AVR #2 next week - pre-op symptoms?

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Active member
Aug 7, 2010
St. Louis, MO
It's official: I'm having mt second AVR (first was tissue valve in 2004) next week, 9/7/10. I've done all the research (thanks to everyone at VR.com!), asked all the questions, and have been riding the emotional roller coaster for a few weeks now....

when I was first told that my valve was wearing down (in July), I was completely floored because I had NO symptoms. my doc said that was because of my age (35) and good health - I was able to tolerate it well.

Starting 1 week ago when I was working out, the symptoms have appeared and gradually are getting worse: total exhaustion at very little physical activity, chest tightness and not able to take a deep breath, etc. To the point that today while I was cutting the grass and when I walked up the stairs, i was completely winded and had to rest for a while.

My question: is is possible that the symptoms could come on that quickly? could this all be psycholigical because of the anxiety of the upcoming surgery? For those that had symptoms, how quickly did they come on?

It's almost the fact that I'm having the symptoms that is bothering me even more than the symptoms themselves. I feel like an old man at age 35!

I suppose regardless, by next week at this time I will have a new valve and be on my way to feeling MUCH better!

Although I had my mitral valve replace, my symptoms came on faster than you could flip a coin.....literally. From watching a program on TV feeling 100% from putting my head down on my pillow, server SOB came on that quick.

But since your are aware of your symptoms, anxiety could be playing a big part. Maybe you should call your doc and get something to calm the nerves?
My second surgery was in November for a failed CE bovine tissue valve. At the end of July I was told my valve was failing and needed replaced. I felt pretty good, though a bit fatigued at times. By the end of August I was more fatigued and felt SOB frequently. By the time I had my surgery I had worsed to the point that I was barely able to walk 20 feet. I went downhill surprisingly fast between 8/1 and 11/1. It's a good thing your surgery is sooner rather than later. I almost didn't make through mine.

Sorry to hear you are going through the process again, after only 6 years with your bovine AVR. Like Chris you have not been blessed with durability from your tissue valve, that sucks.

All the best on Tuesday, wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery.

You sound very relaxed and ready for this second valve replacement!! Kudos to you for your bravery in this un-planned event! Keep that spirit as you know it will serve you well through your surgery and recovery.

I don't think it matters much (as you say, "regardless") whether the symptoms are a sudden degradation or psychological. The important thing is that you need to respect them! If you were planning on moving a bunch of heavy boxes from the basement to the attic next week, or anything similarly strenuous -- I would really really forget about it!! Please have a restful week. Listen to your body and respect that it is undergoing enough hardship as to warrant surgery. Take it easy. If you have any fears or concerns, call your surgeon. Why push yourself to exhaustion? It can't be very good for your heart. So rent some movies, go out to eat, enjoy a quiet week. In a few months your new On-X will have you dancing in the streets, but for now -- just travel calmly through your days.

Keep us posted. And thanks for joining this wonderful community..... we're glad you're here. :smile2:

My symptoms came on slowly over a few years.I tried to chalk it up to getting older or just having a bad day.But, it was the valve and nothing else. It can come on fast or slowly like mine.Wishing you all the best!
I found out in 2002 that I would need surgery and when I was told in 2006 it was time the symptoms seem to increase, I'm sure anxiety played a part ... I'm sure you will do well ... you will be in my prayers...
It sounds like you have real symptoms, but as others have said, anxiety may make them feel even more acute. You are obviously very knowledgeable and in your closing statement you say it all: By next week, with your new valve, you will start to feel much better. All best wishes go with you.
I think the anxiety heightened my symptoms, that and the fact that until that point I refused to allow myself to feel them. I just kept making other excuses for why I was feeling that way and moving it to the back burner. Now I have given myself permission to feel that way. Anyways, Good Luck with your AVR.
One of the "Famous Expressions" on VR.com / org is

"The Worse It Gets, the Faster it gets Worse".

That is especially true for the Aortic Valve and Aortic Stenosis.

Best Wishes for your Surgery on Tuesday !

Be sure to tell your surgeon (and nurses and whoever conducts your intake interview) about your rapidly declining capacity for exercise. He may want to take measures to help your heart rest before surgery. If you are not scheduled to check in until Tuesday, you may even want to call his office tonight or Monday (even though it is a holiday) and speak with whatever Doctor is "on call" for the day. DO NOT over-exert yourself.

'AL Capshaw'
Thinking about you, especially as the time draws nearer. Will look forward to hearing about a successful procedure and a smooth recovery. Praying for you to be surrounded by a sense of peace and calmness.

thanks Blue... I'm on the home stretch now. relaxing at home with family tonight, having pizza from my favorite local joint, and hopefully getting to bed early (not too sure I will be able to do that one)!

If my wife doesn't get on to post, I will post updates as soon as I get online...

Thanks to everyone at VR.com again for all the help and support!
I will be waiting to hear how it all goes. I just sent you a reply in your box.....but I wanted to say that my symptoms started about 3 months prior to my surgery and each week things got worse to the point where I could not even lay flat to go to sleep anymore without SOB. It sounds like it has all just caught up to you. Luck tomorrow Robin
I will be waiting to hear how it all goes. I just sent you a reply in your box.....but I wanted to say that my symptoms started about 3 months prior to my surgery and each week things got worse to the point where I could not even lay flat to go to sleep anymore without SOB. It sounds like it has all just caught up to you. Luck tomorrow Robin

Golly....I was thinking I was going crazy...almost panic if i try to lie flat due due to resulting SOB...husband teasing me that I am using 5 pillows ..... last Thursday I mentioned pillow usage to cardiologist who immediately sent me for lung function test and LO and behold... I am no crazy...there is a restriction in lung function. More testing this week. The journey on the "heart road" is not boring...

So appreciate your sharing your experiences too !!

~ Blue