but he's on vacation for the next two weeks. I kind of think I should wait for the PCP to return since he's the one managing the Warfarin. Then I can ask about the bruising and if I should continue with the aspirin.
I started developing mystery bruises (HUGE ones!) on my arms and legs a few months back. I stopped taking that baby aspirin (but kept taking the warfarin at the same dose). The bruises disappeared. My doctors agreed with my stopping the aspirin and said I should not go back to taking the baby aspirin.
I'm starting to think stopping the baby aspirin would be the thing to do. Maybe it wasn't meant to be for the long term after the surgery, but none of the doctors ever stopped it. I'm going to have to ask them. I hesitate to change any medications without asking first, but maybe I'm being overly cautious about that.
Hi Yvonne
When I first went on warfarin I was bruised everywhere and for no apparent reason. Over the years I think I have developed more tolerance and seldom bruise. I wasn't taking aspirin at that time.
I betcha it's the aspirin.
I was bruising badly, including big lumpy swellings, being the owner of a dog who regularly uses me as a backstop or tackling dummy. Since I reduced my daily aspirin from 325 to 81 mg the bruising has come down a lot.

Now it takes a pretty good hit from Jet to cause me to color up. Even her basic stomp on my feet doesn't do it anymore.
I'm starting to think stopping the baby aspirin would be the thing to do. Maybe it wasn't meant to be for the long term after the surgery, but none of the doctors ever stopped it. I'm going to have to ask them. I hesitate to change any medications without asking first, but maybe I'm being overly cautious about that.

Doctors are split on deciding if it's really appropriate to take it all the time or not. It's just added insurance against heart attacks and stokes.
I remember when I first started, I did have a few small bruises here and there, but I haven't seen any now in a long time, and my INR is very stable.

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