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Sue/Norm was a complete hoax. We don't take too kindly to being used by internet trolls here and I don't take kindly to being used like toilet tissue either. Yes sir, banned she is. I'm not having that cock and bull story screwing up help for others who truly need it.

I figured you were suspicious when you asked Norm what hospital Sue was in. How sad this is - amazing that people don't have better things to do with their time. I wonder what pleasure they take in lies and deception.
Wow...I am shocked and very disappointed to read that someone would do something as selfish as this. Obviously, this person needs help big time (but not from us!).

Thank you Ross for catching this! I am sure this wasn't a first.
Oh my, this is so sad. We've all been so worried about her and now we find out it was a joke? I'm also interested to know the clues and was it one of our previous trolls revisiting in a new costume?

I must admit that the dual major surgery made me wonder because I've known people with similar issues and have never known anyone who had 2 unrelated "elective" major surgeries on separate body parts at the same time, but with the advances in medicine, I thought it could be possible.
Well done Rossman...you are on the ball hey!

Trolls often make mistakes and experienced members notice this...also their stories often get more tragic every post...we even have had trolls on here who have "died" as ridiculous as that sounds....some people are sad cases indeed...Although we want to believe every person who comes on here...the reality of internet forums is that trolls are out there looking for somewhere to play their stupid game.

This wasn't the first time its happened here...as far as I remember it has been a little while since someone tried to trick us all...
The 3 most common warning signs are:
no actual surgery date, an increasing need for attention, and disappearing for days or weeks at a time.

Well, my surgery was June 30, 1998. My husband thinks I'm very high maintenance, but most others think I'm very independent. I check in regularly. So, I guess I'm real! :D

Warning, I will be going on vacation for about a week in June, so won't be on, but that doesn't make me less real! :rolleyes:
The 3 most common warning signs are:
no actual surgery date, an increasing need for attention, and disappearing for days or weeks at a time.

**eeeeekKKKKK........that almost sounds like me, but Im for real, HONEST. In fact I often dont post because I dont want the attention, unless Iv got some good news (I live in hope). 8-/
Silly rabbits......those are my 3 indicators when I am starting to get a bit suspicious of a situation.
You all can have your own warning signs or bells that go off in your head to warn you of things looking slightly "off".
I am shocked!! I can't believe someone would do that.... All I can say is "Wow".....I am confused on how you know they aren't for real...
I'm usually pretty good at spotting things that are just a bit odd, but this one came in under my radar. Shucks, I'm gonna have to get my built-in, shockproof crap detector fixed.

Now that we know the truth, we can see the signs that we missed before. I feel very sorry for Sue. Look at all the friends she could have had here. Sad, sad, sad......

Sue, if you read this, please, please get some psychological help for yourself.

In talking with moderators on other sites, they have even had trolls who got banned, and wrote to the moderator and told them that they would be back because they loved playing games, making up stories and were bored at work.

So, they would try again and again.