Anyone here work as a Volunteer

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2010
Nashville, TN
I met with a gent who is a voluteer at Vanderbilt, visiting heart patients before and after surgery. He had a AVR, so he is able to relate to patients more than most of the medical staff.

I am strongly considering doing the same. I think this would be rewarding; much like this site has been. Who knows, maybe as I try to help others, I may learn a thing or two. BTW, he is such a vital part of the heart program, that he was invited into a surgery.:thumbup:

I have invited him to visit this board, so maybe he will.
Thanks, Todd. Cool info. I hope he will come on board and talk with us! What a wonderful thing to do. I wondered about doing something like that, too, so if you do decide to would you please come around and let us know how you like it?

I have found my time here on VR to be very rewarding! Mostly it is good to give back since I got so much support during my 3 year wait for surgery. That time that surrounded the surgery and hospital stay are pretty foggy for me and I feel more confident talking to people outside of that time period. I've wondered if I could be helpful with parents of younger people headed for surgery. But I'm afraid I'd just sit and cry with them as the emotional part would be so strong!!!

Keep us posted.

When I went to the hospital for my pre-op, the first person I met with was a volunteer. She had the same surgery I did and the same surgeon. She really set my mind at ease about a lot of things. The nurses I met with were great, but the volunteer I will always remember. I'd like to volunteer to do that, too.
A neihbour down the road had a couple of bypasses this last week and just got home. His wife told my wife in the street that she is totally bewildered because he is so emotional and actually cries a lot. She said that he now feels his life is over etc. Now, of course, everyone of us knows that this is not an uncommon reaction to heart surgery, so I went over and sat down with him and did my bit. Mainly to show him how healthy I was and to explain the feelings many of us have after heart surgery. Also suggested that he seeked psychological support if it lingered for too long. Going over this afternoon to have a glass of wine with him.

I have vaguely considered volunteering at our hospital but shall follow up with more resolve after this thread. Thanks Todd!
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Mended Hearts is a nationwide volunteer organization that caters to Heart Patients.
Many Hospitals give them permission to visit Heart Surgery Patients before their surgery,
mostly to say "I had you had and I'm here to tell about it" and to deliver "Heart Pillows"
for them to hold over their hearts when they feel the need to Cough :)

See or Google "Mended Hearts" for several links providing further information.

'AL Capshaw'
Yes, a Mended Hearts or similar organization volunteer came in to see me just before my surgery. I told him about our forum, told him I'd have a valve job before - I was more "experienced" than he was. He said I ought to volunteer with them, too. I told him I'd consider it after I retired, but I'm still working full time!
Volunteering is extremely rewarding and a very generous thing to do. I wish more people would do it.
My own volunteer experiences include helping with a reading program in an elementary school, all kinds of animal rescue and rehabilitation, and now supporting others facing heart surgery. There are so many options in volunteering, and whether it is for one day a week or one day a month, try it, you'll like it. :)
Thanks for the idea, Todd! And for the info, Al! I just went to the Mended Hearts website and signed up to find out about being a hospital visitor.
We have a program here too where you can sign up to talk to others who are facing heart surgery. I am already involved in a program here where I do volunteer personal counselling for those who are less fortunate. It's a wonderful and very rewarding to know you can make a difference in someone's life. :)
Thanks for the idea, Todd! And for the info, Al! I just went to the Mended Hearts website and signed up to find out about being a hospital visitor.
I just filled out the application too Marcia..!

I'd like to add my thanks to y'all too..!

Some past volunteer work for me includes:
League of Women Voters - member, chairman
County Appraisal Review Board - member, chairman
VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistant
CASA - Court Appointed Special Advocate
Library Foundation Board - member, secretary
I have been thinking about volunteering at a local hospital also. But I applaud everyone who volunteers in any area. I volunteered as a Financial Counselor, Instructor and Chairman of Volunteers for the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society for 19 years, I was a Girl Scout Leader, School volunteer etc. I gets harder and harder for organizations to find volunteers. Over the years I was trying to recruit volunteers I heard "yes, I have time but my time is too valuable". I commend everyone who takes even a sliver of their time to give to an organization that needs volunteers. When they were younger my girls were occasionally jealous of the time I took with clients when I was a little bit late or there was an emergency. Now my oldest is in college and she volunteers with several organizations on campus. I will get off my soapbox now! :smile2:
I volunteer pushing wheelchairs in a hospital. They will not allow us to talk to patients. There is no one for a heart patient to talk to before surgery or after. They use to have Mended Hearts in this area, but it no longer exists. It was this site that I met someone 4 years ago that took me through everything before surgery and after. We are friends today and e-mail everyday. I also volunteer in a school.
I have joined Mended Hearts and will go through training at the local hospital week after next so I can be a Mended Hearts volunteer and visit heart patients. I still remember the visit I received from a volunteer, along with a heart pillow, and I was very grateful. Hope I can help others in return. I know I'm going to be nervous the first few times
I have also joined Mended Hearts and will miss the first meeting in San Antonio featuring the topic, "Valve Replacement & New Surgical Procedures".. I really hate to miss it, but we will be in Canada that week. We have a brand new heart wing in our hospital here and I hope to visit folks there before they undergo surgeries. Presently, they only do bypasses, but hopefully one day they'll also do valve replacements.

Todd, see what a great thing you have done by starting this thread..!! The Mended Hearts gal from Austin called me the other night and she had a St. Jude valve implanted in 2002!!
There is no Mended Hearts chapter near me, here in Podunk, Indiana! :( I may have to start one.

Seriously, if anybody knows or is a heart surgery patient in the Marion/Kokomo, Indiana area, maybe we could start one!
I almost joined the Mended Hearts in Chicago, but the meetings I could not attend because of timing. Generally, a start time around 6p or 7p ... and with my work schedule, I couldn't make it into the city with rush hour traffic by then. Frustrating, indeed. :(

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