Aortic Valve Replacement - How long until you can stress the heart

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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
Meridian Idaho
Had aortic valve replacement on November 13, 2008 as well as some carving of the heart muscle to reduce hypertrophic cardiomyopathy..big words..

Feeling really well and think I understand the timeline for my chest healing but have no idea when and how much I can begin to work my heart..would like to be on a excercycle next week but don't meet with surgeon for three..
Did the hospital give you instructions about exercise when you were discharged?

When I left hospital they gave me a whole heap of information including suggestions for exercise.
You might be able to call the nurses/your GP to ask their advice.

I would follow doctors advice. He knows best. In my case I went through four months of heart rehab that included bike, treadmill, rowing and weights an hour a day three times a week. I did not start the rehab until two months after surgery. Between surgery and rehab I walked, slept, breathed and eat. I would be careful not to push yourself. You have a lot of healing to do inside your chest. Good luck!
Doctor Instructions

Doctor Instructions

My post operative info focuses pretty much exclusively on the healing of the chest and I think I understand that. I have had enough incidents already where a sudden movement, like trying to catch a door blown open by wind, brought all too clear warnings of what the pain could be like.

But I don't really have any information on the actual heart repair and how that effects my activity level. Today, just the ninth day since surgery, I have already walked two miles and am still trying to keep from bouncing around the house as I watch football.

I know that if I don't find a better outlet for my energy than walking, I will start doing too much at work - which is a physical place.

So when can I hit the gym for activities that don't compromise my chest healing, like the stairmaster or stationary bike? What heart rate is safe?

I guess I better call a doctor next week...but the surgeon won't answer the phone and the cardiologist is very hard to get a hold of too.
I started cardiac rehab 3 weeks post op. It was very, very light those first several weeks. I would definitely call your surgeon's office for clarification if you're not sure what their instructions were before I started doing anything more strenous than walking at this point.

wow you seem to be doing really well, i know 9 days after surgery i couldnt walk two miles,dont over do it though,your body has been through a major trauma, i would wait and see what the doctor says,in the meantime eat sleep and walk, good luck neil
I too had a bicuspid aortic valve. I had a Ross procedure at the Unv of Utah 7/2005. I started cardiac rehab 10 days after surgery 1 hr a day for 4 weeks. Started back to work at 6 weeks no lifting more than 25 lbs for 6 months to a year listen to your body and don't push it.Did you have mechanical or tissue? Write down all your questions and ask the nurse to ask your Doctor and call you back.
Now hold there young chap. How long have you been home? Maybe 5 days?
Its great that your feeling so well, but I think the only exercise you should be doing is walking, breathing, eating and least until you see your surgeon.
I'm sorry if you feel this is bad news.........its just my thoughts. :eek:
Congratulations on your surgery and for feeling great. It is better to follow your hospital/surgeon's recommendations for when to start an exercise other than walking...In my case, I was only allowed to walk for ten minutes twice a day the first week, and increase it gradually every week. I started rehab after six weeks as that was the time I was allowed to start driving. And still, when I did the arm bike, I had muscular pain that worried me and felt like endocarditis. So, take it easy...Do not rush things, you may be feeling great, but your heart needs time to heal from all that was done to it. You need to rest, walk, eat well and so on and again check with your surgeon or cardio about what is best for you personally, as each is different:).
Walking two miles after just nine days? Wow, that is amazing! Your doctor will give you guidance on what activiites to resume and when. He may also suggest cardiac rehab. It was a huge confidence builder for me.
Due to my complicatoins, it was about a month and half after surgery before I started it.

If your walking 2 miles already, YOUR OVERDOING IT! Your body will retaliate on you if your not careful. Sit down, eat, breath, sleep, and walk (but not 2 miles) for the next 2 weeks, then maybe you can progress further. Give it 6 full weeks at least for your sternum to heal. You'll still have pain even 3 months out.
Ok, Ok, take it really really easy until my three week check up with the surgeon. I want to be clear that I am not intentionally disregarding any doctor orders - rather I wish I had clearer instruction. I don't think communication is their strong suit.

It amazes me that they can do this type of thing and not check back for three weeks - blood pressure, leakage etc i worry more about underground sprinklers i repair..I guess its good that they have more confidence then me

By the way I got a porcine valve - and it is my intentions to be a competing rodeo cowboy by April....

I remember that we were given a little booklet when we went home. It said that during the whole recovery period, everything we do should be EASY. Naturally, what is easy a month after the surgery is a lot more than a day afterwards. However, it should always be easy - no straining.
John, call the cardiac rehab people at your local hospital and ask them. Get into cardiac rehab as soon as you can, especially for just these questions.
Everybody is different ......I`m presently in a Cardio-rehab program program that started 8 weeks following surgery........ DON`T RUSH!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing how little I know...I confess I have never even heard the phrase "cardio rehab" - as far as I know I see my surgeon December 8 and my cardiologist in February, other than that i am on my own. Do some have guided rehab programs for the heart, with regular sessions? What do you do at those?

Feeling a little alone here...
Your not alone in knowing about cardio rehab. I too heard about it here first.
My doctor told me about it a year after my surgery.
Ask your surgeon about it when you see him.
Do some have guided rehab programs for the heart, with regular sessions? What do you do at those?

Mine was 18 sessions of an hour each, three times a week for six weeks. I was hooked up to a four-lead monitor, and then worked on four machines for the time the nurses specified. The four machines were: treadmill, stationary bicycle, arm machine, rowing machine (the last two could be much better described).
Phase I is what they give you in the hospital, that is, getting you up to walk around. Phase II is what we're talking about. Phase III is more of the same afterwards.
The point of rehab is not what you get to do there, but the amount you do. The nurses are there to tell you what is right for you, so that you do enough, but don't overdo it.
There is some risk of messing up the surgeon's handi-work if you go to hard to early. But everyone's recovery is different - different capabilities post-op.

From what I remember - the instructions were for me to walk about as much as I could without overdoing it (use the breathing toy too) until my 6 week follow up. After even several weeks my body let me know when I had walked too much (slight fever and on my butt the next day or two).

It was at my six week post-op where the surgeon said "go for it, your are not going to hurt anyting I did if you run". That was the excact language I needed. I started running a bit more each day/week but generally had a slow recovery. Until the surgeon says something similar - I would be a bit careful.

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