What is the lifting limit for being 12 weeks post op?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Eastern TN
I am 12 weeks post op and we are getting ready for our move to Iowa. We are moving ourselves but we have some help putting our stuff in the moving truck and will have help on the other end in Iowa. I want to help but I am not sure how much I should be lifting? Will there always be a weight limit for people who had a full sternum cut?
Thank you,
I was given 40 lbs at 6 weeks, 80 lbs at 10 weeks and no restrictions at 14 weeks. I'm 37...But I would probably check in with your cardio.
I am at 6 weeks and my doctor still has me on a 8 pound restriction. I am also 37. Am I behind or something. I knew my recovery has been a little rough but that is a huge difference.
I'm 8 weeks and I just carried my 42lbs daughter up 16 steps...think I did some damge...think I might die now. Be careful and don't be stupid like me
I was given 40 lbs at 6 weeks, 80 lbs at 10 weeks and no restrictions at 14 weeks. I'm 37...But I would probably check in with your cardio.

That does sound like a lot of weight to be carrying 6 weeks post op. I would not even think of lifting 10 pounds after 6 weeks, actually my cardio at that time said 10 pounds at 6 weeks. But I never asked about after 12 weeks.
I'm 8 weeks and I just carried my 42lbs daughter up 16 steps...think I did some damge...think I might die now. Be careful and don't be stupid like me

You better stop being naughty. You are going to end up hurting yourself.
You better stop being naughty. You are going to end up hurting yourself.

I know. That's probably why my ECHO'S are so crappy. No seriously, this is the only time I've done it and I won't be doing it again. I was desperate...my daughter fell asleep in the car (she NEVER naps for me) and I wanted to put her to bed so nothing would wake her. SO I COULD NAP!!! Didn't work though, damn! Woke up just as soon as I put her down. About killed myself for nothing. UGH!!!!!


At twelve weeks, I really didn't have any weight restrictions with regards to sternum stuff. My cardio doc indicated his preference that I not engage in any kind of regular, strenous weight lifting fitness program for about a year to avoid blowing some of the internal stitch work I had done. My surgeon was somewhat insulted over my cardio doc's lack of confidence in his work.

If you have major concerns about how much weight you can lift, you really should ask the professionals who can assess your situation and have knowledge about the work you had done. Sure, you can ask this kind of question here and folks like me can share our experience and wisdom, but how much do we really know about where you're at in the recovery process?

It's obvious from reading the posts on this forum...everyone seems to heal and recover at a different rate.

Besides, if you ask your cardio doc about how much you can lift, he blows it and you hurt yourself, he's got malpractice insurance. The best you'd get out of me if I gave you bad advice is an apology. Personally, I'd error where the money is.

Good luck with the move!

I am 12 weeks post op and we are getting ready for our move to Iowa. We are moving ourselves but we have some help putting our stuff in the moving truck and will have help on the other end in Iowa. I want to help but I am not sure how much I should be lifting? Will there always be a weight limit for people who had a full sternum cut?
Thank you,
Just be careful...let the couple of helps do most of the lifting. I would not jeopardise the good healing you have now, no matter what doctors say!! Read about my experience below!
I'm 8 weeks and I just carried my 42lbs daughter up 16 steps...think I did some damge...think I might die now. Be careful and don't be stupid like me

I know. That's probably why my ECHO'S are so crappy. No seriously, this is the only time I've done it and I won't be doing it again. I was desperate...my daughter fell asleep in the car (she NEVER naps for me) and I wanted to put her to bed so nothing would wake her. SO I COULD NAP!!! Didn't work though, damn! Woke up just as soon as I put her down. About killed myself for nothing. UGH!!!!!
Do not feel bad, Dee. You shall be fine again if you rest your heart and body enough to recuperate. Read about my experience below.

Mentioning this lifting and the move reminded me about moving a night stand by lifting it and sliding it last November; i.e, after 8 or 9 weeks from my surgery (re-arranging the guest room). I was feeling very healthy and with great energy at that time and my sternum had completely healed. Now I recognize that after that incident when I went down off a high cliff and started feeling bad for over 4 months before my energy picked up again.
I was told no more then 5 lbs up to 8 weeks. After that I'm not sure, but I would'nt try to much more then 10 lbs. How do you feel? I would'nt want to take a chance of pulling something. You'll be sitting and driving a long ways. When are you leaving? I hope you intend to keep in touch when you get settled in Iowa. Are you starting up school again when you get there? Hope and pray all goes well. I will be praying that the move runs smoothly.
Take Care,
Crystal :)
I'm with Bina hire some strong guys to help out.
You have made it this far without any problems don't encourage any. Moving is hard enought on anyone who hasn't gone through what you did. I think people would be understanding if you handled smaller/light objects or handled the packing/unpacking but not necessarily the moving of things.

Good luck on your move.

Just be careful...let the couple of helps do most of the lifting. I would not jeopardise the good healing you have now, no matter what doctors say!! Read about my experience below!

Thank you Eva, I will not jeopardize my healing, so I will not pick up any heavy stuff. It is actually kind of nice that I can sit back and let other people do the work :D
I was told no more then 5 lbs up to 8 weeks. After that I'm not sure, but I would'nt try to much more then 10 lbs. How do you feel? I would'nt want to take a chance of pulling something. You'll be sitting and driving a long ways. When are you leaving? I hope you intend to keep in touch when you get settled in Iowa. Are you starting up school again when you get there? Hope and pray all goes well. I will be praying that the move runs smoothly.
Take Care,
Crystal :)
I'm with Bina hire some strong guys to help out.

Thank you Crystal! I am feeling better, matter of fact I went to work today for the first time in 12 weeks, of course I gave them my 2 week notice today also. We are leaving June 14th for Iowa, about 8 hours from here. I will certainly keep in touch after we get there. One of the reasons we are going to Iowa is to continue my education and ministry. This is where my previous Pastor lives (my old teacher) and it will be great to help him with his church there. We already have a house on the lake and looking forward to a much more relaxed life style. Right now I work in downtown Chicago, have for 8 years, moving to Iowa will certainly be a nice culture change! Thank you for your prayers!
God bless,
You have made it this far without any problems don't encourage any. Moving is hard enought on anyone who hasn't gone through what you did. I think people would be understanding if you handled smaller/light objects or handled the packing/unpacking but not necessarily the moving of things.

Good luck on your move.


Thank you! I do not like the process of moving, I have done it so many times and I am praying this move is the last for a long time!!! I certainly don't want to injure myself, no steps backward!
I think that you are just on the edge of being the proud owner of a fully healed sternum.
Be careful....hire a couple of strong students to help out.

Bina, we are actually going to hire a couple guys to help, and on the other end we have a bunch of people at the church to help us.
Thank you everyone for the comments. I can not wait until this move is over and get into a nice, quiet, relaxing area! Fishing is going to be a daily activity!
I am 12 weeks post op and we are getting ready for our move to Iowa. We are moving ourselves but we have some help putting our stuff in the moving truck and will have help on the other end in Iowa. I want to help but I am not sure how much I should be lifting? Will there always be a weight limit for people who had a full sternum cut?
Thank you,

Ask your SURGEON for a Weight Limit Schedule.

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