Black and Blues on Warfarin?

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I love this forum!

It sounds like this isn't an emergency, so I'll just wait until my PCP returns from vacation and then mention it to him. I have to go for my next INR test anyway when he returns.
Hi Yvonne,
Yes. It is common to bruise a bit easier, but I also think the aspirin adds to it. After following my doctor's advice, as you will do with your doctor, I stopped aspirin for a week, noticed a big improvement, but was advised to take the 81 mg aspirin every other day instead of every day. That has seemed to minimize the black and blue a great deal. I keep my INR between 2 and 3. Good luck, and stay safe.
Hi Yvonne,
Not to worry...bumps and bruises, all colors, you will find them. But if you ever have your toes turn purple, time to call the doctor. I used to bruise all the time when I WASNT on Coumadin and now that I am, well, sometimes I am more blue than white!
Hey Yvonne,

I am on the same tract as you seem to be (Surgery January, warfarin, asprin). I get some bruising from light impacts that never showed up before my AVR. I play racquetball and get some pretty good lookin' "donuts" from ball hits. I have a check up coming next week and I am going to ask about discontinueing the aspirin. I have been staying in range (2.5-3.5) for the past couple of months on 40mg warfarin per wk.:wink2:

I think that there are a lot of myths with the use of Warfarin and I don't think it is the "Bogey Man" that a lot of people think it is .
The thing to remember is that you must adjust to taking Warfain and just be a little more careful when doing Physical jobs etc, I always wear gloves when working in my workshop and in the garden, particularly near Roses !
I am 65 and still very active (AVR and Failed Maze treatment 2006. ATS Valve)
Warfarin can save your life , it will help you avoid Strokes and DVT and honestly I do not seem to have any side effects that I know of .
I have got Perm A/Fib which is generally mild so that is another reason why I am happy to be on Warfarin , I also have my own Coagucheck to test my INR which takes away a lot of the stress of testing INR............Kvntoday
I bruise too, taking 101mg of warfarin a week, INR is in range but I notice when it's on the higher side I bruise more, especially on legs.
Bob - It definitely sounds like we are in similar situations. I'll be going to the doctor in the next week or so and I'm going to see if I can stop the aspirin yet.

Kvntoday - For the most part, I haven't had any real problems with the warfarin. Before I went on it, I heard so many horror stories, but my life really hasn't changed all that much in taking warfarin.

I got the "I am surprized you're on aspirin still" from an MD-Internist friend recently. So that will be a leading question to the Cardio guy next week! That and "Howz about me doing my own home INR testing":eek2:


I got the "I am surprized you're on aspirin still" from an MD-Internist friend recently. So that will be a leading question to the Cardio guy next week! That and "Howz about me doing my own home INR testing":eek2:


After my surgery I was put on warfarin without asparin. A couple of years later, my job transferred me to another city and my new doc put me on an adult asparin along with the warfarin. After a couple years, I was transferred back to Louisville and my doc took me off the asparin and I have been on warfarin only for almost 40 years. My docs tell me to take tylenol for pain and never take asparin or asparin products for any reason. I was a little surprised when I found that a lot of you folks were on "baby" asparin....but I assume that is the "modern" philosophy. I seldom bruise (INR 2.5-3.5) and perhaps that is because I never take asparin. I agree that we need to periodically ask our docs if we still "need" to be on our "drug list". I think they sometimes take the additude that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and leave us on unecessary medications.

After one year of self-testing and pleasantly surprised how consistant my INRs have become, I have become a strong proponent. I am the first self-tester at my docs office, but they are becoming a believer. A lot depends on their trust in the patients ability to self-test. My instructions now from my doc is to "self dose" unless either of us has "concerns".
I was taking 81 mg aspirin before AVR. But didn't start back after AVR. Three months after AVR I started having TIA's. My cardiologist said to get back on daily 81 mg aspirin. The TIA's stopped. I moved to another state and since have had 2 different cardiologist. Both recommend daily aspirin. It's been proven to work and I'd rather have a little minor bruising than take a chance on something serious. But like the Mayo Clinic says... Aspirin is not for everyone.
My father in law refused to take aspirin and he bruised real bad... he died from a heart attack and stroke but he was 82.
Just got in, I too experience the black and blue quite often. Either my dog pinches my stomache, or I bump, tap, or whatever and then the bruise sets in. I've been on warafin for 9 years. You will be fine
I take 81mg aspirin daily along with 7.5mg warfarin and really don't notice any increase in bruising. I just added the aspirin last year after asking my new cardio about it and she said to go for it. I have noticed that my INRs are more stable now, but don't attribute that to the aspirin. Warfarin and aspirin affect the blood differently the same as Plavix affects it differently.
I think it's the clutsiness in me:D cus 18 years of aspirin im black and blue LOL
I seem to see an increase with the 81mg aspirin though to increase of bruises
and my cardio confirmed my question of odd bruising that aspirin is the culprit
i seem to bruise on it more if my inr jumps abit higher,then i notice more blue
@ black bruising too
Following valve replacement surgery I had bruises all over. About 2 years ago PCP put me 81 mg aspirin. Bruising is no different. However, my ears were always ringing--almost drove me nuts. Sometimes I couldn't hear normal conversation. The aspirin insert warns of 3 possible side effects one of which is ringing in the ears.
Has anyone else experienced this?
So for me aspirin is history.

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