A BIG black eye and some scrapes

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Just checking in to see if there's any new news. Still thinking about and praying for you both.
Finally, a CARDIOLOGIST is in the loop

Finally, a CARDIOLOGIST is in the loop

Hello all. Many thanks for the kind thoughts, wishes an prayers. You don't know how much they were needed.

I've been staying at the hospital and leaving only for a few hours to shower and care for the kitties. No computers in the place for patients or family.

THere's been a bit of a tug of war going on. Internist who agree to a treatment plan decided that he would not follow the plan. He wanted Al to hold for 6 days and no heparin. He does not like heparin nor does he like Lovenox. I had asked for a cardiologist way back when we first entered the emergency room. He did not call one. He did call a hematologist. Heck, they couldn't even get an opthomologist to consult.

I'll skip the details, I realized that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. After a very hecktic and very nasty two hours, I was just about to Throw Al over my shoulder and have him released against droctors orders, put him in an ambulance, and deliver him to another hospital. ( I did this once before with out the over the shoulder thing.) Then, great big, tall Cardiologist in scrubs came into the room. THis is the most forceful man I have yet to contend with. I am glad that I agreed with his plan for Albert. I wonder if that had something to do with the calls that I made to other doctors during those hectic, nasty hours earlier.

Storm's over. Al was put on Coumadin and heparin last night at 10:45am.
THis morning, the heparin was at a level where he is protected. His INR in now 1.3 up from 1.1. The hospitalist is still in charge (primary doctor) but the cardiologist in in complete charge of his anticoagulation. The hematologist is still visiting.

This is the rub here. I took Al to a hospital where his doctors do not have priviledges. When the problems took place they had no authority to step in.
Big mistake on my part. Why did I do this. None of our doctors deal with emergency calls at the hospital where they have priviledges. They use hospitalists. Since there was a huge wait at the one hospital, I chose a hospital where he could be seen at once. I just figured this hospital's hospitalists are just as good as that hospital's hospitalists....and that is probably true. Now, I have no faith in any hospital's hospitalists. Live and learn.

Oh Blanche, what an ordeal.
Thoughts, wishes and prayers are always needed, especially when you have to contend with idiots.
Now that we know you are strong and perhaps somewhat tried, how is Albert really feeling?
Take Care :)
You surely don't need all this struggling on top of everything else. But, I recognize the doctor's changing their minds, and even getting into disputes over what is the correct course of treatment, sometimes with steam coming out of their ears. I've seen it happen many, many times. It happens when there is a complicated case. They all mean well, but each owns a piece of Al's body and they guard it carefully and territorially. When you think you have one doctor who will make the final decisions, you quickly find out that this just doesn't happen. And no one will coordinate the case. It is so frustrating. It gets totally fragmented.

You just want to scream. "Hey wait a minute, here!!! Don't leave me to handle all this--I don't have a medical degree!! Ya'll got to get a grip and start cooperating with each other, or at the very least start talking to each other."

I was in Joe's room one time when there was a meeting right there in the room, and I listened to the various ideas and listened to them trying to figure out what to do.

Joe had some hospitalists from time to time. I found them to be excellent. One even saved his life.

You are in my thoughts a lot, Blanche, and Al as well.

You need to take good care of yourself through all of this, even if you have to step away for a couple of hours just to get a change.
Thank you for updating us. You know how we stew and worry here. I hope Al's recovery goes smoothly now.
Blanche, glad to hear the update. What an ordeal, but at least you are on top of it. Al is a lucky man to have you.
Well-worded, Nancy!

Thanks for the update, Blanche. Please try to get your rest too, now that the doctor situation is better coordinated. Hope your Al recovers well and soon. Take care.
Hi Blanche

Sooo glad things are getting better for Al. Now it's time to take some time for you and the cats. Hopefully, he'll be home shortly and back on track.....NO MORE NIGHT GARBAGE RUNS FOR HIM!!!!!

Hi Blanche and Al, I'm relatively new here to the forum and have been a silent back-bench cheerer since your ordeal began. Your recent trials with trying to coordinate your husband's treatment protocol struck a chord with me and I had to write a reply message.

It is so important to the patient to have a knowlegeable and willing advocate. Al is very lucky to have you.

To all those who care for those who cannot speak:

Know your voice protects me
from the thrum of life's concerns.
Your presence may seem unappreciated
when I whine and turn down care,
I'm just tired and scared
as I know you are.

I love you for rarely showing
how upset you really feel
and I pray that heaven keep the day
when I must fill your shoes.
what an ordeal. Bottom line, tho is Al is on the mend. We never doubted he would be but we were surely worried along with you. Soon you will be able to rest. Bless your heart.

The mention of your kitties reminded me of ours. When one seems to be hurt, the others come running. A visitor stepped near Sam and he meowed, one of our female cats came running and daughter grabbed her up because she thought the cat was going to attack the woman. That's how we are in VR. When one of us is in trourble, we all come running. Bless our members.

We are so glad that things are better. Rest.
Just when things look promising, up jumps the devil.

I'm only home for a 30 minutes so this will be short. If I take longer, I fear I will return and find al has had a sex change or something like that....smile

It's not over yet. The internist/hospitalist/doctor yesterday wanted to stop the herarin since it was all ready therapeudic. The urgency here, as I see it is that he was going on vacation for 10 days and does not trust heparin.....but since al is therapeudic on heparin, we don't need to worry about the INR=1.3.......All I can say now is that Al is on heparin, his INR is 1.43, the hospitalist is gone on vactioon, and the cardiologist and the hematologist are regulating his Coumadin and Heparin.....last time I heard...about l0 minutes ago, but things change.

But, the hospitalist's partner is now in charge.....we'll see.

More to come in about two days....or earlier if I carry my love out of the place firewoman style.

One time, one of the "Bad" hospitalists (a GP) stopped Joe's Heparin because she thought that Joe had developed an infection from it:confused:, or HIT (Heparin induced thrombocytopenia) She was such a jerk. He had neither problem. I fired her. Anyway, the attending cardiologist came in on rounds, noticed that the drip was off, and asked, "Who in the heck stopped this??" I told him, and also told him I fired her, and that I wanted Joe under cardiology care from now on.

Unfortunately, Joe developed a blood infection (Klebsiella) a couple of days later, unrelated to Heparin, but often hospital induced. That was a nightmare.

I am so sorry you are having all these additional problems.

My thoughts are still with you and Al. I do know how all this feels, and it isn't pleasant.