AVR in 9 days

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New member
Jun 21, 2011
Boston, MA
Hi all,

Am new here. Am having an AVR in 9 days...am scared, nervous, oddly excited, and at peace to some degree with the whole thing. I know in the long run this is absolutely the right thing.

Please offer your insights or empathy- I'm so glad to have found this site!
I'm sure others will be along in a little while. Best wishes to you for a smooth trouble free surgery and a fast bump free recovery. It has been 3 years since my surgery and I can truly say that you will find that you are gonna feel so much better. Just take it easy and don't stress to much (easy to say, somewhat harder to do).
Sending hugs and good wishes to you.
Hi all,

Am new here. Am having an AVR in 9 days...am scared, nervous, oddly excited, and at peace to some degree with the whole thing. I know in the long run this is absolutely the right thing.

Please offer your insights or empathy- I'm so glad to have found this site!

I am in for July 6th. I am very grateful to this online community in getting my questions answered and making me less edgy and nervous as the big day approaches. All the best and I think you will find a lot of well-wishers rooting for you, including me.
Hello and welcome to the forum!

I think most of us can identify with your feelings - all perfectly natural as you come to terms with what must be done.

I had my surgery six weeks ago and am doing well. My one tip for when you get into hospital is to accept any pre-surgery drugs you are offered... I had some tablets the night before and slept like a baby. The pre-op tablets the next day kept me happy and calm right up to the moment I was wheeled upstairs to theatre (I had to wait all morning for my turn). I'm not normally a pill popper but whatever they gave me was great, hehe! :tongue2:

Finally... try not to worry, you'll be fine. Spend your remaining time planning for your admission and your return home. Have a slap up meal, spend time with those you love, keep busy. It will all be done and dusted before you know it!

Best of luck to you!
You will do just fine.... I am 4 weeks post op now (well the last op) and I still cannot take a deep breathe in yet but it is getting better... It is routine surgery now days.... You can read the dramas I had with my surgery below and I am still here.... You will do fine.... One tip is, when you get out go and see a massage therapists because in the middle of your shoulder blades will be a little sore... Well mine was..
SB - I, like zztimeout, had lots of complications -- but then, my case wasn't as simple as we thought it would be. I think, though, that you are finding what many of us found - that once all the decisions are made and the time is nearly now, you slip into a surreal calm and just go with it. I even slept a normal night's sleep the night before my surgery, without any medicinal help. (Sleep is sometimes wierd after surgery, but that is a different story -- look up side effects of metoprolol on dreams. . . )

BTW - even with all the complications, I'm now about 16 weeks post-op, doing cardiac rehab and enjoying it. I've been back to work full-time (office job) since about week 8, part time for a couple of weeks before that. Life is good.
Welcome aboard. Don't hesitate to come back with any questions, concerns, etc. Someone will be able to help. I am 1 yr post op. My surgery was relatively problem free, but I still find this site and its members to be so supportive and a fountain of information.
Welcome, SB35. You'll find all the support and advice you could need around here. Do check out the pre-surgery forums just to help prepare your hospital packing and your homecoming to make those things as easy as possible. Your feelings sound just like mine 3.5 years ago. All's been well since. The experience certainly comes with its bumps, of course, but the upside is years of good health going forward.