aaaaaarrrrrgh! can't shake this pre op cold!

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
portland, oregon.
now i have an uncertain surgery date! i got bumped up to the 23rd but maybe if i get completely amazingly more better after a round of antibiotics i can look at dates before then. frustration! thanks a lot bar exam! (mega supreme venting post, sorry!) aaargh! i'm so frustrated!
thanks for the support, everyone. i just needed to whine. it really ruined some plans! all my WELL LAID PLANS! haha. well, go figure.
Hi Pikacat, Ever heard the saying that men/women make plans and God just sits back and laughs??

About your username-- my daughter couldn't believe it when I told her it was Pikacat because the last cat she had was named Pika. If ever you could clone a cat she would be the one, pure white and such a lovey, would snuggle in your neck and never let a lap be cold.

Hope you get rid of that nasty cold soon!
Hi Pikacat, Ever heard the saying that men/women make plans and God just sits back and laughs??

About your username-- my daughter couldn't believe it when I told her it was Pikacat because the last cat she had was named Pika. If ever you could clone a cat she would be the one, pure white and such a lovey, would snuggle in your neck and never let a lap be cold.

Hope you get rid of that nasty cold soon!

hahaha! that's so true. definitely a good saying for times like now.

i'm so glad there was another great pika cat out there! as for my pika cat, she's been my cat for about 10-11 years. she's a feisty calico with the orangiest orange, blackest black and whitest white. she's super sassy but amazingly sweet. she's curled up under a sunbeam right now =^..^=

i'm so glad that my user name could bring back good memories of a sweet companion!