What is your magic number?

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I realize averages are just based on all above and below average amounts, but I am really curious about how many MGs it takes of Coumadin for everyone to be in the magic range? I am currently at 10 MGs, and am kindof wondering how high could it go? 15? 20? I know it couldnt go that high, but was really curious what the record highs were of this group? Maybe a bad or too personal question, but I am looking for a possible end in sight, and was wondering how much was possible to take? Thanks everyone!
I've floated around between 10 and 13/day. Just remember that your magic number is what it takes to keep you in-range.


Im still on the lovenox shots, thats why I ask- I am looking forward to a "magic" dose to eventually work for me so I can get beyond an INR of 1.6. Thanks for your response, and curious to hear more!
all responses help

all responses help

Im just trying to figure out what the range is for everyone. I find it so interesting that some take 2 and some take 10, and can be in the same range. And frankly, im really curious what the upper extremes are so I know what I may be up against in terms of how long I may be under 2...
Thanks for all input!
What I meant by under two was an INR under 2. Sometimes I find myself very easily distracted with the constant chatter of children -AaaaHHH!
The right amount of coumadin is the amount that puts you in range. There is no such thing as Coumadin too high or too low, if you are in range.

Since you are not in range, and you are taking 10.0 of Coumadin/Warfarin it is logical to say that you need more to reach your range. In your case, I would probably take 12.0 and test in 4-5 days.

There are people here who take as low as 2.0 per day and others who take more than 20.0 per day. The amount you require is the amount that puts you in range....nothing more and nothing less.

My husband and I both take Coumadin. He takes 5.5 daily. His range is 3.0 to 4.0. Yesterday, his INR was 3.5. I take 6.0 daily. My range is 2.0 to 3.0.
Yesterday my INR was 2.1. So, to compare,

Al 5.5 daily range 3.0 to 4.0 INR=3.5
BS 6.0 daily range 2.0 to 3.0 INR=2.1

My husband's dose of Coumadin has ranged from 4.5 to 7.0 over the last few years. Changes are caused by any number of things. There is no magic number. That's why people must test their INR on a regular basis.

You are doing nothing wrong. You just need more medication. You need an increased dose.

Hope this works out for you soon. Seems to me that you need someone monitoring your anticoagulation who understands Coumadin/Warfarin.

Kind regards,
I'm currently at 40 mg a week, 5 on S,M,T,Th,F, on Wed and Sat I take 7.5 mg. I have been in range for over 2 months now, test at home every 2 weeks. I had to do 4 courses of lovenox until I was in range. When I was sick, my INR went high and at that time I was at 42.5 mg a week. Illness and medications will effect your INR. From my own experience, the trauma from surgery, all of the drugs and anesthesia, combined with healing, it took me a while to get in range. I am very sensitive to medications. I actually was getting angry with the nurses because I thought they were being stingy with the coumadin. Everyone is different, the Lovenox is no fun, but we just have to be patient until we get to the 'sweet spot' as Ross calls it.
Before I was allowed to go off warfarin, I was up to 88 mg per week and never reached my range. The way it was going, I am guessing it would have taken me about 95+ mg :eek: to be in range of 2.0 - 3.0.

Everyone is different.

Try to keep yourself occupied with the children, the house, healing...... you'll do fine with the warfarin and will reach your proper range. The less you think about it, maybe it will become easier for you. I hope so. I know it's a struggle and you are eager to get into range. You'll do fine.
To anyone who knows:

Would it be correct to say that one's 'sweet spot' is determined by their metabolism?

In other words, people with a High Metabolism require a High Dose of Coumadin and people with a Low Metabolism require a Low Dose of Coumadin?

Also, is there a Normal Distribution (mathematical definition of Normal) or is it divided more into 2 camps, Lows and Highs?

'AL Capshaw'
I stay in range with 2.5 mg, 6 days per week.

You are the only person I've seen that includes SKIPPING one day, every week, in their Dosing Schedule. I would think that practice would put a big downward spike in one's INR.

2.5 mg X 6 days = 15 mg / week

A 'smoother' dosing schedule would be 2 mg / day for 6 days and 3 mg on 1 day, every week.
My magic number has been pretty much the same since 9/05- I started out at 10mg a day, but within 6 weeks of AVR I was at 12.5 which is where I have stayed since. I don't know if if age, size, and weight affects it, but I am 49 YO and 6'-1" and go about 220 pounds these days ( I can't believe I let that one out there!).
I usually take 5mg one day 6mg the next, and that keeps me in range 3.0 to 4.0

If i test and come out at say 5.0 I only need to hold one dose as I drop very quickly,

I do not home test I go to a clinic at my local hospital once a month.

Providing I am in range that works well for me. if I need to change my dose I have to return to the clinic 5 or 7 days later for another test

You seem to be struggling with your dosage as I did after my surgery. I was forced to stay in the hospital for 11 days after my surgery because their policy was not to release a patient until their INR reached 1.7.

Well, by day 11, I was only at 1.6, and I was taking 10mg per day at that point. They agreed to let me go home provided that I continue on lovenox. It took 19 days before I was in range (2.5-3.5) with a dose of 12.5 daily.

2 months after surgery I was taking 15mg daily.
4 months after surgery I was taking 17.5mg daily.
8 months after surgery I was up to 20mg per day.

Now, 4 years later, I usually alternate between 20mg and 22.5mg daily, for a weekly total of 150mg. I have occasionally gone up to 25mg some days, but usually that's when I've been very active, so I have to tweak my dosage once in awhile to stay in range.

Just be patient and soon you will find your dose. Remember though, as soon as you think you've found it, it's just as apt to change on you! Coumadin management is a lifetime challenge!

Do I have a high or low metabolism? I dunno. Obviously, as far as coumadin goes, I metabolize very quickly...doc says I have a healthy liver. I wish I metabolized the same way when it comes to food and exercise, because I've struggled my whole life with being slightly overweight. So I guess in that aspect, its low.
Donna..... Someone I can relate to, finally.

When I left the hospital, my INR was 1.3.
Week after week, my dosage kept increasing until it reached 88 mg per week. Because I have tissue valve, my surgeon and cardio agreed I only needed ACT for 3 months post op.

When my surgeon told me to go off the warfarin at 2 1/2 months, I was still not in range and can only guess that I probably would have ultimately settled in at about 95 -100 mg per week to be in range for me.

I also was told the same about how I metabolize warfarin.
Ok, so I am not off shots yet

Ok, so I am not off shots yet

but my INR is now up to a whopping 1.9, so at least I am getting there. Glad to hear there are others out there like me with the "high"? doses. I have been instructed to now go up to 12.5 MG and test again Friday. Seems soon, but i think they are looking for the peak. My PA told me that on day 2 or 3 on a new dose you will peak, and then level off on day 4-5? So they started me on 12.5 yesterday and I test yet again on Friday. Who knows. Slowly but surely, I guess. meanwhile my husband is giving the shots, and, well, I miss my aunt! He does fine, and I am thankful he will do it, and not leave it up to me.
Anyway, I am just kind of treating this like a game now, (how high can I go)and moving on with daily life. I went from sadness and denial to anger, and now I am getting into acceptance of these shots. I am starting Cardiac Rehab tomorrow. I figure if I dont just go a head and start, I will continue to walk outside unsupervised anyway, so I may as well have some direction.
Thanks for all your input!:)