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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
Anyone here do yoga? My cardio said it would be good for me, might help with my crazy PVCs. I've been going to the gym for strength training/cardio a few times a week. I've never thought of yoga as I have crappy balance.

Debi (debster913)
Don't worry about your balance. When my mom was dying of ovarian cancer, we decided to take Tai Chi. I was so worried about my balance as was my mom. It all worked itsself out and we loved it. We had so much fun and felt so good. We laughed at each other and ourselves. Mom has passed on but those memories will live forever.

I have thought about Yoga. I think it would be so incredibly heart healthy. Like anything else, it takes time. What great relaxation.

Let us know if you do it.
Years ago I took a yoga class and loved it. I still do some of the stretches as part of my 'stretching routine'. Don't worry about balance and co-ordination, I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. I have seriously been thinking of taking classes again or getting a beginner's DVD because as I get older, and I am already old, my flexibility keeps getting worse. Actually a beginners class would be best because you will get instructions on the different poses and would be in a class situation and get feedback from the instructor.
I was always afraid of going because I thought I might get myself into a pose and they would have to deliver me to my husband at the front door locked in the pose.

I love the peace and tranquility it brings however.
The core of yoga practice is breathing. Yoga is not about achieving complex poses or amazing feats of balance. It's about breathing properly while you hold a pose or move from pose to pose. These poses can be very simple and super-easy.
I have gone to various yoga classes over the years and I love it! Some of them are more strenuous than others and it also depends on the type of yoga class you are taking as well as the teacher. I enjoy more of the relaxation type classes such as hatha yoga. You may want to try a beginner yoga class and see what you think of it. Also, don't be afraid to try different teachers as you may find one that one may be more suitable for you.
The one yoga class that I do avoid is the bikram/hot yoga as this is a contra-indication with having severe aortic valve stenosis.
Good luck and enjoy!
I started going to yoga two months ago. I go to the Senior Center and the instructor is an 83 year old women. Lots of fun. When you go to a Senior Center no one laughs at you they laugh with you.
That's the nice thing about Yoga, you don't have to be young and super flexible.
There are even classes where people don't have to bend down or twist.
Some participants sit in chairs and do the arm and leg movements while deep breathing.
(I can just see myself throwing my back out, or hanging upside down and having an attack of SVT)
Maybe meditation is more my style.....;)
Hi Debi,
I have been doing yoga for years... at first off and on, but after my second OHS, I started doing it regularly about 4 months out. I take classes now 2-3 days a week in addition to my other workouts. I truly believe that yoga is remarkable for your body and mind, and most definitely your heart. I would like to get certified to teach over the summer, and one of the things I would like to do is teach heart patients. There are many different forms and many different things you can do/not do. It is true that yoga focuses on your core (which helps with balance) and strengthens your body as well as your mind. I could go on and on, as I love it and consider it an essential part of my life. The peace of mind I gain practicing yoga is something I can't imagine living without. Definitely a great stress reliever, which is of course good for your heart. One thing my teachers alway say is that there is no competition in yoga. I find this to be true, as when I am practicing, I am focused inward as opposed to what is going on around me. I do agree with a previous comment about finding the right teacher. I have a couple of favorite teachers and only go to their classes, as I enjoy their style and personalities.. but some people love the other classes (I take at my gym).
I am going on and on, but just wanted to give you a supportive thumbs up!

I shall be going back to my yoga sessions at the Gym as of mid-April. :)

Is that a hint, Eva? Should I join you? :p

Looks like I got a bunch of great replies here. My best girl friend from work offered to take a class with me this summer. Think I'll try it out since I don't have to see my cardio until August.
Hello Debi,
I don't know if you will read this late response... but I would recomend a hatha yoga class to begin, leading to gentle ashtanga class possibly if you enjoy ? Some yoga classes around here do a mixed bag, I would always suggest caution and making sure the teacher is aware of your history. Some yoga classes can be extreme and possibly not beneficail dependant on the complexity of personal situation . I love yoga personally but cannot always attend due to so many other things !! Good luck

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