3 Days in Hospital with A-Fib

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
May 27, 2010
Marietta, OH
They dropped my Amoioderone from twice a day to once. 2 days later I was in A-fib with my heart beat at 115. Spent 8 hours in ER, then moved to the drop down heart floor. It took until Sun for the afib to stop and sinus rhythem to return. I feel better now and got out yesterday. They added atenol. My INR finally reached 2.1 I had heprin shots to the tummy while in the hospital.

I guess we are all getting our bumps in the road. I was 3 weeks post op yesterday and have more energy and not taking pain meds. Things are looking up. Just want to stay away from the a-fib.

Everyone down here had to see my minimally invasive surgery scar. It is about 4" long with only one drain hole. Everyone was impressed - that's because it is not in their chest!

I guess we would not have any stories to tell without our bumps in the road! LOL

I'm sorry you had the bump in the road but I hope you will only have clear sailing from now on. I'm 7 weeks post op and I've been off Amiodarone for 2 weeks. I've had a few pvc but nothing to complain about and I hope it stays like this. I had minimally invasive avr too and it was funny when I went to cardiologist for follow up. He asked if he could see my scar so I showed him. A few minutes later, he pulled my blouse down again without warning and said "It looks so good!" I cracked up because he was so impressed.
I have always thought the worst part about having valve replacement is the "waiting for the other shoe to drop" can be so prolonged. You think you've got it licked and then something happens to make you think otherwise.
I hope this is the last bump you have.
I've been told that SOTALOL is a type of Beta Blocker that 'Targets' A-Fib.
Several of our members report good results controlling / preventing A-Fib with Sotalol which as WAY FEWER and Less Severe Side Effects than Amiodarone. You may want to discuss that option with your Cardiologist.

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Pat,
Sorry to hear about your 3 day visit to the hospital with the Afib. I hope that this is your last bump and that you continue a smooth and 'bumpfree' recovery.

All the best!
I thought I would never get rid of afib, and it did go away. Now all I have to do is get off the amioderone. I think the pure fish oil helped more than the drugs though. You may ask your doc about prescription fish oil.
I just had a 15 minute bout of a-fib, I'm on sotalol, it seems to work most of the time and I'm on a low dose. Before when I had a-fib without it it was intense and would knock me to the ground with a bpm of over 150. I just had it with bpm of 105 and just felt jittery. Pat, what did they do to us? Ha, we will be okay again one day they all say.
Michelle & A-fib

Michelle & A-fib

We must be getting the Cleveland version of a-fib! LOL I have been pretty steady since leaving the hospital. I see my cardiologist today and hope we can start decreasing more of my meds. I dropped the atenolol during the morning and that has helped a lot. My a-fib makes my heart beat in the 100-115. So I guess that's better than 200. I have not felt it al all recently - knock on wood! I am 5 weeks post op and each week I feel a little better. Not much I can't do now, but just a bit slow. Not walking a great deal, but go out to lunch, visit my Mom and even Lowes. I walked the whole hospital and parking lot yesterday to see my family doctor. So I can tell I am slowly getting better. Still can't sleep well in my bed. Weird, I have gotten use to sleeping in the recliner. Strange, but who cares as long as I sleep. It has been a long trip and I really thought recovery would be faster. My chest is a bit sore and touchy now and then, but most things don't bother it. I don't lift anything heavy. I found I can do the basement stairs to do my laundry if I go slowly. Life continues to get better.

Michelle, I hope it will for your too. Lets leave the Cleveland a-fib behind us as a warm memory!! :cool: I hope things smooth out for you soon. Sorry we didn't get to meet.

You are heading in the right direction. Take it nice and slow. You're only 5 weeks out so it is normal to feel sore and tired.
Give it alittle time you will feel better soon.