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welcome to the good side of the mountain
Congratulations! Job well done!!

Best wishes for an uneventful hospital stay and a welcome journey home soon.

Stay in the hospital, with wind chill the temp in Edmonton is like -45C. Grab that heart hugger pillow and pull the blankets over your head! Welcome back to the living.

Thanks for the comment on the sound of your new valve.
Stay in the hospital, with wind chill the temp in Edmonton is like -45C. Grab that heart hugger pillow and pull the blankets over your head! Welcome back to the living.

Thanks for the comment on the sound of your new valve.

Oh yes Jeff stay put. You DON'T want to go outside it will knock the socks off you and freeze your eyes open.

Wishing you a smooth recovery.

Home resting in 4 days! They are calling me the Rock Star!!!

Jeff Beck, sincere wishes for all that are having surgery\in the waiting room\ or are struggling.
Welcome home.

Is the sound from your carbon clunker staying tolerable. When I get my AV replaced will have to compare the sound of your Masters verses my possible On-X. Wouldn't that be crazy if I ended up with a St. Jude Masters! Then we could compare the sound from different body types.

You should be enjoying a green brew come St Patties!

I'm on shift tomorrow I'll send you an e-mail with my 1-800 # in case you lost it. I'd love to chat about your ordeal.

Hanging tight for my Mar 21 surgery and On-X AV with graft.
If the Boss allows me to.
They were going to move me to another room and my wife suggested that I just come home with her and they agreed.
I think I have your number but send it to me anyway, I will tell you about the Dragon I saw!
I too was in and out in 4 days.....could be something in the Western air? :biggrin2:

Take is easy now that your home Jeff. Rest, walk, eat and breath then repeat. Oh yea don't forget to drink ( and I don't mean drinking beer lol)

Be good to yourself my friend and try to be a good patient for the Mrs. In other words....listen to her :redface2:
Great to hear that you did your best Superman impression and got released in such short order! I hope to emulate you in a couple of weeks.
One week ago today, I awoke.

Could someone tell me if I am normal, this picture is 5 days after surgery and I feel fine except for my new Optical Coupler.

HaHaHa. To quote Dr Frankenstein, "He's alive". [Sound of thunder and a flash of lightning in the back ground of the castles keep.]

Well done Jeffy! Love the T. Hey was that T paid for with the tax payers dollars?! Finally, money well spent in our province.

Just so you all know, Jeff and I researched the model number of his St. Jude to find out what series of valve he received. He thought he was getting a Masters, but instead got the Regent! Great score Jeff.

We laughed while I was the one Goggling the part number. I found St. Jude Regent valve's available as used!!!!! Jeff perhaps to supplement the cost of distributing T shirts, they gave you a used one. LOL!

Great Pic!

Well done my man! Now, can you reproduce the pic of Jeff with him sporting a flat top, with bolts protruding from his neck? Some stitches and flood pants would be nice also. LOL!
Bruce, My 21yo son Patrick had the shirt made for me and I had no idea until after the surgery. The surgery was really hard on him, so I did the crazyness picture for him.

I did some crazy things apparently when I first woke up, I have a vague recollection of my actions.
But Jeff did you get your hands on a marker and try to monogram your hospital gown then try to connect the freckles that you THOUGHT were on your arm ......fools left me alone in ICCU with the tube in and a white board and marker to communicate with but all I could do was scribble
Patrick made up the "T", EXCELLENT! Your not allowed to wear it working on the car, that baby is a "one of" keeper.

I noticed Patrick gave you a post grinch size heart. To quote the line from the movie ... "That the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day"! It has to be great to know your children care so much for you! The angels were looking over you to give you such a fantastic recovery!

You are blessed brother.

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