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The transfer was on Tuesday. We put in two wonderfully adorable embryos at 1:05 PM. Now the waiting continues... :eek: We won't know if any stuck around until next week. Rather than post the pics here, I'll just send you links. Both my surrogate and I have blogs (I also post on hers). I only posted one picture on mine, so you might want to check hers.

Thanks for all of the prayers! :D

Just read through the posts. What a wonderful story! Best of luck on your journey! Can't wait for the next update.:)
Yahoo!!! .... great report Niki, keep us posted .... TheChimp has never spent any time in Texas .... I might need to swing by when this glorious event takes place .... Thought of any names? ... we could do a name the baby thread .... I am fond of Cooker Jr or Cookette :D:p
Yahoo!!! .... great report Niki, keep us posted .... TheChimp has never spent any time in Texas .... I might need to swing by when this glorious event takes place .... Thought of any names? ... we could do a name the baby thread .... I am fond of Cooker Jr or Cookette :D:p

LOL. Sorry to disappoint. We've already got some names picked out. One for a girl and two for boys. Hopefully, if we wind up with twins, we don't end up with two girls! ;)

And it would be GREAT if you came through Texas to visit. :D
Just wanted everyone to know that our pregnancy tests show that we are PREGNANT!!! :D You can see more details on my blog: We are super excited. We will go in for an ultrasound on Nov. 7th to find out how many stuck around (we only put in two, so there better not be more than that!! :eek: ). Thanks for all of the prayers. Keep 'em coming!
What wonderful news to wake up to!!! Congratulations and best wishes to all of you for a successful and happy pregnancy. Can't wait to find out if it is one or two!!!
I am so excited for you both. I have been following this thread from day one and thinking back over the years we've been together - following one another from one step to the next. It is so exciting to watch our family as it grows and grows.

Gosh we are going to be grands, uncles, aunts. wow - that's awesome. congratulations.

thank you, Nikki, for keeping us in the loop.