AVR Planned for Wed 9-23-09

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Grafton, MA
I am a 56 yo male with severe aortic stenosis. I've known of a heart murmur for quite some time but had not seen a cardiologist in 25 years. Played hockey weekly and just assumed if I could get through that without symptoms, I must be okay. But, slowly I have been having shortness of breath, dizzy, etc... just thought I was getting old.

Anyway, the good part of the story... My dad has had 3 AVR's (pig, St Jude and the last human) and I was with him to see his cardiologist. The Dr decided to take a "social listen" and after 5 seconds declared.. "you have a serious problem..." That was in June and he set me up (immediately) with various tests which all confirmed I had to have my aortic valve replaced. Thank goodness he checked me on the belief that aortic problems can be hereditary (True!)

I've been reading this forum for a couple of months now and learned of the many people planning for or already experienced in going though OHS. Actually, just like my job, took me a little while to recognize the acronyms. but, just the regular visits to read has been very helpful in coming to terms with the big date coming up.

Completed my pre-op yesterday at Mass General in Boston and I am now just 5 days from surgery. I am actually much calmer now than I was back when I heard the news. I really did struggle the first month, but the waiting has helped me. As of today, I am tentatively planning on a tissue valve.

So, a thank you to the people that run this site and the many people that contribute. It really helps.

Welcome to the forum Dan & here's wishing you the very best outcome on your upcoming surgery next week. I will go ahead & schedule you on our calendar.

We will be anxious to hear the positive outcome next week.

Godspeed to you!
Welcome Dan, looks like you are coping exceptionally well with your upcoming surgery. Make sure you have someone let us know how you do, we worry about folks if we don't hear from them. You've joined an awesome group of people who have amazing strength and love to share with all of us. :)

Oh, and that day is my mother's birthday, I can't think of any better day to have your surgery. :)
Hi Dan, its just me wishing you a warm "hello" to the forum.
Its does sound like you do have all your ducks in a row and that's a good thing.
I do wish you the very best and a bump free recovery.
And it is true, we will worry if we don't hear anything, so I do hope you have someone lined up to post for you to give us an up-date.
Hi Dan,

Welcome to this great forum. Will be thinking of you on the 23rd, sending you positive thoughts and my very best wishes for a successful surgery and smooth recovery.
I ditto everyone else. Welcome on board the forum. It has been a Godsend for me as a wealth of information and support. It does sounds lke you are prepared - excep for a valve choice - and its good to have a date you are shooting for and it isn't too far away now either. We will be thinking about you and sending you praryers and good vibes. Keep us posted as much as you can. Besides keeping folks from worrying, it is one more learning experience for those of us that are in the waiting room like me.

Welcome to our wonderful community, Dan. Please feel free to post and share as often and as much as you want. We run the full gamut of conversations here!! And regarding heart surgery, no question goes unanswered.

Best wishes on your upcoming surgery. Since your father is such a veteran, you probably know more of the ropes than many of us!

Still, we're here to cheer you on, so use us if you need to.

Best wishes.

Welcome Dan, wishing you lots of luck with your surgery. You will find lots of really nice and very informed people here. They helped me in more ways than they know on this forum....Godspeed.
Welcome Dan to this wonderful forum - I'm glad you found us! Wishing the the best of luck with your surgery next week. You will do great with whatever valve you choose. As everyone else said, please try to have someone post to let us know how you are doing until you can get back to post for yourself. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers on the 23rd!

Thank You all so much for the encouragement, especially from people that know what I'll be going through !! Still very scary, but the many people here show there is great success in these procedures. I am very encouraged. Although I dread the drive in on Wednesday morning... Thanks again and I'll be sure to get word back here as soon as I can.

Dan, I'll be thinking about you on the 23rd and praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.

God bless,
Dan...I drove to Cleveland (about 90 miles from where I stay in Ohio) on Memorial Day, for my surgery the next day.
I dreaded the drive up, the night of prep in the hotel and the AM before surgery (I was an afternoon procedure). I was blessed with peace through all of it. I am praying for peace for you as you drive to Boston.